This page details military structure of Eldar Craftworlds forces including Detachments, Formations and Apocalypse Formations.
DetachmentsCraftworld WarhostThe Craftworld Warhost allows you to represent the typical structure of craftworld Eldar armies on the Warhammer 40,000 battlefield. Whether you wish to assemble a mighty force sent to tip the balance of fate with a vital attack, or a craftworld’s vanguard on the warpath, the choices below will offer a great way to pick your army. The Craftworld Warhost is a special type of Detachment that can be included in any Battle-forged army. Unlike the Detachments shown in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules, it has a Force Organisation Chart whose slots are a combination of specific Formations and Army List Entries instead of Battlefield Roles. However, it still has compulsory and optional elements, as well as Restrictions and Command Benefits, just like any other Detachment.Although units cannot normally belong to more than one Detachment, units from a Formation that is part of a Craftworld Warhost are an exception. They count as part of both their Formation and the Detachment, and have all associated Command Benefits and special rules. If your Warlord is part of a Formation or an Army List Entry that makes up part of a Craftworld Warhost, that entire Craftworld Warhost is your Primary Detachment. ![]() Command per Core
0-3 ![]() Core
1-3 ![]() Auxiliary per Core
This Detachment must include at least one Core choice. For each Core choice you must include between one and twelve Auxiliary choices, in any combination, and you may also include up to three Command choices, in any combination. Only the datasheets listed here may be included in this Detachment. COMMAND BENEFITS Matchless Agility: If a unit composed entirely of models from this Detachment Runs, do not roll a D6 to determine its Run distance. Instead, it automatically counts as having rolled a 6 (this will normally mean the unit can Run up to 6"). Reborn Warhost
The combined forces of the Aeldari take to the battlefield as a Reborn Warhost. These warriors have heard Yvraine’s words or the call of Ynnead, and fight free from the fear of soul death. This collection of the Aeldari’s most skilled warriors is more than equal to the burden that destiny has placed upon them. The Reborn Warhost is a special type of Detachment that can be included in any Battle-forged army. Unlike the Detachments shown in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules, it has a Force Organisation Chart whose slots are a combination of Battlefield Roles and Formations from multiple Factions. However, it still has compulsory and optional elements, as well as Restrictions and Command Benefits, just like any other Detachment.Although units cannot normally belong to more than one Detachment, units from a Formation that is part of a Reborn Warhost are an exception. They count as part of both their Formation and the Detachment, and have all associated Command Benefits and special rules. If your Warlord is part of a Formation or an Army List Entry that makes up part of a Reborn Warhost, that entire Reborn Warhost is your Primary Detachment. The Reborn Warhost Army List divides the units available into several categories, according to their Battlefield Role. With the exception of the Ynnari and Black Guardians units, you must use the profiles, points costs, equipment, options, special rules and any Dedicated Transports available to each unit as described on their codex datasheet. Each entry will include an abbreviated reference to the codex where their appropriate datasheet can be found, denoted as follows:
![]() HQ
1-2 ![]() Troops
2-6 ![]() Heavy Support
0-3 ![]() Fast Attack
0-3 ![]() Elites
0-3 ![]() Lords of War
0-1 ![]() Formations
any number
This Detachment must include at least one HQ choice and two Troops choices. It may include one more HQ choice, up to four more Troops choices, up to three Elites choices, up to three Fast Attack choices, up to three Heavy Support choices, one Lords of War choice, and any number of Formation choices. Only the datasheets listed here may be included in this Detachment. COMMAND BENEFITS Leader of the Reborn: If this Detachment is chosen as your Primary Detachment, you can choose to re-roll the result on the Ynnari Warlord Traits table. FormationsAspect Host![]() Each unit in this Formation must include an Exarch. ![]() SPECIAL RULES
Rites of Battle: Immediately after determining Warlord Traits, choose either Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill. All units in this Formation add 1 to the chosen characteristic. Crimson DeathSPECIAL RULES
• Preferred Enemy (Flyers, Flying Monstrous Creatures) Dire Avenger Shrine![]() Only one unit in this Formation may include an Exarch. ![]() SPECIAL RULES
Killing Strike: Once per game, in the Shooting phase, this Formation can perform a Killing Strike. For the duration of that phase, all avenger shuriken catapults carried by models in this Formation are Assault 3 instead of Assault 2. Eldar Ghost WarriorsSPECIAL RULES
