The name of the Thousand Sons was taken from the initial series of genetic imprints taken from the tissue of their Primarch, Magnus the Red. Magnus’ soul had already been touched by Chaos, and Tzeentch insinuated into him a fascination with the Warp and the occult forces that lie within its fabric. From his imprint, a thousand Space Marines were created – the Thousand Sons of Magnus. An entire Legion of many thousands of Space Marines were subsequently raised to take part in the Great Crusade, but the Legion always kept the title of the Thousand Sons.
How This Supplement WorksOn this page you will find special rules unique to armies from the Thousand Sons that reflect their tactics on the battlefield. You will also find Warlord Traits, Chaos Artefacts and Tactical Objectives that you can use when fielding your Thousand Sons army in games of Warhammer 40,000, and a Detachment – the Grand Coven.
Altar of War: Thousand Sons Missions
FAQWar Zone Fenris: Wrath of Magnus
Thousand Sons Special RulesAny Detachment with the Chaos Space Marines Faction can be from the Thousand Sons. A Thousand Sons Detachment retains the Chaos Space Marines Faction and is treated in all ways as a Chaos Space Marines Detachment, with the following modifications:
Blessing of TzeentchIf a unit with the Veterans of the Long War special rule is affected by a blessing, their invulnerable save is improved by 1 until the start of your next Psychic phase.Blood FeudAll units with the Veterans of the Long War special rule re-roll failed To Hit rolls in every round of close combat when attacking Space Wolves units. However, all Space Wolves units have the Hatred (Thousand Sons) special rule.Legacy of the RubricaeUnits of Rubric Marines are Troops choices instead of Elites choices.Special RulesBane of WisdomAgainst non-vehicle targets, the Strength value of the Seer’s Bane is equal to the bearer’s Leadership characteristic, and all To Wound rolls are made against the target’s Leadership characteristic instead of their Toughness. However, use the target’s Toughness values as normal for determining whether or not the Seer’s Bane inflicts Instant Death.Repelling SweepEnemy units attempting to charge the bearer or his unit must subtract 2 from their charge roll.Tactical Objectives
Below are six Tactical Objectives to use in your games of Warhammer 40,000 that are exclusive to Thousand Sons players, and help to reflect their psychic might and esoteric methods of waging war. If your Warlord is from a Thousand Sons Detachment or Formation, you may replace the Capture & Control Tactical Objectives (numbers 11-16) described in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules with the tactical objectives below.If a Warhammer 40,000 mission has the Tactical Objectives special rule, players use the normal rules for using Tactical Objectives with the following exception: when a Thousand Sons player using these tactical objectives generates a Capture & Control objective (numbers 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16), they instead generate the corresponding Thousand Sons Tactical Objective, as shown in the table below. Other Tactical Objectives (numbers 21-66) are generated normally. RITUAL SLAUGHTER The letting of blood is a powerful ingredient of fell rituals – spill it to Tzeentch’s liking, and reap the rewards. 11 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if you killed at least 9 enemy models during your turn. Type: THOUSAND SONS PSYCHIC SUPREMACY The sons of Prospero have long been masters of the Empyrean – those who rival their supremacy must have their works undone. 12 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your opponent’s turn if you made a successful Deny the Witch test to nullify an enemy psychic power earlier during their turn. Type: THOUSAND SONS VENGEANCE LONG AWAITED The Thousand Sons have waited for millennia to avenge the wrongs of the Horus Heresy – now that reckoning is at hand. 13 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if you completely destroyed at least one enemy unit belonging to a Faction which is part of the Armies of the Imperium during your turn. Type: THOUSAND SONS ARCANE RITE The land itself contains great power – for this geomantic rite to be complete, the battlefield must belong to the Thousand Sons. 14 Score D3 Victory Points at the end of your turn if you control at least one Objective Marker and your opponent controls none at the end of your turn. Type: THOUSAND SONS THE WRATH OF MAGNUS It is not enough to merely slay the foe – he must be overcome in mind, body and spirit for Magnus’ work to be complete. 