This section details army special rules including Tau Empire Special Rules, Drones, Tactical Objectives, Warlord Traits and Wing Leaders.
Tau Empire Special RulesBonding Knife Ritual
Fire Team
Supporting Fire
Failure is Not an Option
DronesTau Drones are independent artificial intelligences, programmed to support and protect the Tau and their allies in battle.A unit comprised entirely of Drones is a non-scoring unit. Drones do not have the Bulky special rule. Unit Upgrade DronesDrones taken as upgrades for a unit act as additional squad members in all regards. They are unable to leave their unit and must maintain unit coherency with their unit at all times. Drones taken as upgrades cannot purchase options, however, and so do not pay for them if their unit does so.For example: If a unit o f six Fire Warriors takes two Gun Drones and purchases EMP grenades, they only pay 12 points for the EMP grenades (2 points for each Fire Warrior in the squad). Independent Characters and DronesIndependent Characters who have taken Drones as upgrades arc still permitted to join units, in which case both the character and his Drones join the unit. If the Independent Character then leaves the unit, all his surviving Drones also leave the unit, forming a separate unit with him.If the Independent Character is killed whilst part of a unit, his surviving Drones are thereafter part of that unit and cannot leave it; the Independent Character's unit has, for the purposes of Victory Points, been destroyed. If the Independent Character is killed while he is not joined to another unit, do not remove any surviving Drones the unit is not destroyed until all the Drones have been destroyed as well. These Drones cannot join other units. Another Independent Character can join the surviving Drones, but as they are not his upgrades, he cannot take them with him if he then joins another unit. Vehicle DronesSome vehicles include two Drones these start the game attached to the vehicle.Attached DronesWhilst attached to the vehicle, Drones are treated as embarked passengers (although they don’t count against a vehicle’s Transport Capacity and they can even be attached to a vehicle that doesn’t have a Transport Capacity). This means that while they are attached, they can make shooting attacks as if they were passengers shooting from Fire Points, using their location on the vehicle to determine line of sight, range etc. Unlike other models shooting from fire Points, attached Drones must shoot at the same target as the vehicle they are attached to. Target Acquired abilities used by a Tau vehicle, or vehicle squadron, also apply to any attached Drones in the unit.If a vehicle is destroyed before it has detached its Drones, the Drones are automatically destroyed along with it. Detaching DronesDuring any friendly Movement phase, Drones may detach from their vehicle in the same way as Infantry disembarking from an Open-topped Transport. All Drones from a vehicle or vehicle squadron must detach at the same time they then form a single new unit.After detaching, Drones cannot re-attach to any vehicle, but they can embark on Transport vehicles in the same manner as other Drones. Drones that started the game attached to a vehicle do not award Victory Points when destroyed. In addition, your opponent only needs to destroy the vehicle, and not that vehicle’s detached Drones as well, to be awarded any Victory Points it is worth. Drones Profiles
MV17 Interceptor Drones
MV17 Interceptor Drones have the Interceptor, Skyfire and Supporting Fire special rules, and can Turbo-boost as if they were Jetbikes. In addition, they can detach at any point during the Sun Shark’s move (even if it is Zooming). A Sun Shark Bomber that moves before its Interceptor Drones detach can continue its move immediately after.Interceptor Drones can also detach from a Sun Shark at the start of the Attack sub-phase in a Dogfight, before either Flyer attacks. The Drones immediately attack the enemy Flyer taking part in the Dogfight, using the range between the Sun Shark and its opponent for the attacks. The Drones have the Skyfire special rule regardless of the angle of attack. The Drones reattach themselves to the Flyer after the Dogfight is complete, but they are immediately destroyed if the Sun Shark is destroyed. Drone Tower
A Drone Tower counts as impassable terrain and provides no cover. During deployment, each Drone Tower deployed after the first must be placed no more than 6" away from another Drone Tower. A Drone Tower may be shot at and attacked in close combat. It is hit automatically in close combat and has related profile. A Drone Tower may make a shooting attacks in the Shooting phase using its own BS score and does not require the presence of friendly models to do so. Its shooting attacks are resolved as per the standard rules by the player that deployed them onto the table, and once reduced to zero wounds, a Drone Tower is removed from the board.