Desperate Measures: All units in this Formation and any friendly Eldar units within 6" of any model in this formation have the Hatred special rule. Guardian Battlehost![]() • 3 units of Guardian Defenders • 1 Vyper Squadron • 1 unit of War Walkers • 1 Vaul’s Wrath Support Battery • 0-1 Warlock Conclave None. ![]() SPECIAL RULES
Our Time of Need: Units of Guardian Defenders from this Formation can take a Heavy Weapon Platform at no points cost instead of the points cost listed on their datasheet. Guardian Stormhost![]() • 3 units of Storm Guardians • 1 Vyper Squadron • 1 unit of War Walkers • 1 Vaul’s Wrath Support Battery • 0-1 Warlock Conclave None. ![]() SPECIAL RULES
Bring Forth the Torch: Up to two Guardians in each Storm Guardian unit in this Formation may exchange their close combat weapons and shuriken pistols for either flamers or fusion guns for no points cost, instead of the points cost listed on their datasheet. In addition, up to two other Guardians in each of these units may exchange their close combat weapons for power swords for no points cost, instead of the points cost listed on their datasheet. Seer Council![]() The Warlock Conclave must include at least 5 models. If any Farseer or Warlock in this Formation upgrades to be a Farseer Skyrunner or Warlock Skyrunner, all other models must also do so. 1 One Farseer may be replaced by Eldrad Ulthran ![]() SPECIAL RULES
Path of the Seer: If this Formation is chosen as your Primary Detachment, you can re-roll the result when rolling on the Warlord Traits table in Codex: Craftworlds. Windrider Host![]() The Farseer must be upgraded to a Farseer Skyrunner. All models in the Warlock Conclave must be upgraded to Warlock Skyrunners. ![]() SPECIAL RULES
Tempest of Blades: Once per game, as long as the Farseer from this Formation has not been removed as a casualty, the Eldar player can declare a Tempest of Blades at the start of their Shooting phase. All shuriken weapons in this Formation gain the Shred special rule until the end of the phase. Wraith Host![]() • 3 units of Wraithguard or Wraithblades (in any combination) • 1 Wraithlord • 1 Wraithknight None. ![]() SPECIAL RULES
• Battle Focus Shroud of Kurnous
![]() None. ![]() SPECIAL RULES
Psychic Shield: Any Crimson Hunters from this Wing that is within 8" of the Wing’s Wraithghter adds 2 to any Deny the Witch rolls. In addition, the pilot of the Hemlock Wraithfighter has the Shrouding psychic power from the Telepathy discipline, in addition to the other psychic powers it normally has. Runeweaver Host
Weaver of Runes: By focussing his will upon an enemy threat, the Farseer guides the destructive beam of his accompanying Fire Prism with unerring accuracy. The Fire Prism’s weapons have the Twin-linked special rule when targeting an enemy unit that the Runeweaver Host’s Farseer has a line of sight to. Apocalypse FormationsCloudstrike SquadronTYPE
• Armoured Spearhead SPECIAL RULES • Deep Strike Farseer Council![]() None. 1 As he is an Eldar Farseer, Eldrad Ulthran may be selected as one of the formation’s Farseers. ![]() TYPE
PSYCHIC CHOIR POWER• Psychic Choir SPECIAL RULES Foresee Peril: As long as a Farseer Council includes at least three members, they do not suffer Perils of the Warp. Warp Charge: 3 The Deathly Skein is a blessing that targets a single Farseer from this Formation that is within 24". Whilst this power is in effect, all friendly models that target an enemy unit that is within 12" of this Farseer re-roll failed To Hit and To Wound rolls. Sunstorm SquadronTYPE
• Armoured Spearhead SPECIAL RULES The Sunstorm: Two or more models in the formation can combine all of their shooting attacks that turn into a single attack. Nominate one Fire Prism as the firer, and any number of others as contributors. All contributors must have line of sight to the firer. For the duration of that turn, the firing Fire Prism’s prism cannon has the Twin-linked special rule and uses whichever profile below is appropriate to the number of contributing Fire Prisms. For example, if two Fire Prisms contribute (not including the firer), then the prism cannon uses the "2 Contributors" profile.
The Phoenix Court of KhaineTYPE
• High Command SPECIAL RULES The Fury of Khaine: The Avatar has the Eternal Warrior special rule and cannot be wounded by any melta, plasma or flamer weapons. In addition, the range of both his Khaine Awakened rule and The Wailing Doom’s weapon profile are increased to 24", and he gains a number of additional Attacks equal to the number of Phoenix Lords within 6" of him. Windrider Host![]() • 2 Windrider Jetbike Squads • 1 Vyper Squadron • 3+ units, in any combination,from the following: - Farseer - Warlock Council - Windrider Jetbike Squad - Vyper Squadron All characters in the formation must have Eldar jetbikes. ![]() TYPE
• Battle Formation SPECIAL RULES • Scout Wraithknight Dreamwalker SquadTYPE
• Battle Formation SPECIAL RULES Dreamwalk: Add the current number of models in the formation to the distance the models are allowed to move in the Movement phase, to their charge range, and to their Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill. For example, a Wraithknight Dreamwalker Squad with five models would add 5" to their moves and charge range, and +5 to each model’s Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill. |
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