This section details army special rules including
Khorne Daemonkin Special Rules,
Tactical Objectives,
Warlord Traits and
Wing Leaders.
Khorne Daemonkin Special Rules
Daemon of Khorne
The savagery of these ferocious warriors can sweep aside any foe. |
Daemons of Khorne have the
Furious Charge and
Hatred (
Daemons of Slaanesh) special rules.
Chariots with this rule resolve their
Hammer of Wrath hits at Strength 7.
Levels of Alliance
Models with the Khorne Daemonkin Faction have the following
levels of alliance with other units from different
Factions in the same army:
Mark of Khorne
Those who bear the Mark of Khorne know only frenzied bloodlust. |
Models with the Mark of Khorne have the
Rage and
Counter-attack special rules.
Skulls for the Skull Throne!
Khorne respects only the strong and boundlessly murderous. |
A model with the Skulls for the Skull Throne! special rule must always issue and accept a
challenge whenever possible. If you have several models with this special rule in a combat, you can select which model issues or accepts the challenge.
Blood for the Blood God!
As the Daemonkin shed blood they draw Khorne’s burning gaze; whether the sacrifice is theirs or their foes’ matters not. |
A Khorne Daemonkin army generates Blood Tithe points during the course of each battle; the
controlling player must keep a record of how many points his army accrues. A Blood Tithe point is generated each time one of the following events occurs during the game (this may mean that you earn multiple Blood Tithe points simultaneously):
- A unit containing at least one model with the Blood for the Blood God! special rule is completely destroyed, or destroys an enemy unit.
- A character with the Blood for the Blood God! special rule is slain, or slays an enemy character in a challenge.
The maximum number of Blood Tithe points an army can have at any one time is 8; any additional points generated are lost. The controlling player can choose to expend Blood Tithe points at the start of any of his turns. To do so, pick one reward on the
Blood Tithe table below that has a value equal to or less than your number of Blood Tithe points. When one or more Blood Tithe points are expended, any remaining points are lost, though more points can be generated later in the game as normal.
Blood Tithe Table
Points Expended | Reward | 1 | Infernal Contempt: The Blood God’s hatred of witchcraft is legendary, his fury anathema to those who rely upon the power of the Warp to slay their foes. All friendly units with the Blood for the Blood God! special rule have the Adamantium Will special rule until the start of your next turn. | 2 | Insatiable Bloodlust: Fuelled by the spilling of so much blood, an irresistible urge to perform ever greater acts of violence washes across Khorne’s servants. All friendly units with the Blood for the Blood God! special rule have the Furious Charge and Rage special rules until the start of your next turn. | 3 | Unstoppable Ferocity: Crimson mist roils around Khorne’s disciples, its burning touch filling them with a furnace of fury that drives them on through the most grievous wounds. All friendly units with the Blood for the Blood God! special rule have the Feel No Pain special rule until the start of your next turn. | 4 | Apocalyptic Fury: As the bloodshed increases, Khorne’s minions are filled with a measure of their master’s wrath. All friendly units with the Blood for the Blood God! special rule add 1 to their Attacks characteristic until the start of your next turn. | 5 | Daemontide: Drawn forth from the Warp by the carnage, a warband of Khorne’s Daemons tears through the veil and into the mortal plane, eager to spill blood. A unit consisting of either 8 Bloodletters or 5 Flesh Hounds (controlling player’s choice) is summoned (see below) within 12" of any friendly unit with the Blood for the Blood God! special rule. | 6 | Harbingers of Blood and Brass: Brazen horns echo across the field, their warped howl heralding a thunderous charge as Khorne’s daemonic cavalry crash through the veil to join the slaughter. A unit of consisting of either 3 Bloodcrushers or a Skull Cannon (controlling player’s choice) is summoned (see below) within 12" of any friendly unit with the Blood for the Blood God! special rule. | 7 | Dark Apotheosis: Khorne is greatly pleased by the destruction wrought in his name, and rewards one of his favoured champions with immortality. Choose one friendly character with the Blood for the Blood God! special rule who does not have the Daemon of Khorne special rule on the board. That character must immediately take a Leadership test. If the test is failed, a Chaos Spawn is summoned (see below) within 6" of that character. If the test is passed, a Daemon Prince equipped with Warp-forged armour (and Daemonic Flight if the model being used to represent it has wings) is summoned within 6" of that character. In either case, the chosen character is removed as a casualty. If the chosen character was your Warlord, your opponent does not earn the Slay the Warlord Secondary Objective until the newly summoned model is removed as a casualty. Furthermore, the Daemon Prince will retain any Warlord Trait and Artefacts of Slaughter your Warlord had (ignoring the usual restrictions on these items). | 8 | Fury