Special RulesAfterburnersInterceptor Drones can Turbo-boost as if they were Jetbikes.BlademasterWhen fighting in a challenge, Aun’Shi must choose a fighting stance - either the Patient Blade or the Killing Blade - each turn, immediately before any To Hit rolls are made in the challenge.
Command-linkNominate a single friendly unit within 12" of the Command-link Drone at the start of each friendly Shooting phase. That unit re-rolls Tо Hit rolls of 1 until the end of the phase.Defender of the Greater GoodAll Stealth Shas’ui and Stealth Shas’vre models in the same unit as Commander Shadowsun have the Sworn Protector special rule.Fight on FootDarkstrider can only join Breacher Teams, Strike Teams or Pathfinder Teams.Fighting RetreatDarkstrider, and his unit, can consolidate D6" in any direction immediately after firing Overwatch (before rolls for charge range are made).Great InvocationWhen using the Invocation of the Elements special rule, Aun’Va invokes up to two elemental powers per turn, instead of just one.Guardian FieldA Guardian Field confers a 5+ invulnerable save to the Guardian Drone and a 6+ invulnerable save to all other models in its unit. A Guardian Field confers a 5+ invulnerable save to other models in the Drone’s unit that have a field amplifier relay.Hammerhead AceLongstrike’s Hammerhead is Ballistic Skill 5 and has the XV02 Pilot Battlesuit Signature System. If Longstrike’s Hammerhead is destroyed, he is slain. Longstrike and his Hammerhead are a single unit for the purposes of Victory Points.High Velocity DeploymentInterceptor Drones can disembark at any point during the Sun Shark’s move (even though models cannot normally disembark from Zooming Flyers). Note that, unlike other Transports, a Sun Shark Bomber that moves before its Interceptor Drones disembark can continue its move immediately after they have disembarked.HomingSmart missile systems can be fired at targets out of the unit’s line of sight.Invocation of ElementsAt the start of each of the Ethereal’s Movement phases, choose one of the four elemental powers listed below to invoke. The Ethereal, and all friendly non-vehicle models from Codex: Tau Empire in units within 12", benefit from the effects of the elemental power until the start of the Ethereal’s next Movement phase. If the Ethereal is slain, the elemental power ends immediately.
MV52 Shield GeneratorThe MV52 shield generator confers a 3+ invulnerable save.Nova-chargeThis profile can only be used if a Riptide Shas’vre uses his nova reactor to charge his primary weapon.Stabilising AnchorsIn your Shooting phase, in addition to firing normally, a Stormsurge can begin deploying its anchors; from then on the Stormsurge cannot move under any circumstances or make Stomp attacks. In the Shooting phase of your next turn, and in each subsequent Shooting phase, a Stormsurge with its anchors deployed can fire twice. Make the second shooting attack directly after the first has been resolved. The Stormsurge can retract its anchors at the beginning of any of your Movement phases, and can then move, shoot and make Stomp attacks normally.Stealth FieldAll models in a unit with one or more Stealth Drones receive the Stealth special rule (including the Drone). Any models that already have Stealth receive the Shrouded special rule instead. Models that already have Stealth and Shrouded receive no additional benefit.Supreme LoyaltyWhilst Aun’Va is alive, all friendly units from Codex: Tau Empire on the battlefield re-roll all failed Fear, Morale, Pinning and Regroup tests.Sworn ProtectorAn Independent Character in a unit that contains at least one model with this special rule automatically passes Look Out, Sir attempts.Target AcquiredMarkerlights cannot directly cause damage or Wounds. Instead, each time a unit suffers a hit with this special rule, place a markerlight counter next to it (no saves can be taken against these hits). Markerlight counters remain next to their unit until the end of the current phase or until they are used (whichever comes first).Immediately before a unit with the Tau Empire Faction shoots at a target that has any markerlight counters, it can declare it is using one or more of the markerlight abilities listed below. Each ability costs a number of markerlight counters - remove this number of counters from the target immediately when the ability is declared. A unit can combine any number of markerlight abilities providing that there are enough counters. Note that a unit cannot benefit from its own markerlights. • Destroyer: Markerlight cost: 1+ For each markerlight counter expended on this ability, a single destroyer missile fired by the unit at the target changes its Strength from 8 to D (see Destroyer Weapons). • Pinpoint: Markerlight