This section details army special rules including Blood Angels Special Rules, Tactical Objectives, Warlord Traits and Wing Leaders.
Blood Angels Special RulesCombat Squads
You must decide which units are splitting into combat squads, and which models go into each combat squad, immediately before determining your Warlord Traits. A unit split into combat squads therefore is now two separate units for all game purposes, including calculating the total number of units in the army and determining the number of units you can place in Reserve. Then proceed with deployment as normal. In an exception to the normal rules, two combat squads split from the same unit can embark in the same transport vehicle, providing its Transport Capacity allows. Once you have decided whether or not to split a unit into combat squads, it must remain that way for the entire battle. It cannot split up or join back together later on in the battle, nor can you use a redeployment to split up a unit or join it back together. Note that Bike Squads count as being at full strength when they have eight Space Marine Bikers and one Attack Bike. If split into combat squads, one combat squad will have five Bikers, the other will have three Bikers and the Attack Bike. Special RulesAura of FervourAll other friendly models with the Blood Angels Faction that are within 6" of the Sanguinor add 1 to their Attacks.Avenging AngelThe Sanguinor re-rolls failed To Hit and To Wound rolls during challenges.Blessing of the OmnissiahIn each of your Shooting phases, instead of firing his weapons, a Techmarine can choose to repair a single friendly vehicle that he is in base contact with or embarked upon. To repair a vehicle, roll a D6 and add 1 for each Servitor with a servo-arm in his unit, and an additional 1 if the Techmarine has a servo-harness. If the result is a 5 or more, you may either restore a Hull Point lost earlier in the battle, or repair a Weapon Destroyed or Immobilised result suffered earlier in the battle; this is effective immediately.Bolster DefencesAfter deployment, but before Scout redeployments and Infiltrate deployments, nominate one piece of terrain in your deployment zone (this cannot be one you have purchased as part of your army). The terrain piece’s cover save is increased by one for the duration of the game (to a maximum of 3+). Note that a piece of terrain can only be bolstered once.Drop Pod AssaultDrop Pods and units embarked upon them must be held in Deep Strike Reserves. At the beginning of your first turn, half your Drop Pods (rounding up) automatically arrive from Reserve. The arrival of remaining Drop Pods is rolled for normally.Fallen to the Black RageYou cannot include Tycho the Lost in an army that includes Captain Tycho. Tycho the Lost can only join a Death Company Squad.Far-Seeing EyeOnce per game, as long as Corbulo has not been removed as a casualty, this ability may be used to do one of the following:
Fury UnboundThe first time Lemartes loses a Wound, add 1 to his Strength and Attacks for the remainder of the game.Guardian of the LostLemartes can only join a Death Company Squad.Heroic InterventionVanguard Veteran Squads ignore penalties for disordered charges. Furthermore, the Veteran Sergeant automatically passes the Initiative test if he wishes to make a Glorious Intervention.Honour or DeathA model with this rule must always issue and accept a challenge when possible.ImmobileA Drop Pod cannot move once it has entered play, and counts in all respects as a vehicle that has suffered an Immobilised result that cannot be repaired in any way. This does not cause it to lose a Hull Point.Inertial Guidance SystemIf a Drop Pod scatters on top of impassable terrain or another model (friend or foe), reduce the scatter distance by the minimum required in order to avoid the obstacle. If a Drop Pod scatters off the edge of the board, it suffers a Deep Strike Mishap.Killing StrikeWhen a weapon with this special rule rolls a 6 To Wound, the target is wounded automatically, regardless of the target’s Toughness, and the Wound has the Instant Death special rule.Liturgies of BloodIn a turn in which Astorath charges into combat, all Death Company Marines in his unit re-roll failed To Wound rolls in the Fight sub-phase. A model that has made a disordered charge that turn receives no benefit from Liturgies of Blood.MindlockUnless it also contains a Techmarine, an unengaged unit that contains at least one model with this special rule must roll a D6 at the start of its turn. On a 4+, this special rule has no effect this turn. On a 1, 2 or 3, the unit is mindlocked until the start of its following turn. A mindlocked unit may not voluntarily move, shoot or charge, but must still complete compulsory moves, such as Pile In and Fall Back moves.None Can Stay My WrathDreadnought with this special rule ignore the effects of Crew Shaken or Crew Stunned damage results (but still lose a Hull Point).Rage-fuelledA model with Gallian’s Staff can re-roll any dice rolls of a 1 when making a Psychic Test, but will immediately suffer a Wound, with no saves of any kind allowed, for each re-rolled dice that is also a 1.RepairIf a Rhino is Immobilised, then in subsequent turns, it may attempt to repair itself instead of shooting. To make the attempt, roll a D6 in the Shooting phase; on the roll of a 6, the vehicle is no longer Immobilised. Note that a successful Repair does not restore a Hull Point.Skies of FuryIf the Stormraven Gunship has moved more than 6", passengers can still disembark, but they must do so as follows:Nominate any point over which the Stormraven moved that turn and deploy the squad as if it were Deep Striking onto that point. If the unit scatters, every disembarking model must immediately take a Dangerous Terrain test. If any of the models cannot be deployed, the entire unit is destroyed. Models that disembark using the Skies of Fury special rule cannot charge in the turn that they do so. Tactical PrecisionIf Commander Dante is your Warlord and the mission you are playing has the Tactical Objectives mission special rule, roll on the Tactical Traits table immediately before deploying the first unit in your army. Dante has this Warlord Trait in addition to the Descent of Angels Warlord Trait.Transfixing GazeRoll 2D6 at the start of each Fight sub-phase in which Mephiston is fighting in a challenge; if the result is greater than or equal to his opponent’s Leadership, Mephiston’s melee attacks will, until the end of the Assault phase, hit on a 2+, irrespective of the two models’ Weapon Skill values.Whirlwind of GoreWhen Gabriel Seth fights in close combat, any To Hit roll of a 6 causes 1 additional hit on the target.Anti-grav Upwash
Whilst this unit includes three Land Speeder Squadron, it can move an additional 6" when moving Flat Out.