Unbound: One of Khorne’s mightiest Daemons is drawn to the slaughter, pouring its vast power into a mortal vessel before bursting forth in a hideous explosion of gore. Choose one friendly character with the Blood for the Blood God! special rule who does not have the Daemon of Khorne special rule on the board. That character must immediately take a Leadership test. If the test is failed, that model is immediately removed as a casualty. If the test is passed, a Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury is summoned (see below) within 6" of that character, and then the chosen character is removed as a casualty. If the chosen character was your Warlord and passed its Leadership test, your opponent does not earn the Slay the Warlord Secondary Objective until the newly summoned model is removed as a casualty. Furthermore, the Bloodthirster will retain any Warlord Trait your Warlord had. |
Designer’s Note |
When a rule indicates that a unit is summoned, a new unit under your control immediately arrives via Deep Strike within range of the specified unit(s) on the board. If the unit’s Army List Entry has the option to take a banner of blood, an instrument of Chaos and/or the option to upgrade one model to a character, you may take any of these options for free provided you have the appropriate model available. Unless stated otherwise, a summoned unit cannot take any further upgrades or options. If you do not have enough models to place the entire unit on the board, place as many as you can – any excess are considered destroyed. |
Special Rules
Meteoric Descent
Like daemonic birds of prey, Heldrakes dive down to slam talons-first into their prey. Aircraft are ripped open and flung broken from the skies. Battle tanks are sent bouncing and rolling by the sudden impact of the Heldrake’s claws. Infantry are shredded in geysers of blood, or borne aloft and dropped screaming to their deaths far below. When the shadow of the Heldrake falls across them, the Daemon Engines’ prey are surely doomed. |
Heldrakes have the
Vector Strike special rule. Furthermore, hits caused by a Heldrake’s Vector Strike are resolved at Strength 7.
Blood Feast
Keep a count of all unsaved Wounds caused by the bearer’s Melee attacks. At the start of each of your turns, consult the table below to see what effects
Goredrinker will have on its bearer. These effects are cumulative.
Wounds | Effect | 0 | No effect. | 1-2 | Add 1 to the bearer's Strength characteristic. | 3-4 | The bearer gains the Rampage special rule. | 5-7 | Double the bearer's Strength characteristic. | 8+ | The bearer's Melee attacks gain the Instant Death special rule. |
Bloodletter Crew
In the
Assault phase, this model makes 2 additional Strength 4 AP3 attacks resolved at Weapon Skill 5. These attacks are made at the Initiative 4 step (this can grant an extra
Pile In move). On a turn in which this model charged, the Strength of these attacks is increased to 5.
Caged Fury
If the bearer of the Axe of Ruin is reduced to 0 Wounds or is otherwise removed as a casualty, a
Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury is summoned (see the
Blood Tithe table) within 6” of that
character before he is removed as a casualty. At the end of each of the
controlling player’s remaining turns, the Bloodthirster automatically loses D3 Wounds.
Invulnerable saves are allowed against these Wounds as normal; other saves are not.
A model with this weapon
Piles In and fights at
Initiative step 1.
Each time a
Helbrute takes a
glancing or
penetrating hit but isn’t destroyed, place a crazed marker by the model. At the start of each of your
Movement phases, roll a D3 on the table below if the Helbrute has one or more crazed markers next to it. After rolling, remove all crazed markers from the Helbrute.
D3 | Result | 1 | Fire Frenzy: The Helbrute is Immobilised until the end of your turn. If unengaged, it fires all of its weapons twice this Shooting phase. If possible, the target must be a unit that caused one or more glancing or penetrating hits on the Helbrute in the previous turn; if not, the target must be the nearest visible enemy. | 2 | Rising Fury: The Helbrute immediately recovers from Crew Stunned and Crew Shaken results. It has the Rage special rule until the end of the turn. | 3 | Blood Rage: The Helbrute immediately recovers from any Crew Stunned and Crew Shaken results. It has the Fleet and Rage special rules until the end of the turn. If, during this turn’s Shooting phase, the Helbrute is not within maximum charge range of any enemy units, it must Run as far as possible towards an enemy unit. If this is not possible for any reason, it may fire its weapons as normal. |
Daemon Engines are driven by the baleful fires of rage. In extremis, they can stoke those flames into a roaring inferno, though to do so risks tearing their iron shell asunder. |
Once per game, at the start of any
Shooting or
Assault phase, or the
Attack sub-phase of a
Dogfight phase, the Daemonforge may be activated. For the rest of the phase or sub-phase, the model may re-roll all failed
To Wound rolls and all failed
armour penetration rolls. At the end of the phase or sub-phase in which the Daemonforge is used, roll a D6. If the result is a 1, the model loses a Hull Point with no saves of any kind allowed.
