The Flesh Tearers are amongst of the oldest and most dreaded of the Space Marine Chapters, a second founding chapter whose records trace back to the Blood Angels Legion. They are selfless, fearful defenders, dreaded executors, angels of death of the Imperium. Cursed amongst the cursed, the darkness that lingers in the blood of all Sanguinius sons is strongest in theirs. As millennia of war and that the curse grasp has tied its hold, the Flesh Tearers chapter now face annihilation in the desperate hope for salvation.
How This Supplement Works
This page describes a new
Detachment and a number of
Formations that can be used to represent Flesh Tearers at war. You can add them to an existing army, or use them to field a bespoke Flesh Tearers army. Units chosen from the Flesh Tearers Detachment and Formations can also make use of the
Relics and
Warlord Traits listed below.
Book | Kind | Edition | Version | Last update |
► Shield of Baal: Exterminatus | Campaign | 7 | 1.1 | January 2017 |
Issue #47 | White Dwarf | 7 | 1.0 | December 2014 |
Shield of Baal: Exterminatus
Flesh Tearers Special Rules
The following section describes a new
Detachment and a number of
Formations that can be used to represent Flesh Tearers at war. You can add them to an existing army, or use them to field a bespoke Flesh Tearers army. Units chosen from the Flesh Tearers Detachment and Formations can also make use of the
Relics and
Warlord Traits listed below.
Warlord Traits
When generating its Warlord Traits, a
Warlord chosen from one of the
Flesh Tearers Formations or the Detachment may choose to roll on the table below instead of
those found in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules or
Codex: Blood Angels.
D6 | Warlord Traits |
1 | Incandescent FuryThis Warlord exudes an aura of wrathful aggression so fierce that it is almost palpable. | Your Warlord and any model in a unit he is part of have the Hatred special rule. |
2 | Savage RageThis Warlord is never more at home than when surrounded by his enemies, rising to the challenge with belligerent fury. | Your Warlord has the Rampage special rule. |
3 | Avalanche of DestructionWhen he crashes into his foes, this Warlord does so with the fury of a landslide. | Your Warlord and any model in a unit he is part of have the Hammer of Wrath special rule. |
4 | Unstoppable MomentumIn the heat of battle, there is no stopping this Warlord as he cuts his way through one bloody melee to the next, leading his warriors with with a ferocity that borders on bloodlust. | Your Warlord and all friendly units with the Blood Angels Faction within 12" have the Crusader special rule. |
5 | Berserk FrenzyThis Warlord is ferocity incarnate, and those that follow him into battle cannot help but be caught up in the storm of fury he unleashes. | Your Warlord and any model in a unit he is part of have the Rage special rule. |
6 | Blood MadIn the, crucible of war, this Warlord ignores even the most grievous injuries in his determination to get to grips with his foes. | Your Warlord has the Feel No Pain special rule. |
Flesh Tearers Strike Force
All units (except
fortifications) must have the
Blood Angels Faction.
COMMAND BENEFITSExplosion of Bloodlust: Each time a unit from this
Detachment successfully charges an enemy unit and the number rolled for its
charge range is 10 or more (before modifiers), that unit gains the
Rage special rule for the duration of that
Assault phase. Note that the unit does not need to move the full distance rolled to gain this effect.
Lord of Cretacia: If this
Detachment is chosen as your
Primary Detachment, you can re-roll the result when rolling on the
Flesh Tearers Warlord Traits table.
Flesh Tearers Vanguard Strike Force
SPECIAL RULESLeading by Example: Whilst this Formation’s
Vanguard Veteran Squad is alive and on the battlefield, all units in this Formation ignore the penalties for
disordered charges (including the penalty described in
The Red Thirst, below) and have the
Stubborn special rule.
The Red Thirst: In a turn in which a model from this
Formation charges into combat, the model adds 1 to its Initiative characteristic until the end of the
Assault phase. A model that has made a
disordered charge that turn receives no benefit from the The Red Thirst.
Lysios Relief Force
Strike Force Razorwind
The units in this
Formation retain all of the special rules specified from their individual Formation datasheets. In addition, the following special rules apply to the Formation:
SPECIAL RULESExemplar of Defiance: All non-vehicle units from this
Formation within 12" of
Seth have the
Fearless special rule.
Reinforcements Inbound: Make
Reserve Rolls for units from this
Formation from your first turn. Make Reserve Rolls as normal for any of these units that do not arrive in your first turn.
The Defenders of the Cathedrum
Blood Rain Strike Force

Units chosen from the
Flesh Tearers Detachment and Formations can also make use of the Relics listed below.
Baelsor was a great hero of the Flesh Tearers, both when he walked as a Space Marine and then later when he had been encased in the sarcophagus of a Dreadnought. Though he ultimately fell during the Bloodiron Charge against the World Eaters, his armoured shell endured. An ancient composite of ceramite and plasteel, it was passed down to other Dreadnoughts, and most recently to Skoraen the Bloodied. |
Death Company Dreadnought,
Furioso Dreadnought or
Librarian Dreadnought only. A Dreadnought equipped with the Bones of Baelsor counts
Crew Stunned results from the
Vehicle Damage table as
Crew Shaken results instead. Furthermore,
penetrating hits caused by Tyranid
bio-plasmic cannons or
venom cannon weapons on a Dreadnought equipped with the Bones of Baelsor are treated as
glancing hits instead.
For long centuries the Apothecaries of the Flesh Tearers have tried in myriad ways to mitigate the curse that sleeps within the flesh of their battle-brothers. The Shield of Cretacia is one of these failed experiments. A suit of power armour, it incorporates a complex system of blood filters to process the battle-brother’s vital fluids, in the hope that it could slow the progress of the Red Thirst. Though this proved not to be the case, an unexpected side-effect of the armour was the protection it afforded the wearer from poison, above and beyond that of a normal Space Marine. |
Characters with access to the
Relics of Baal only. May not be chosen by models wearing
Terminator armour. The Shield of Cretacia confers a 3+
armour save. Attacks made against the bearer gain no benefit from the
Poisoned special rule.
For millennia the Flesh Tearers have defended the Imperium and its worlds, and they earned great honour and gratitude from their allies before the Chapter’s gradual decline. Slayer’s Wrath is a relic of this time, gifted to the Chapter by the Inquisitor Hyboran of the Ordo Xenos, for aiding her in crushing the Xorln Infestation. Crafted by some unknown master artisan of the Imperium, the boltgun has minute inner workings that create frozen rounds impregnated with a mix of rare and deadly poisons. |
Characters with access to the
Relics of Baal only. The Slayer’s Wrath replaces a model’s
bolt pistol or