This section details army special rules including Eldar Special Rules, Tactical Objectives, Warlord Traits and Wing Leaders.
Eldar Special RulesAncient Doom
Battle Focus
A model cannot Run if it fired a Heavy weapon during the same Shooting phase unless it has the Relentless special rule. Similarly, a model that has Run cannot then fire a Heavy weapon in the same Shooting phase unless it has the Relentless special rule. Models that cannot Run gain no benefit from the Battle Focus special rule. Special RulesAcrobaticA unit that consists entirely of models with this special rule adds 3" to its maximum move distance when it Runs and when it makes charge moves. Furthermore, models with this special rule do not suffer the Initiative penalty for charging enemies through difficult terrain.Aerobatic GraceA model with this special rule has a 4+ cover save unless it remained stationary in its previous Movement phase.Assured DestructionModels with this special rule have a +1 modifier when rolling on the Vehicle Damage table.Battle FortuneA model with this special rule has a 4+ invulnerable save.Bio-cataclysmIf a non-vehicle model is slain as a result of this weapon, centre the large blast marker over that model before removing the model as a casualty. Units suffer a number of Strength 5 AP4 hits equal to the number of models from that unit that are under the marker. These hits have the Ignores Cover special rule.BladestormWhen firing a weapon with this special rule, a To Wound roll of a 6 wounds automatically, regardless of the target’s Toughness, and is resolved at AP2.CloudstrikeIf a Falcon squadron contains three models, all models in the squadron gain the Deep Strike special rule. When the squadron arrives by Deep Strike, the first Falcon placed does not scatter and the second and third Falcons can be placed anywhere within 4" of the first Falcon.Communion of MindsA unit containing 1-3 Warlocks or Warlock Skyrunners is Mastery Level 1; a unit containing 4-6 is Mastery Level 2; a unit containing 7 or more is Mastery Level 3. If a unit’s Mastery level is reduced as the result of models being removed as casualties, select one psychic power known to the unit for each Mastery Level lost. That power is immediately lost, and cannot be used for the rest of the battle. This unit generates one Warp Charge point at the beginning of each Psychic phase for each Warlock or Warlock Skyrunner in the unit, regardless of its current Mastery Level.Crack ShotA model with this special rule can re-roll one failed To Hit or To Wound roll, or armour penetration roll, per turn.CursedWhen locked in combat, Prince Yriel must re-roll saving throws of 6.Defence TacticsWhen chosen as the target of a charge, a unit that consists entirely of models with this special rule can either choose to fire Overwatch at Ballistic Skill 2, or gain the Counter-attack and Stubborn special rules until the end of the phase (in which case it cannot fire Overwatch).Disarming StrikeBefore rolling To Hit whilst in a challenge, Jain Zar can choose to nominate one of her opponent’s melee weapons. Her opponent counts as not being equipped with that weapon until the end of the phase. If Jain Zar does this, she makes one less Attack than normal this phase.Distort ScytheWhen rolling on the Destroyer Weapon Attack table for a weapon that has this special rule, subtract 1 from the result of the D6 roll (to a minimum of 1). Furthermore, a weapon with this special rule is assumed to have a Strength of 4 for the purposes of the No Escape rule and of determining if a hit has the Instant Death special rule.Expert HunterA model with this special rule re-rolls all failed To Wound rolls against Monstrous Creatures, and can choose to re-roll armour penetration rolls that do not result in a penetrating hit.Fast ShotA model with this special rule always fires one more shot than is normal for its weapon. For example, if its weapon is Heavy 2, it fires 3 shots.FlickerjumpOnce per turn, when a unit comprised entirely of models with this special rule is chosen as the target of a shooting attack, it can immediately make a Warp Jump, moving 2D6" instead of 6+2D6", so long as it is not Falling Back or charging. The firing unit cannot choose a different target, even if the target unit is now out of range or line of sight. A unit that makes a Warp jump in this way cannot make a Warp jump in its following Movement phase.Hand of AsuryanWhen determining Warlord Traits for Asurmen, he always has D3 traits from the Warlord Traits table in Codex: Craftworlds – re-roll any duplicates.Herald of VictoryA unit that contains at least one model with this special rule does not scatter when it arrives by Deep Strike.Hunter’s StrikeIf Karandras is held in Reserve, he automatically arrives at the start of the controlling player’s second turn. When he arrives from Reserve, he can move on from any table edge. If Karandras joins a unit of Striking Scorpions during deployment, and no other characters join the unit, all models in that unit also benefit from this special rule.Inescapable AccuracyA model with this special rule re-rolls failed To Hit rolls when firing at a unit that Zoomed, Swooped, Turbo-boosted or moved Flat Out during its previous turn.InterceptAt the end of the Movement phase, a model with this special rule can make one Attack against an enemy Flyer or Flying Monstrous Creature that it moved over that turn. The Attack hits on a roll of 4+, and is resolved at Strength 4 AP4 with the Haywire special rule. Flyers are hit on their side armour.Iron ResolveA unit that contains at least one model with this special rule automatically passes Pinning, Fear, Regroup tests