15 Score D3 Victory Points at the end of your turn if you completely destroyed an enemy unit in the Psychic phase of your turn. Type: THOUSAND SONS POWER OF THE CABAL To muster even a fragment of the Legion’s former splendour is to show the power of Prospero reborn. Woe to those nearby! 16 Score D3 Victory Points at the end of your turn if you successfully manifested three psychic powers of different types (e.g. blessing, beam and nova). Score D3+3 Victory Points instead if you successfully manifest six psychic powers of different types during your turn. Type: THOUSAND SONS Warlord TraitsWhen generating his Warlord Traits, a Warlord from a Thousand Sons Detachment may choose to roll on the table below instead of those found in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules or Codex: Chaos Space Marines
DetachmentsThousand Sons Grand CovenThe Grand Coven allows you to represent the typical structure of a Thousand Sons army on the battlefield. Whether you wish to bring death and destruction with the full might of a Chaos invasion force, or field an elite warband tasked with some dark purpose, the choices below offer a great way to pick your army. The Grand Coven is a special type of Detachment that can be included in any Battle-forged army. Unlike the Detachments shown in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules, it has a Force Organisation Chart whose slots are a combination of specific Formations and Army List Entries instead of Battlefield Roles. However, it still has compulsory and optional elements, as well as Restrictions and Command Benefits, just like any other Detachment.Although units cannot normally belong to more than one Detachment, units from a Formation that is part of a Grand Coven are an exception. They count as part of both their Formation and the Detachment, and have all associated Command Benefits and special rules. If your Warlord is part of a Formation or an Army List Entry that makes up part of a Grand Coven, that entire Grand Coven is your Primary Detachment. ![]() Command
0-4 ![]() Core
1+ ![]() Auxiliary
This Detachment must include at least one Core choice and one Auxiliary choice. It may include up to four Command choices and any number of additional Core or Auxiliary choices, in any combination. Only the datasheets listed here can be included in this Detachment. COMMAND BENEFITS Lord of Fallen Prospero: If this Detachment is your Primary Detachment, you can re-roll the result when rolling on the Thousand Sons Warlord Traits table. FormationsAhriman’s ExilesSPECIAL RULES
Cabal of the Rubric: Ahriman, and models from this Formation that are within 18" of him, harness Warp Charge points on a result of 3+ when attempting to manifest psychic powers. Rehati War Sect![]() • 3-9 units chosen from the following: - Daemon Prince - Exalted Sorcerer This is a Thousand Sons Detachment. All Daemon Princes and Exalted Sorcerers in the Formation must be upgraded to Psyker (Mastery Level 3). ![]() SPECIAL RULES
Court of the Crimson King: Whilst they are within 18" of Magnus the Red, Daemon Princes and Exalted Sorcerers from a Rehati War Sect harness Warp Charge points on a result of 3+ when attempting to manifest psychic powers, and they have line of sight to every unit on the battlefield when determining the targets of their psychic powers. Sekhmet Conclave![]() - Magnus the Red - Ahriman - Daemon Prince - Exalted Sorcerer - Sorcerer • 3-9 units of Scarab Occult Terminators This is a Thousand Sons Detachment. ![]() SPECIAL RULES
• Fear Tzaangor Warherd![]() • 3 units of Tzaangors • 0-6 units chosen from the following: - Tzaangors - Chaos Spawn This is a Thousand Sons Detachment. ![]() SPECIAL RULES
• Fleet War Cabal![]() - Ahriman - Daemon Prince - Exalted Sorcerer • 1-3 units chosen from the following: - Exalted Sorcerer - Sorcerer • 1-3 units of Rubric Marines • 1-3 units of Scarab Occult Terminators This is a Thousand Sons Detachment. ![]() SPECIAL RULES
Favoured of Tzeentch: If a War Cabal contains the maximum number of units, then all units from the Formation can re-roll any failed saving throws of 1. War Coven![]() - Daemon Prince - Exalted Sorcerer - Sorcerer • 3-9 units chosen from the following: - Exalted Sorcerer - Sorcerer This is a Thousand Sons Detachment. ![]() SPECIAL RULES
Favoured of Tzeentch: If a War Coven contains the maximum number of units, then all units from the Formation can re-roll any failed saving throws of 1.
The artefacts of the Thousand Sons are items of incredible rarity, bestowing great power upon the Sorcerers that carry them. Only one of each of the following items may be chosen per army, and only one may be chosen per model.
