Altar of War: Cypher Missions
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Turn the Tide![]() Cypher’s motives are beyond the ken of mortal men. In general, his actions seem to be part of some overarching plan, but what that plan can be, no one knows other than, perhaps, Cypher himself. However, there have been numerous instances where Cypher has participated in a battle for no apparent reason other than to help those who would be doomed without his aid. Appearing suddenly and as if from nowhere, Cypher will fight with grim determination alongside his new allies, helping them to survive long enough for more help to arrive. He will then vanish, as suddenly and mysteriously as he appeared.
![]() Choose armies as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. One army must include Cypher. THE BATTLEFIELD Use the deployment map included with this mission. Then, set up terrain. The players then roll-off. The winner of the roll-off can decide which of the table quarters will be Cypher’s deployment zone. DEPLOYMENT Players should first roll for Warlord Traits. The player commanding Cypher’s army must split the units in his army into two contingents. Each contingent must include at least one unit. Do not include Cypher or any fortifications with either contingent at this time. The enemy player then deploys, anywhere on the table more than 12" from Cypher’s deployment zone, as shown in the deployment map. The enemy player then picks one of the contingents from Cypher’s army. This contingent, along with Cypher and any fortifications, must be deployed in Cypher’s deployment zone. No units from this contingent can be placed in reserve – any that would normally have to do so are deployed on the battlefield instead. All of the units in the remaining contingent must be placed in reserve, and will arrive using the Better Late Than Never special rule below. FIRST TURN The enemy player goes first unless the player commanding Cypher’s army can Seize the Initiative. GAME LENGTH The mission uses Variable Game Length. VICTORY CONDITIONS At the end of the game, the player that has scored the most Victory Points wins the battle. If the players have the same number of Victory Points, the game is a draw. Primary Objective If, at the end of the game, all of the models from the contingent deployed at the start of the battle have been removed as casualties, destroyed, or wrecked then the enemy player receives 6 Victory Points. If this is not the case, then the player commanding Cypher’s army receives 6 Victory Points. Cypher and any fortifications are not counted as being part of the contingent for the purposes of these victory conditions. Secondary Objectives At the end of the game, each player receives 1 Victory Point for each opposing unit that has been completely destroyed. Units that are falling back at the end of the game, and units that are not on the board at the end of the game, count as destroyed for the purposes of this mission. Remember that Independent Characters and Dedicated Transports are individual units and award Victory Points if they are destroyed. Night Fighting, Reserves. ![]() 3-4
Hidden Presence![]() Over the millennia Cypher has joined countless battle forces, more often than not appearing to be a mercenary fighter with little desire other than to earn his keep in battle. His matchless prowess has meant that most leaders turn a blind eye to his origins or background, and are content merely to have such a formidable warrior under their command. It is only later that they realise that Cypher had been using them to mask his own presence from the eyes of those that search for him.
![]() Choose armies as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. One army must include Cypher. THE BATTLEFIELD Use the deployment map included with this mission. Then, set up terrain. The players then roll-off. The winner of the roll-off can decide which of the table quarters will be Cypher’s deployment zone. Objectives Place one Primary Objective marker in the centre of the table, and two more, one each in the centre of each table quarter that is not a deployment zone, as shown on the deployment map. DEPLOYMENT Players should first roll for Warlord Traits. The enemy player deploys first, anywhere in his deployment zone that is more than 9" from the centre of the table. The player commanding Cypher’s army then does likewise. FIRST TURN The enemy player goes first unless the player commanding Cypher’s army can Seize the Initiative. GAME LENGTH The mission uses Variable Game Length. VICTORY CONDITIONS At the end of the game, the player that has scored the most Victory Points wins the battle. If the players have the same number of Victory Points, the game is a draw. Primary Objective If, at the end of the game, Cypher has exited the table (see the His Own Path special rule below) then the player commanding Cypher’s army receives 3 Victory Points. If this is not the case, then the enemy player receives 3 Victory Points. In addition, at the end of the game, each Primary Objective is worth 2 Victory Points to the player that controls it. Secondary Objectives Slay the Warlord, First Blood, Linebreaker. Mysterious Objectives, Night Fighting, Reserves. ![]() 5-6
Dichotomy of Purpose![]() Cypher’s actions seem to have an agenda that is known only to himself. His actions appear inconsistent, and because of this it is by no means certain whether Cypher is an ally or an enemy of the Imperium, or a friend or foe of the Dark Angels. Although Cypher only rarely works alone, more commonly fighting alongside allies that are drawn to his prowess and dark charisma, he almost always has his own secret agenda, which will only become apparent after he has achieved his ends.