cost: 1+ All models firing at the target as part of this shooting attack gain a bonus to their Ballistic Skill for the duration of the shooting attack. The size of this bonus is equal to the number of markerlight counters expended on this ability. Pinpoint can increase the Ballistic Skill of Snap Shots and Overwatch. • Scour: Markerlight cost: 2 All wounds, glancing hits and penetrating hits allocated to the target as part of this Shooting attack gain the Ignores Cover special rule. • Seeker: Markerlight cost: 1+ For each markerlight counter expended on this ability, the unit immediately fires a single seeker missile (if it has one) in addition to any other weapons it is permitted to fire. A seeker missile fired in this way:
- must be fired at the same target as the vehicle’s other weapons; - is resolved, at Ballistic Skill 5; - has the Ignores Cover special rule; - does not reduce the number of weapons a vehicle can fire at its full Ballistic Skill. Turret MountingWhen a Recon Drone embarks on a Devilfish, it is treated like an embarked passenger, but does not count towards Transport Capacity. While the Drone is embarked, the vehicle counts as having a homing beacon and positional relay.Volley of FireIf the Cadre Fireblade, and every model in his unit, remain stationary in the Movement phase, their pulse rifles and pulse carbines each fire an additional shot in the Shooting phase.AA Fire
Due to its size, any enemy unit that target the Manta do not need to make Snap Shots when it is Zooming and roll To Hit using their normal BS score even if they do not possess the Skyfire special rule.
A unit with this special rule increases any cover saves granted by the Jink special rule by +1
Weapons with this special rule ignore any cover saves or cover save bonuses provided by Supersonic or Jink special rules, as well as any provided by moving Flat Out.
Baggage Laden
Cluster Fire
Very Bulky models, as well as those with the Bike/Jetbike/Beasts/Cavalry type, suffer two hits each from this weapon at an increased Strength of 7. Extremely Bulky and Artillery/Monstrous Creature/Flying Monstrous Creature/Vehicle (any type) models and specifically targeted buildings and fortifications suffer 3 hits each if they are hit by the weapon at an increased Strength of 8.Example: The Large Blast (5") from a pulse submunitions cannon hits models from twо separate units: one comprising Space Marine Devastator Centurions and the other being a Tactical squad - two Space Marine Centurions and three Tactical squad Space Marines are affected by the blast. Against the Tactical squad, the weapon's listed profile of Strength 6 is used as the Cluster Fire rule does not affect infantry models without the Bulky rule; and only 3 hits (one per model under the template) are inflicted, as per the standard rules. The Centurion squad suffers 4 hits at Strength 7 (two hits per model with the Very Bulky rule). Death to Traitors
Any models from one of the armies of the Imperium (eg, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Chapters of Space Marines) gains the Preferred Enemy (Gue’vesa Auxiliary Team) special rule when an opposing army contains such a unit.
Drone Rack
The Tiger Shark may deploy its Gun Drones at any point during its Movement Phase. It may only deploy a maximum of one squad of Gun Drones each turn, which consist of up to 14 models, and these are treated as a single squad of Gun Drones from that point onwards for the remainder of the game.To deploy a squad of Gun Drones, nominate any point over which the Tiger Shark moved, and deploy the squad as if it were Deep Striking onto that point except that models do not take Dangerous Terrain tests and do not scatter. Eaters of the Dead
A Kroot Knarloc Rider Herd will never make a Sweeping Advance after defeating enemy unit in close combat. Instead they will always Consolidate as per the normal rules for such moves.
Energy Shield
The Manta’s energy shield confers a 4+ invulnerable save against any hit it receives.
Feeding Frenzy
If, at the beginning of any of the owning player’s turns, all the Kroot Goads and Shapers in the unit are dead and the unit is not fleeing, then the Great Knarloc must take immediate Morale check.
Immobile Vehicle
An Immobile Vehicle cannot move under any circumstances after deployment. Any special rules which force it to move will instead cause the vehicle to take a single glancing hit. If an Immobile Vehicle sustains a Vehicle Immobilised damage result then it loses an additional Hull Point instead. The Automated Repair System cannot be used to restore Hull Points lost when an Immobile Vehicle sustains a Vehicle Immobilised damage result, nor does a successful repair attempt grant any ability to move to the Immobile Vehicle.