Whilst this unit includes three Predator, all Predators in the unit have the Monster Hunter and Tank Hunters special rules.
Linebreaker Bombardment
If this unit contains three Vindicator that can all fire their Demolisher Cannon, the squadron can fire a single Linebreaker Bombardment instead of firing normally. To do so, nominate one model in the squadron as the firer; the firer’s demolisher cannon changes its type from Large Blast to Apocalyptic Blast and gains the Ignores Cover special rule.
Rites of Blood
In a turn in which a Death Company Chaplain charges into combat, all Death Company Marines in his unit re-roll failed To Wound rolls in the Fight sub-phase. A model that has made a disordered charge that turn receives no benefit from the Rites of Blood special rule.
Suppressive Bombardment
Whilst this unit includes three Whirlwind, each model’s Whirlwind Multiple Missile Launcher has the Pinning and Shred special rules (regardless of which missile type it fires).
Wall of Firepower
Whilst this unit includes three Baal Predators, you can re-roll all To Wound rolls of 1 when shooting their weapons.
Tactical Objectives
Codex: Blood Angels describes six Tactical Objectives to use in your games of Warhammer 40,000 that are exclusive to Blood Angels players, and reflect their endless war against the enemies of the Imperium. If your Warlord has the Blood Angels Faction, these Tactical Objectives replace the Capture & Control Tactical Objectives (numbers 11-16).If a Warhammer 40,000 mission has the Tactical Objectives special rule, players use the normal rules for using Tactical Objectives with the following exception: when a Blood Angels player generates a Capture & Control objective (numbers 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16), generate the corresponding Blood Angels Tactical Objective instead, as shown in the table below. Other Tactical Objectives (numbers 21-66) are generated normally. VALOUR OF THE ANGELS There are few warriors as noble as the sons of Sanguinius. Let the enemy’s champions witness how true heroes make war. 11 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if you issued at least one challenge during your turn. Type: BLOOD ANGELS AERIAL ASSAULT The scream of turbines and the roar of jump packs shall be the enemy’s funeral dirge. 12 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least one enemy unit was completely destroyed by a Blood Angels unit with the Flyer, Skimmer or Jump unit type. If at least one enemy unit was completely destroyed by a Blood Angels unit with the Flyer, Skimmer or Jump unit type during the same turn that the Blood Angels unit arrived from Reserves, score D3 Victory Points instead. Type: BLOOD ANGELS PURITY THROUGH BLOODSHED The curse of the Blood Angels can become a potent weapon if harnessed with discipline and control. Prove your virtue by meeting your enemy face-to-face. 13 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least one enemy unit was completely destroyed during your Assault phase. If 3-5 enemy units were completely destroyed during your Assault phase, score D3 Victory Points instead. If 6 or more enemy units were completely destroyed during your Assault phase, score D3+3 Victory Points instead. Type: BLOOD ANGELS DECAPITATING STRIKE To slay the beast, one needs only to remove the head. 14 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if the enemy Warlord has been removed as a casualty during this, or any previous turn. Type: BLOOD ANGELS SWIFT ADVANCE Take the fight to your foe, and show them that nowhere is safe from the retribution of the Blood Angels. 15 When this Tactical Objective is generated your opponent must select two Objective Markers. Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if you control one of these Objective Markers. If you control both of them at the end of your turn, score D3 Victory Points instead. Type: BLOOD ANGELS NOBLE SELF-SACRIFICE To be a hero of the Imperium is to walk a path towards a martyr’s death; the only question is how dearly you will sell your life. 16 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if your Warlord was removed as a casualty during the Assault phase of your turn. If your Warlord refuses a challenge whilst this Tactical Objective is Active, immediately discard this Tactical Objective. Type: BLOOD ANGELS
Warlord TraitsWhen generating Warlord traits for a Warlord with the Blood Angels Faction, you can either roll on one of the Warlord Traits tables in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules or roll on the table below. Note that if your Warlord is a Librarian Dreadnought, you must roll on the table below – he can never roll on any other Warlord Traits table.
Strategic Genius
Wing LeadersBlood Angels Wing Leaders
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