MISSION GOALAlthough Cypher has his own secret agenda, each side will have their set of goals they wish to complete. To determine this, before starting play, the player commanding Cypher’s army must generate an Eternal War mission, which will determine how the armies deploy and what they are trying to achieve. THE ARMIES Choose armies as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. One army must include Cypher. THE BATTLEFIELD Use the rules from the Eternal War mission. Objectives Use the rules from the Eternal War mission. Cypher’s Objective The players must set up one additional Primary Objective marker, known as Cypher’s Objective. Certain secret agenda results (see the Secret Agenda special rule below) will depend on whether this objective is controlled or not. It is not treated as a Primary Objective for any other victory conditions that may apply in the Eternal War mission that is being used. The players must roll-off to see who will place Cypher’s Objective. The winner of the roll-off must place the marker anywhere on the battlefield outside of either side’s deployment zone, and more than 12" from any table edge. DEPLOYMENT Use the rules from the Eternal War mission. FIRST TURN Use the rules from the Eternal War mission. GAME LENGTH Use the rules from the Eternal War mission. VICTORY CONDITIONS Use the rules from the Eternal War mission. In addition, Cypher will have his own secret agenda, determined using the Secret Agenda special rule below. If Cypher’s secret agenda is accomplished, then the player commanding Cypher’s army receives D6 Victory Points. If it is not accomplished, then the enemy player receives D6 Victory Points. Use the rules from the Eternal War mission. In addition, the following special rule must be used: The result of the dice roll is shown on the following table. The dice is revealed when Victory Points are scored, if it has not been revealed earlier.
Echoes of War: Cypher MissionsHere you will find a selection of Echoes of War missions inspired by the battles in which Cypher was involved. The Armies section of each of these missions provide guidance on the forces present so that you can replay the pivotal events using the armies, characters and war machines described in this book. Many of the Echoes of War missions include a map that depicts the battlefield on which the conflicts were fought.For those with a mind to historical accuracy, you’ll notice certain restrictions and rules that we use to replicate the conditions of the battle in question. Whilst the Echoes of War missions have been inspired by specific events, with a little imagination they can easily be repurposed to recreate battles of your own invention. If you choose to go this route, you can modify these missions so that they can be fought using any combination of forces and terrain in your collection. №1
Master of Puppets![]() For reasons that even now remain a mystery, Cypher murdered the shadowy Inquisitor, Arnuldus, and assumed his identity for many months to support the brief secession of Septius VII from the Imperium. The true purpose of Cypher’s intervention on the hive world has baffled generations of scholars researching the enigmatic Fallen’s actions, for Septius VII was restored under Imperial rule within the year. All that is known for certain is that in his guise as Inquisitor Arnuldus, Cypher led Ordo Hereticus death squads personally in a number of engagements against the Planetary Defence Force that sought to regain the territory lost to the rebel forces.
![]() The player commanding Cypher’s army chooses an army from Codex: Inquisition using the additional rules in this dataslate (it must include Cypher). The enemy player commands an army chosen from Codex: Imperial Guard. Both players select forces to an agreed points limit. The player controlling Cypher’s army must nominate Cypher as his Warlord; Cypher’s Shadowy Herald of Strife special rule is not used in this scenario as he is impersonating the Inquisitor directly. THE BATTLEFIELD Set up terrain using the deployment map included with this mission. Place Primary Objectives After setting up the terrain, the players take it in turns to place a total of D3+2 Primary Objectives. DEPLOYMENT Before any models are deployed, both players should roll to determine their Warlord Traits. The player controlling Cypher’s army must roll on the Ordo Hereticus Warlord Traits table to determine Cypher’s Warlord Trait. Players then take it in turns to deploy. FIRST TURN The player controlling Cypher’s army has the first turn unless the enemy player can Seize the Initiative. GAME LENGTH The mission uses Variable Game Length. VICTORY CONDITIONS At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory Points wins the game. If players have the same number of Victory Points, the game is a draw. Primary Objective At the end of the game, the player controlling Cypher’s army receives 1 Victory Point for each enemy unit that has been completely destroyed. Units that are falling back at the end of the game, and units that are not on the board at the end of the game count as destroyed for the purposes of this mission. Remember that Independent Characters and Dedicated Transports are individual units and award Victory Points if they are destroyed. At the end of the game, the enemy player scores 3 Victory Points for each Objective Marker that he controls. Secondary Objectives Slay the Warlord, First Blood, Linebreaker. Mysterious Objectives, Night Fighting, Reserves. If, at the start of any turn, Cypher is within 12" of a Dark Angels model, or a Psyker model (friend or foe) with psychic powers from the Divination or Telepathy psychic disciplines, then his disguise may be pierced. Roll 1D6 for each model that is capable of piercing his disguise and within 12" of him. If any of the dice roll a ‘6’, then Cypher is revealed. If none of the dice roll a 6, then Cypher’s disguise remains intact. If Cypher is revealed, then the Disguised special rule does not apply for the rest of the battle, and Cypher is not allowed to join friendly units for the rest of the battle. If Cypher is part of a friendly unit when revealed, he must leave the unit in his next Movement phase.