Daemonic Resilience
vehicle with this special rule ignores
Crew Shaken and
Crew Stunned results on a 2+ (but still loses a Hull Point).
Decapitating Blow
To Wound rolls of 6 made with this weapon have the
Instant Death special rule.
Deluge of Gore
At the end of any
Assault phase in which the bearer inflicted one or more casualties, the
controlling player generates one
Blood Tithe point in addition to any others he generated during that Assault phase.
Place a marker next to each unit that takes one or more hits from this weapon. Any friendly unit with the
Khorne Daemonkin Faction that charges a unit so marked does not suffer the Initiative penalty when
charging through difficult terrain. Remove any Dreadskulls markers at the end of the
Assault phase.
If one or more enemy models are in base contact with a model with a Flail weapon at the beginning of the
Fight sub-phase, roll a D3 and subtract the result from the Weapon Skill of those models (to a minimum of 1) for the duration of that phase.
saving throws against this weapon must be re-rolled.
Whenever this model’s
Hammer of Wrath hits cause one or more unsaved Wounds in a single phase, roll a D6 – on a score of 4+, the Blood Throne regains a single Hull Point lost earlier in the battle.
Meteoric Descent
Heldrake has the
Vector Strike special rule. Furthermore, hits caused by a Heldrake’s Vector Strike are resolved at Strength 7.
Mutated Beyond Reason
At the beginning of each
Fight sub-phase, before rolling for their
Random Attacks, roll a D3 on the table below for each friendly
Chaos Spawn unit that is
locked in combat. The mutation affects every Chaos Spawn model in the unit and lasts for the rest of the turn.
D3 | Mutation | 1 | Subcutaneous Armour: The Chaos Spawn have an Armour Save of 4+. | 2 | Grasping Pseudopods: The Chaos Spawn unit rolls two D6 and picks the highest for their Random Attacks. | 3 | Toxic Haemorrhage: The Chaos Spawn’s Attacks have the Poisoned (4+) special rule. |
Random Attacks
At the beginning of each
Fight sub-phase, roll a D6 for each friendly
Chaos Spawn unit that is
locked in combat. The result is the number of Attacks (before modifiers) that all Chaos Spawn in that unit have this turn.
If a
Chaos Rhino is
Immobilised, then in subsequent turns it may attempt to repair itself instead of shooting. To make the attempt, roll a D6 in the
Shooting phase; on the roll of a 6, the
vehicle is no longer Immobilised. Note that a successful repair does not restore a Hull Point.
Siege Crawler
Maulerfiends can move up to 12" in the
Movement phase and are not slowed by
difficult terrain (even when charging). In addition, in close combat, Maulerfiends add 1 to
armour penetration rolls against
Totem of the Chosen Legion
Units with the Khorne Daemonkin Faction within 6" of this model benefit from the Herald’s
locus, exactly as if they were part of the same unit.
Vessels of Chaos
At the beginning of each
Fight sub-phase, roll a D3 on the table below for each friendly
Possessed unit that is
locked in combat. The mutation affects every Possessed model in the unit and lasts for the rest of the game turn.
D3 | Result | 1 | Strength of the Damned: The Possessed re-roll all failed To Wound rolls. | 2 | Vorpal Claws: The Possessed’s Melee weapons are AP3. | 3 | Supernatural Speed: The Possessed gain +1 Attack and +1 Initiative. |
Warpflame Strike
Immediately after a unit of
Warp Talons has arrived from
Deep Strike Reserve, all enemy units within 6" count as having been hit by a weapon with the
Blind special rule.
Fuelled by Rage
For every Hull Point the
Lord of Skulls has lost, it gains an additional Attack, even if that Hull Point is later regained (keep a note of Hull Points lost). Note that its Attacks characteristic cannot exceed 10.
Tracked Behemoth
Lord of Skulls can
Tank Shock or
Ram using the
Thunderblitz table, in the same manner as a
Super-heavy vehicle, but it may not
Aerial Strike

Heldrakes tear at their airborne opponents with talon and fang, ripping planes apart like hapless prey. |
In a
Dogfight, a
Heldrake which is tailing an opponent at a range of up to 12" in the
Attack sub-phase can make an Aerial Strike in addition to its other attacks. The Aerial Strike inicts a Strength 7 AP2 hit.