Altar of War: Thousand Sons Missions
If either you or your opponent wish to use an Altar of War mission, roll-off at the start of The Mission step of Preparing for Battle in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules. The winner of the roll-off can either choose to roll on the Eternal War or Maelstrom of War mission tables, or agree with their opponent to select an Altar of War mission from this page that they wish to fight. Picking missions is a great way to try out a particular mission you haven’t fought before or to hone your skills at missions you have fought previously. ![]() 1-2
Fury of the StormThe intrinsic psychic talents of the Thousand Sons enable them to bring about a world’s apocalypse by channelling the destructive potency of a Warp storm through arcane rituals – a risky but incredibly deadly practice for which the Thousand Sons are rightly feared even above and beyond the other Traitor Legions.
![]() Choose armies as described in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules. The Thousand Sons Warlord must have the Chaos Space Marines Faction and either the Mark of Tzeentch or the Daemon of Tzeentch special rule. THE BATTLEFIELD Set up terrain using the deployment map included in this mission. The centre point of the battlefield represents a ritual site (see map). DEPLOYMENT The Thousand Sons player deploys first, setting up all of their models that are not being held in Reserve within 9" of the centre of the battlefield. Their opponent deploys second, setting up all their units not held in Reserve anywhere in their deployment zone (see map). FIRST TURN The Thousand Sons player has the first turn. GAME LENGTH The mission uses Variable Game Length. VICTORY CONDITIONS At the end of the game, the Thousand Sons player wins if they still have at least one Psyker, or unit with the Brotherhood of Psykers/Sorcerers special rule, on the battlefield. Any other result is a victory for their opponent. Night Fighting, Reserves. ![]() 3-4
Timeless VengeanceIn the Eye of Terror, time holds no sway. Yet of all the Traitor Legions that fled there in the wake of the Horus Heresy, it is the Thousand Sons that have best learned to patiently wait until the exact moment when their plan reaches fruition, when their vengeance will take the greatest toll on those they blame for their long exile.
![]() Choose armies as described in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules. The Thousand Sons Warlord must have the Chaos Space Marines Faction and either the Mark of Tzeentch or the Daemon of Tzeentch special rule. THE BATTLEFIELD Set up terrain using the deployment map included in this mission. DEPLOYMENT The enemy player deploys first, setting up any units not being held in Reserve anywhere within their deployment zone (see map). The Thousand Sons player does not set up any units at this point; their units arrive later in the game (see Mission Special Rules). FIRST TURN The Thousand Sons player has the first turn. GAME LENGTH The mission uses Variable Game Length. VICTORY CONDITIONS At the end of the game, the Thousand Sons player wins if they have completely destroyed all their opponent’s forces. If there are any models belonging to their opponent remaining, including those in units that are Falling Back, the enemy player wins. Units that are not on the battlefield at the end of the game count as destroyed for the purposes of this mission. Night Fighting, Reserves. ![]() 5-6
The Quest for KnowledgeFrom the earliest days of the Great Crusade, the Thousand Sons have craved improved understanding of all things arcane, regardless of its source. Indeed, it was this endless thirst for knowledge that led to their damnation, yet to this day they continue their search to unlock the mysteries of the Warp and become its masters.
![]() Choose armies as described in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules. The Thousand Sons Warlord must have the Chaos Space Marines Faction and either the Mark of Tzeentch or the Daemon of Tzeentch special rule. THE BATTLEFIELD Set up terrain using the deployment map included in this mission. Objective Markers After terrain has been set up, but before determining table halves, the players must place 6 Objective Markers that are individually numbered 1 through 6 on the battlefield, using the rules for Placing Objective Markers as described in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules. DEPLOYMENT Players must deploy using the Standard Deployment Method. FIRST TURN The player that set up first can choose to take the first or second turn. If they decide to take the first turn, their opponent can attempt to Seize the Initiative. Tactical Objectives Each player generates 3 Tactical Objectives at the start of their first turn. GAME LENGTH The mission uses Variable Game Length. VICTORY CONDITIONS At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory Points is the winner. If both players have scored the same number of Victory Points, the game is a draw. Primary Objectives Achieve as many Tactical Objectives as possible. If, at the start of a player’s turn, they have fewer than 3 Active Tactical Objectives, they must generate a number of new Tactical Objectives until they have 3. Secondary Objectives First Blood, Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord. Mysterious Objectives, Night Fighting, Reserves, Tactical Objectives. |
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