Lone Warrior
Shas’O R’alai can not leave or join units other than the unit he forms with his Blacklight Marker Drones. In addition, he may not take an XV8 Crisis Bodyguards.
Multi-phasic Sensor Suite
Once per turn in the Shooting phase, a single friendly unit selected from Codex: Tau Empire that is within 2" of any Sensor Tower in the unit may re-roll all failed To Hit rolls of 1 and gain the Night Vision special rule.
Nova Reactor (R’varna class)
The R’varna class utilises a variant installation of the Riptide’s powerful, if dangerous, nova reactor. The reactor follows the same rules as for a Riptide. Declare an attempt to use the nova reactor if desired at the start of the model's Movement phase. Roll a D6.On a result of 1-2, the R’varna fails and suffers a wound (no saves of any kind may be taken). On a 3+, one of the following abilities may be used, its effects lasting until the start of the controlling player’s next Movement phase.
Transport Elevator
The entire deck can be lowered. All units on the lower transport deck can disembark on the same turn.
Transport Ramp
Up to four separate units may exit from the Orca’s/Manta’s rear ramp each turn.
Tactical Objectives
Codex: Tau Empire describes six Tactical Objectives to use in your games of Warhammer 40,000 that are exclusive Tau Empire players, and help to reflect their unique methods of waging war. If your Warlord has the Tau Empire Faction, these Tactical Objectives replace the Capture & Control Tactical Objectives (numbers 11-16).If a Warhammer 40,000 mission has the Tactical Objectives special rule, players use the normal rules for using Tactical Objectives with the following exception: when a Tau Empire player generates a Capture & Control objective (numbers 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16), generate the corresponding Tau Empire Tactical Objective instead, as shown in the table below. Other Tactical Objectives (numbers 21-66) are generated normally. THE LURE The Tau have been known to place small units of troops in front of their main force, using them to draw the enemy into a trap. 11 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least one enemy unit that made a successful charge in the enemy’s last turn is completely destroyed. Score D3 victory points if three or more enemy units that made a successful charge in the enemy's last turn are destroyed. Type: TAU EMPIRE PATIENT HUNTER Using patience and foresight, the patient hunter will deploy in the perfect position to destroy their foe. 12 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if one or more enemy units were completely destroyed by a unit from your army that is in your deployment zone. Type: TAU EMPIRE AMBUSH The Tau are masters at waiting fo r the right moment to spring an ambush that w ill tear the heart out o f an enemy battle force. 13 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if an enemy unit was completely destroyed and/or failed a Morale check during vour turn. If at least three enemy units were completely destroyed and/or failed Morale checks, score D3 Victory Points instead. Type: TAU EMPIRE MULTIPLE DISTRACTIONS Tau commanders use multiple distractions to split a foe's forces, leaving them vulnerable to impending attacks. 14 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if there is at least one enemy unit completely within 12" of one table edge and at least one enemy unit completely within 12" of the opposite table edge. Type: TAU EMPIRE FEIGNED WITHDRAWAL The Tau will attempt to lure enemy units into a carefully prepared trap by feigning retreat. 15 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least one enemy unit that started your turn within 9" of one of your units and not in its own deployment zone is completely destroyed. Type: TAU EMPIRE THE GREATER GOOD While sacrifice for the Greater Good is considered heroic, unnecessary losses are disdained. 16 Score D3 Victory Points at the end of your turn if you control an Objective Marker that was controlled by the enemy at the start of the turn. Score D3+3 Victory Points if you capture 3 such Objective Markers. Score 1 extra Victory Point if no friendly models were destroyed during the turn. Type: TAU EMPIRE
Warlord TraitsWhen generating Warlord traits for a Warlord with the Tau Empire Faction, you can either roll on one of the Warlord Traits tables in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules or roll on the table below.
When Commander Shas’O R’alai is used as an army’s Warlord he does not roll on a Warlord Traits table, instead he gains the following trait:
Wing LeadersTau Empire Wing Leaders
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