and Morale checks.Jump JetsThe Revenant may move up to 36" in the Movement phase. When moving, charging or falling back, it can move over all other models and all terrain freely. However, it cannot end its move on top of other models and can only end its move on top of impassable terrain if it is actually possible to place the model on top of it.Khaine AwakenedThe Avatar, and all friendly units with the Eldar faction within 12" of the Avatar, have the Fearless, Furious Charge and Rage special rules.Linked FireIf a Fire Prism squadron contains more than one model, the squadron can link its prism cannons instead of firing normally. Nominate one model in the squadron as the firer; the other models in the squadron cannot fire their prism cannons this turn. The firer shoots with its prism cannon as normal, adding 1 to the Strength (to a maximum of 10) and subtracting 1 from the AP (to a minimum of 1) for each other Fire Prism in the squadron that could have otherwise fired its prism cannon normally. For example, a squadron of 3 Fire Prisms, 1 of which is affected by a Crew Stunned result and can only fire Snap Shots, could fire a single focussed shot at Strength 8 AP1.Marksman’s EyeThis model makes Precision Shots on a 5+, rather than a 6.Master of PathfindersIf Illic Nightspear joins a unit of Rangers, all Rangers in that unit gain the Sharpshot special rule whilst he is part of that unit.Molten BodyThe Avatar is unaffected by all Pyromancy psychic powers, all flamer weapons, and all attacks that have the Melta and/or Soul Blaze special rules.MonofilamentWhen rolling To Wound for a weapon that has this special rule, use the target’s Initiative instead of its Toughness (note that the model’s Toughness is still used to determine whether an attack has the Instant Death special rule). In addition, if a 6 is rolled To Wound when attacking with a weapon that has this special rule, the Wound is resolved at AP2 unless the weapon is AP1.Monofilament ShroudIf a Night Spinner squadron contains more than one model, the squadron can fire a Monofilament Shroud instead of firing normally. Nominate one model in the squadron as the firer; the other models in the squadron cannot fire their doomweavers this turn. The nominated model shoots using the doomweaver’s Dispersed profile, adding 1 to the Strength and number of shots fired for each other model in the squadron that could have otherwise fired its doomweaver normally. For example, a squadron of 3 Night Spinners, 1 of which is affected by a Crew Stunned result and cannot fire its doomweaver this turn, would fire 2 shots, each resolved at Strength 8.Runes of the FarseerOnce in each Psychic phase, a model with this special rule can re-roll any number of dice used in a single Deny the Witch test or Psychic test (potentially negating Perils of the Warp in the process).ShadowstrikeIf a unit that consists entirely of models with this special rule infiltrates, it has the Shrouded special rule. If the unit shoots (including Overwatch) or fights in combat, it loses the Shrouded special rule.SharpshotShots fired by models with this special rule (excluding Snap Shots) are always Precision Shots.Shield of GraceAsurmen has a 4+ invulnerable save. This is increased to a 3+ invulnerable save whilst he is fighting in a challenge.SkyburstThis shooting attack does not need line of sight. If the unit consists of at least six models with a grenade pack, the attack has the Large Blast special rule instead of the Blast special rule.SkyhunterWhen shooting at a vehicle with the Flyer type, a model with this special rule re-rolls armour penetration rolls that do not cause a glancing or penetrating hit.SoulrazorWhen a model suffers one or more unsaved Wounds from this weapon, it must pass a separate Leadership test for each Wound suffered or be removed from play.SoundquakeTo fire the sonic lance, place the hellstorm template so that the narrow end is within 18" of the weapon and the large end is no closer to the weapon than the narrow end. Models under the template are wounded on a 3+ regardless of their Toughness. Against vehicles, the sonic lance is Strength 1 and rolls 3D6 for armour penetration.Spirit MarkWraithguard, Wraithblades, Wraithlords, Wraithknights and Hemlock Wraithfighters can re-roll To Hit rolls of 1 against enemy units that are within 12" of a model with this special rule.SpiritlinkWhenever Eldrad Ulthran successfully passes a Psychic test, roll a D6. On a score of 5 or 6, he immediately generates a Warp Charge point.StalkerIn the first round of a challenge, this model makes 1 bonus Attack for each point that its Initiative is higher than its opponent’s Initiative characteristic.Sun’s BrillianceWhen Baharroth enters play from Deep Strike, all enemy units within 6" must take a test as if hit by a weapon with the Blind special rule. Models that are immune to the Blind special rule are immune to Sun’s Brilliance.Sword of VaulIf this model is equipped with a ghostglaive, the ghostglaive’s Strength is increased to D.The Path of CommandIf your army contains one or more Autarchs or Autarch Skyrunners, you can modify any of your Reserve Rolls by +1 or -1 (choose separately after each roll is made).Unquenchable ResolveAt the end of any phase in which Fuegan suffers one or more unsaved Wounds, his Strength and Attacks increase by 1 for each unsaved Wound suffered. These characteristic bonuses last for the rest of the game.Vaul’s WorkThe bearer of this weapon has the Fearless special rule. In a challenge, Attacks made with this weapon have the Fleshbane and Instant Death special rules.VibroFor each model in the same unit after the first that scores at least 