This section details army special rules including Inquisition Special Rules, Tactical Objectives and Warlord Traits.
Inquisition Special RulesAlliesUnits from the Inquisition army list are part of the Armies of the Imperium and ally as such as described in the Allies section of Warhammer 40,000: The Rules.Special RulesDaemonbaneAny model with the Daemon or Psyker special rule that suffers one or more unsaved Wounds from a weapon with this special rule must take a Leadership test at the end of the Assault phase. If the test is passed, nothing happens. If the test is failed, the model is removed as a casualty.Daemonic PowersEvery Daemonblade has two daemonic powers randomly generated from the following list before the army is deployed. If the same result is rolled twice, you can choose the Daemonblade’s second daemonic power.
MindlockIf a unit containing Servitors does not also include an Inquisitor (including Inquisitor Coteaz and Inquisitor Karamazov), it must test for Mindlock at the start of each friendly turn. To test for Mindlock, roll a D6. If the result is a 1, 2 or 3, the Servitors have succumbed to Mindlock – the unit (including any characters) may not move (though they may fall back), shoot or assault that turn (though they will fight normally in close combat if already engaged).OrbitalIf an arrow is rolled on the scatter dice, an orbital bombardment always scatters the full 2D6" – the Warlord’s Ballistic Skill makes no difference.Psi-shockIf a unit containing at least one model with the Psyker, Brotherhood of Psykers/Sorcerers or Psychic Pilot special rules is hit by a weapon with the Psi-shock special rule, one randomly determined Psyker model in that unit suffers Perils of the Warp in addition to any other damage.Psi-shockAny Psyker that takes an unsaved Wound from a stake crossbow shot suffers the Perils of the Warp in addition to any other effects.WitchbaneAny unsaved Wounds inflicted on a model with the Psyker or Brotherhood of Psykers/Sorcerers special rule by a null rod have the Instant Death special rule. Furthermore, the bearer (and their squad) cannot be targeted by psychic powers (friendly or enemy).AmphibiousA Chimera treats all water features as open terrain when it moves.By Any Means NecessaryWhen Inquisitor Karamazov’s orbital strike relay is used, you can choose to place the blast marker so its centre is over a friendly model, rather than an enemy – even if that friendly model is in combat. If you do so, the shot does not scatter. All models under the template are hit as normal.Daemonic PowerRoll a D6 at the start of each friendly turn for each unit that contains one or more Daemonhosts to determine which ability all the Daemonhosts in that unit manifest this turn. Unless otherwise stated, each manifestation lasts until the start of your next turn.
Dread ReputationInquisitor Karamazov can always choose to pass or fail Morale and Pinning tests as he wishes. Friendly units within 12" of Inquisitor Karamazov re-roll all failed Morale and Pinning tests.Grav Chute InsertionIf a Valkyrie has moved more than 6", passengers may still disembark, but they must do so as follows. Nominate any point over which the Valkyrie moved that turn and deploy the unit as if it were deep striking onto that point. If the unit scatters, every model must immediately take a Dangerous Terrain test. If any of the models cannot be deployed, the unit is destroyed.I’ve Been Expecting YouIf an enemy unit arrives from reserves within 12" of Coteaz and within his line of sight, Coteaz and his unit can immediately make an out-of-sequence shooting attack against it. There is no limit on how many times the ability can be used in a turn.Inconceivable CustomisationWhen a unit containing one or more Jokaero is deployed, roll a D6 on the following chart. Each time you roll, add 1 to the result for each Jokaero in the unit beyond the first. All results apply for the duration of the game.
Jokaero IngenuityA Jokaero can have his digital weapons fire as one of the following weapons: lascannon, multi-melta or heavy flamer. Choose which when the weapon is fired. All Jokaero in the same unit must choose the same weapon.Psychic BeaconFriendly units do not scatter when they Deep Strike, so long as the first model placed is within 6" of a model with this special rule. This model must have been on the battlefield at the start of the turn in order for this special rule to be used.RepairIf a Rhino is Immobilised, then in subsequent turns it can attempt to repair itself instead of shooting. To make the attempt, roll a D6 in the Shooting phase; on the roll of a 6, the vehicle is no longer Immobilised. Note that a successful Repair does not restore a Hull Point.Spy NetworkCoteaz allows you to re-roll the dice to Seize the Initiative, or force your opponent to re-roll his.Throne of JudgementInquisitor Karamazov cannot embark upon vehicles or buildings.Warp ShieldA Daemonhost has a 5+ invulnerable save.Uncanny ReflexesA Death Cult Assassins have a 5+ invulnerable save.War HymnsA model with this special rule can take a Leadership test at the beginning of each Fight sub-phase in which he is locked in combat. If the test is successful, choose one of the following war hymns to immediately take effect.Indomitable Will
When making a Deny the Witch test, Inquisitor Greyfax always counts as having a higher Mastery Level than the Psyker manifesting the power.