Tactical Objectives
D6 | Result | 11 | Khorne Cares Not | 12 | Altar of Gore | 13 | Blood and Skulls for Khorne | 14 | Unfettered Butchery | 15 | Murder Call | 16 | The Great Game |
Codex: Khorne Daemonkin describes six Tactical Objectives to use in your games that are exclusive to Daemonkin players and help to reflect their uncompromisingly violent and bloodthirsty method of war.
If your
Warlord is has the Khorne Daemonkin Faction, these Tactical Objectives replace the
Capture & Control Tactical Objectives (numbers 11-16).
If a Warhammer 40,000 mission has the
Tactical Objectives special rule, players use the normal rules for using Tactical Objectives with the following exception: when a Khorne Daemonkin player
generates a
Capture & Control objective (numbers 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16), the Khorne Daemonkin player instead generates the corresponding Khorne Daemonkin Tactical Objective, as shown in the table (right). Other Tactical Objectives (numbers 21-66) are generated normally.
Friend or foe, crazed follower or craven unbeliever, the Lord of Rage cares only that they bleed.
Score 1
Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least one unit (friend or foe) was completely destroyed during yout turn. If 3-5 units (friend or foe) were completely destroyed, score D3 Victory Points instead. If 6 or more units (friend or foe) were completely destroyed, score D3+3 Victory Points instead.
Lesser forces might look to seize strategic locations; true warriors seek only to daub them in blood and bury them in the corpses of the unworthy.
Score 1
Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least one enemy unit that was controlling an
Objective Marker at the start of your turn was completely destroyed. If, additionally, one of your units is controlling that Objective Marker at the end of your turn, score D3 Victory Points instead.
Only the skulls of the greatest champions are worthy of a place beneath Khorne’s mighty throne.
Score 1
Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least one enemy
character was killed in a
challenge during your turn. If at least one enemy with the
Independent Character special rule was killed in a challenge during your turn, score D3 Victory Points instead.
To spill the blood of the enemy whilst roaring in rage is to sing the praise of Khorne.
Score 1
Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least one enemy unit was completely destroyed during the
Assault phase of your turn.
The veil between reality and the Immaterium is sundered by the death screams of Khorne’s foes.
Cowards and those who dabble with Warp-magic are the most contemptible foes, deserving of only an agonising death.
Designer’s Note |
If you own a deck of Chaos Daemons Tactical Objective Cards, you can generate your Tactical Objectives by shuffling the deck and drawing the top card instead of rolling a D66. These should be kept face up, so your opponent can see which Tactical Objectives you have generated, unless the mission you are playing instructs you otherwise. |
Warlord Traits
When generating Warlord traits for a
Warlord with the
Khorne Daemonkin Faction, you can either roll on one of the
Warlord Traits tables in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules or roll on the table below.
D6 | Warlord Traits |
1 | Icon of WarThis Warlord leads from the very front, his warriors borne along in his bloody wake. | Your Warlord and all friendly units with the Blood for the Blood God! special rule within 12" of him re-roll failed charge rolls. |
2 | Disciple of KhorneThis Warlord’s howls of fury are infectious, whipping his men into a frenzy. | Your Warlord has the Zealot special rule. |
3 | Arch-slaughtererThis Warlord is a whirlwind of carnage, hacking and hewing with every stroke. | Add 1 to your Warlord’s Attacks characteristic. |
4 | Favoured of KhorneSo brutal is this Warlord that the Blood God favours him above all others – for now. | Your Warlord generates one additional Blood Tithe point each time he slays an enemy character in a challenge. |
5 | Butcher KingThis Warlord has a butcher’s mastery of anatomy, knowing just where to strike. | Your Warlord has the Preferred Enemy special rule. |
6 | Destined for GloryKhorne has long observed this Warlord’s bloody deeds, and will reward him accordingly when the time is right. | When resolving the Dark Apotheosis or Fury Unbound results on the Blood Tithe table, your Warlord will automatically pass the Leadership test if chosen as the character. |
Wing Leaders
Heldrake Wing Leaders
What remains of the once-human Heldrake pilots are but screaming meatscraps in the heart of an iron beast. Instead, it is the Daemons bound within the Heldrakes that determine hierarchy, with the most powerful taking the role of anointed. |
Faction: Chaos Space Marines or
Khorne Daemonkin.