1 hit on the target unit with a weapon that has this special rule, add 1 to the Strength (to a maximum of 10) and subtract 1 from the AP (to a minimum of 1) of each hit for that round of shooting. For example, if three models in a unit all score hits on the same target unit with weapons that have this special rule, all hits would be resolved at +2 Strength and -2AP.VoidshotWhen rolling To Wound for a weapon that has this special rule, a roll of 6 causes a Wound with the Instant Death special rule. When making an Armour Penetration roll for a weapon that has this special rule, a roll of 6 causes a penetrating hit, regardless of the vehicle’s Armour Value.Walker of the Hidden PathIf Illic Nightspear deploys using the Infiltrate special rule, he can be deployed anywhere on the battlefield that is outside of impassable terrain, regardless of enemy proximity. If he begins the game with a unit of Rangers, all Rangers in that unit benefit from this rule.War ShoutEnemy units locked in combat with a model that has this special rule subtract 2 from their Leadership.Whirlwind of DeathMaugan Ra can fire The Maugetar twice in each Shooting Phase, either at the same target or at two different targets.WildfireWhenever the Firesabre’s Soul Blaze rule inflicts one or more unsaved Wounds, roll a D6 for every unit (friend or foe, but excluding the bearer’s unit) within 6" of the unit that suffered the Wound. On a roll of 4+, that unit is set ablaze as per the Soul Blaze special rule (this Soul Blaze does not benefit from the Wildfire special rule).Agile
In the Shooting phase, this model can choose to either:Eldar Titan Holo-fields
Before making an armour penetration roll or rolling on the Destroyer Weapon Attack table for attacks against this model, the attacker must roll a D6 to see if the attack hit the target or a holo-field image. If this model moved in its last turn, it is hit on a roll of 4+. If not, then it is hit on a roll of 3+. Only make armour penetration rolls or rolls on the Destroyer Weapon Attack table for attacks that hit the target.
Tactical Objectives
Codex: Craftworlds describes six Tactical Objectives to use in your games that are exclusive to Eldar players and reflect the discipline and skill of their warhosts in battle. If your Warlord has the Eldar Faction, these Tactical Objectives replace the Capture & Control Tactical Objectives (numbers 11-16).If a Warhammer 40,000 mission has the Tactical Objectives special rule, players use the normal rules for using Tactical Objectives with the following exception: when an Eldar player generates a Capture & Control objective (numbers 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16), generate the corresponding Eldar Tactical Objective instead, as shown in the table below. Other Tactical Objectives (numbers 21-66) are generated normally. LEGACY OF SORROW By slaying the enemy leader now, a potential disaster in the years to come can be averted. 11 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if an enemy character was removed as a casualty during this turn. Type: ELDAR SKYBORNE ASSAULT It is the birthright of the Eldar to strike with the fury of the storm, asserting their rule over stars and skies alike. 12 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if, during your turn, at least one enemy unit was completely destroyed by a friendly unit with the Eldar Faction and the Skimmer or Eldar Jetbike unit type. If 3 or more enemy units were completely destroyed by a friendly unit with the Eldar Faction and the Skimmer or Eldar Jetbike unit type, score D3 Victory Points instead. Type: ELDAR KHAINE’S WRATH Just as there is a time for subtlety and finesse, there is a time for unfettered rage and destruction. 13 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if, during your turn, a friendly unit with the Eldar Faction successfully charged an enemy unit. If 3 or more friendly units with the Eldar Faction made successful charges, score D3 points instead. Type: ELDAR GUARDIANS OF THE HIDDEN PATH Dormant though it may be, a conduit to the webway cannot be allowed to fall into enemy hands. 14 Roll a D6 when this Tactical Objective is generated. Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if there are no enemy units within 12" of the Objective Marker whose number corresponds to the result of the D6. Type: ELDAR STRANDS OF FATE The myriad futures of a battle are ever in flux, but it is within the abilities of a gifted seer to edge them in his favour by being in the right place at the right time. 15 Roll a D6 when this Tactical Objective is generated. Immediately after rolling the D6, you can increase or decrease the result by 1 if your Warlord has the Psyker special rule. Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if you control the Objective Marker whose number corresponds to the result. Type: ELDAR COMBINED STRIKE A well-coordinated attack is a symphony of destruction, warriors working together to become more than the sum of their parts. 16 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least one enemy unit was completely destroyed during either your Psychic, Shooting or Assault phase. Score D3 Victory Points instead if at least one enemy unit was completely destroyed in any two of these phases. Score D3+3 Victory Points instead if at least one enemy unit was destroyed in all three of these phases. Type: ELDAR
Warlord TraitsWhen generating his Warlord Trait, an Eldar Warlord can either roll on one of the Warlord Traits tables in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules, or roll on the table below.
Wing LeadersEldar Wing Leaders
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