Lasgun Arrays
A Chimera has two separate arrays of three lasguns – one array located above each side of its hull. Up to six models in the embarked unit (a maximum of three per array) may fire one lasgun each from these lasgun arrays, provided those models are not using the Chimera’s Fire Points this turn. To represent the unusual nature of these weapons, use the Chimera’s Ballistic Skill for these shots – the lasgun arrays can shoot at this Ballistic Skill regardless of how far the Chimera has moved. If the Chimera has suffered a Crew Stunned or Crew Shaken result, the lasgun arrays can only make Snap Shots. Lastly, each array may shoot at a different target to the Chimera’s other weaponry, though all lasguns in the same array must shoot at the same target.
Lord of Formosa
If a Detachment includes Inquisitor Coteaz, all non-vehicle units in the same Detachment have the Objective Secured special rule. A unit with this special rule controls objectives even if an enemy scoring unit is within range of the objective marker, unless the enemy unit also has the Objective Secured special rule.
Tactical Objectives![]()
This page describes six Tactical Objectives for Inquisition players to use in their games of Warhammer 40,000. These represent the ruthless approach adopted by the Inquisition and their absolute authority over the Imperium’s institutions. If your Warlord is from the Armies of the Imperium and your army includes an Inquisitor (including any unique Inquisitors such as Inquisitor Greyfax), you can choose to use these Tactical Objectives, replacing the Take & Hold Tactical Objectives (numbers 21-26) described in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules.If a Warhammer 40,000 mission has the Tactical Objectives special rule, players use the normal rules for using Tactical Objectives with the following exception: when a player using these Tactical Objectives generates a Take & Hold objective (numbers 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 or 26), they instead generate the corresponding Inquisition Tactical Objective, as shown in the table below. Other Tactical Objectives (numbers 11-16, if not using Faction-specific Tactical Objectives, and 31-66) are generated normally. ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY All Imperial military assets are the Inquisition’s to command. Wield them without hesitation to crush Mankind’s enemies and fulfil your goals. 21 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least one enemy unit was completely destroyed during your turn by a friendly unit from the Armies of the Imperium that does not have the Inquisition Faction. Type: INQUISITION ACQUISITION OF KNOWLEDGE Knowledge is the key to victory, and the Inquisition demands that you secure it. 22 When this Tactical Objective is generated, your opponent must choose an Objective Marker. Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if you control the chosen Objective Marker. Score 2 Victory Points instead if you control the chosen Objective Marker on the same turn that you generate this Tactical Objective. Type: INQUISITION ERADICATE CORRUPTION The source of this world’s corruption has been discovered. Eradicate it at once. 23 When this Tactical Objective is generated, your opponent must nominate one of their units. Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if the chosen unit has been completely destroyed during your turn. Score 2 Victory Points instead if you completely destroy the chosen unit on the same turn that you generate this Tactical Objective. Type: INQUISITION VITAL INFORMATION One of your officers has discovered vital information about the enemy’s plans in the wider war. Protect them at all costs until they can be debriefed. 24 When this Tactical Objective is generated, nominate one of your characters that is on the battlefield. Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your next turn if this character is still on the battlefield. Type: INQUISITION EXTERMINATUS BY EXAMPLE Until such time as sufficient forces can be mustered to annihilate the foe in their entirety, you must personally destroy as much of the enemy threat as possible. 25 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least one enemy unit was completely destroyed during your turn by a friendly unit with the Inquisition Faction. Type: INQUISITION EXCRUCIATION PROTOCOLS An enemy leader is required for ‘questioning’. Secure one at all costs. 26 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least one enemy Character was slain in a challenge during your turn. Score 2 Victory Points instead if the enemy Warlord was slain in a challenge during your turn. Type: INQUISITION Warlord TraitsWhen generating Warlord Traits for a Warlord with the Inquisition Faction, you can roll on the appropriate table presented here instead of one of the Warlord Traits tables found in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules.Ordo Hereticus Traits
Ordo Malleus Traits
Ordo Xenos Traits
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