Blackened![]() Despite evidence that Cypher has worked alongside numerous different renegade Space Marine and Traitor Legionnaire warbands over the millennia, the most concerning sighting to date for the Dark Angels and other agents of the Imperium investigating the enigmatic Fallen was when he was encountered on the forge world of Voss Prime. It was here, amid the vast Munitorum fortress-factories of the Adeptus Mechanicus that Cypher was witnessed at the head of a deadly host of Black Legion Terminators – the first known example of a union between Cypher and the dreaded Chaos Space Marines of Abaddon the Despoiler. Guided by Cypher, the elite Black Legion force smashed its way through the hastily assembled Imperial Guard defenders and into the adamantium-clad archive repositorium known as the Irontower to reach the prize sheltered within its armoured vault.
![]() The player commanding Cypher’s army chooses an army from Codex: Chaos Space Marines using the additional rules in this dataslate (it must include Cypher). The enemy player commands an army chosen from Codex: Imperial Guard. Both players select forces to an agreed points limit. THE BATTLEFIELD Set up terrain using the deployment map included in this mission. Place Primary Objectives After setting up the terrain, the enemy player places 3 Objective Markers anywhere within his deployment zone. No objective can be placed within 6" of any battlefield edge or 12" of another objective. DEPLOYMENT Before any models are deployed, both players should roll to determine their Warlord Traits. The enemy player deploys first, placing all of his units in the deployment zone depicted on the map. The player commanding Cypher’s army then places all of his units anywhere in his deployment zone. FIRST TURN The player controlling Cypher’s army has the first turn unless the enemy player can Seize the Initiative. GAME LENGTH The mission uses Variable Game Length. VICTORY CONDITIONS At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory Points wins the game. If players have the same number of Victory Points, the game is a draw. Primary Objective At the end of the game, each Objective Marker is worth 3 Victory Points to the player that controls it. Secondary Objectives Slay the Warlord, First Blood, Linebreaker. Mysterious Objectives, Night Fighting, Reserves. №3
The End of the Line![]() The world of Monarch Prime was ill-prepared for the cultist uprising that blossomed across the planet as if from nowhere. Not even the arrival of the battle-hardened 1024th Cadian Regiment, fresh from combat in a nearby system, could quell the sudden ferocity of the renegade forces as they swept aside all resistance. Only when the apostate host reached the emergency bunker that sheltered Monarch Prime’s Planetary Governor did the Cadians make their stand – here they would die protecting the Governor or defeat the cultist uprising once and for all. As the unmistakable silhouettes of baroque power armour were spotted amongst the rebel lines for the first time, having evidently arrived to finish what their cultists minions had started, so too did a similarly clad, but robed figure join the ranks of the Imperial Guard and exhort them to hold their ground. Whilst this stranger lived, the defenders of Monarch Prime would yet know hope…
![]() The player commanding Cypher’s army chooses an army from Codex: Imperial Guard using the additional rules in this dataslate (it must include Cypher). The player controlling Cypher’s army must also include a squad of Veterans, the Sergeant of which represents Sergeant Grunhelm (see Stepping Up, below), and a Wall of Martyrs Imperial Bunker in his army to represent the Governor’s bunker, though this fortification is free – it does not cost any points, nor does it use up a fortification Force Organisation slot. The enemy player commands an army chosen from Codex: Chaos Space Marines. Both players select forces to an agreed points limit. THE BATTLEFIELD Set up terrain using the deployment map included in this mission. DEPLOYMENT Before any models are deployed, both players should roll to determine their Warlord Traits. The player commanding Cypher’s army deploys first, placing all of his units in the deployment zone depicted on the map included in this mission. The enemy player then places all of his units anywhere in his deployment zone. FIRST TURN The enemy player has the first turn unless the player commanding Cypher’s army can Seize the Initiative. GAME LENGTH The mission uses Variable Game Length. VICTORY CONDITIONS At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory Points wins the game. If players have the same number of Victory Points, the game is a draw. Primary Objective At the end of the game, each player receives 1 Victory Point for each enemy unit that has been completely destroyed. If the enemy player slays Cypher (whether he is then captured or not), he instead scores 3 Victory Points. Units that are falling back at the end of the game, and units that are not on the board at the end of the game count as destroyed for the purposes of this mission. Remember that Independent Characters and Dedicated Transports are individual units and award Victory Points if they are destroyed. Furthermore, at the end of the game, the Imperial Bunker is worth 3 Victory Points to the player that controls it. Secondary Objectives Slay the Warlord, First Blood. Night Fighting, Reserves. |
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