This page details military structure of Tyranids forces including Detachments, Formations and Apocalypse Formations.
DetachmentsHive Fleet Detachment
Shield of Baal: Leviathan includes a unique Detachment - the Hive Fleet Detachment - that reflects the fighting style used by the Tyranid hive fleets. It follows all the Detachment rules presented in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules.
![]() All units chosen must have the Tyranids Faction. If your Warlord is from this Detachment, then you must roll on the Hive Fleet Leviathan Warlord Traits table to see which Warlord Trait it has. COMMAND BENEFITS Adapted Instincts: You can re-roll the Instinctive Behaviour roll for any unit in this Detachment. FormationsPhodian Annihilation Swarm
Crawl from the Shadows: All models in this Formation have the Stealth special rule. Models that already have the Stealth special rule also have the Shrouded Special rule. Hypertoxic Node
Hypertoxic: Any hit inflicted by a model in this Formation that has the Poisoned special rule gains the Instant Death Special rule on a To Wound roll of a 6. Hits inflicted by a Toxicrene in this formation have the Instant Death special rule on a roll of 5 or 6. Neural Node
A Monstrous Presence in the Warp: Enemy models are affected by the Shadow in the Warp special rule if they are within 18" of the Maleceptor from this Formation, rather than 12" as would normally be the case. Skyblight Swarm
Objective Secured: All Gargoyle units from this Formation have the Objective Secured special rule. A unit with this special rule controls Objective Markers even if an enemy scoring unit is within range of the Objective Marker, unless the enemy unit also has this special rule. Skytide
The units in this Formation retain all of the special rules specified from their individual Formation datasheets. In addition, the following special rules apply to the Formation:
SPECIAL RULES Synaptic Command Network: All other Synapse Creatures from this Formation that are within synapse range of the Hive Tyrant from the Skytyrant Swarm Formation add 6" to their own synapse range. Skytyrant Swarm
Command Node: The Hive Tyrant in this Formation adds 6" to its synapse range. Sporefield
Advance Wave: All units in this Formation have the Infiltrate special rule. Hive Vanguard
Swoop Forth: If, at the start of this Formation’s Movement phase, the Hive Vanguard’s unit of Gargoyles is within 18" of its Hive Tyrant, it can swoop forth instead of moving; remove the unit from the battlefield, even if it is locked in combat. It then immediately arrives anywhere on the board using the rules for Deep Strike. It will not scatter if it attempts to Deep Strike within 6" of the Tyranid Warriors from this Formation. Broodlord’s Hunting Pack
![]() One Genestealer Brood must include a Broodlord. Only one Broodlord can be taken in the Formation. ![]() SPECIAL RULES
Hidden Beneath the City: Units from this Formation that arrive from Reserve can be set up in an unoccupied Building. Alternatively, they can be set up in Ruins terrain, as long as they are set up more than 6" away from any enemy models. Deathleaper’s Assassin Brood
![]() The Lictor Broods in this Formation are individual units each consisting of a single model. ![]() SPECIAL RULES
• Preferred Enemy (Character and Independent Character) Gargoyle Bio-bomb
Wings of Death: If a Spore Mine Cluster from this Formation starts a move (including a Run or charge move) within 6" of a Gargoyle unit from this Formation, then the Spore Mine Cluster can move 6" if it is the Movement phase, and does not halve the distance rolled if it Runs or charges. Lictor Forest Brood
Deadly Fruit: Models from this Formation that are within a Forest have the Shrouded special rule instead of the Stealth special rule. In addition, models from this Formation that are deployed within a Forest using the Infiltrate special rule can be set up within 6" of an enemy model. Manufactorum Genestealers
![]() Manufactorum Genestealer Broods may not include additional Genestealers. ![]() SPECIAL RULES
• Hit & Run Endless Swarm
Endless Swarm: Each time a Hormagaunt or Termagant Brood from this Formation is completely destroyed, roll a D6: on a 4+ you can immediately place a new unit into Ongoing Reserve that is identical in terms of the original number of models, weapons and upgrades to the unit that was just destroyed. These new units count as being part of the original Formation, so roll a D6 as described above if they are subsequently destroyed. Victory points are awarded as normal for new units in this Formation that have been completely destroyed. Incubator Node
Hyper-progenitive: When rolling to see how many Termagants the Tervigon from this Formation spawns, you must re-roll any rolls of a 1. Living Artillery Node
![]() The Tyranid Warrior Brood in this Formation must include a model that has taken an item from the Basic Bio-cannons list. ![]() SPECIAL RULES
Organic Bombardment: All ranged weapons fired by models in this Formation have the Pinning special rule. In addition, models in this Formation that are within 12" of this Formation’s Tyranid Warrior Brood can re-roll the scatter dice when firing weapons with the Blast or Barrage special rule. Synaptic Swarm
Bioblast Node
![]() The Tyranid Warrior Brood in this Formation must include a model that has taken an item from the Basic Bio-cannons list. Carnifex models in this Formation must take at least one option from the Monstrous Bio-cannons list. ![]() SPECIAL RULES
Bio-deluge: All units in this Formation have the Split Fire special rule. In addition, models in this Formation that are within 12" of this Formation’s Tyranid Warrior Brood can re-roll failed To Wound rolls of 1 in the Shooting phase. Living Tide
![]() • 1 Synaptic Swarm • 3 Endless Swarms • 1 Wrecker Node • 1 Skyblight Swarm The units in this Formation must adhere to all of the restrictions detailed in each of the corresponding Formation datasheets. The units in this Formation retain all of the special rules specified in the corresponding Formation datasheets. In addition, the following special rules apply: ![]() SPECIAL RULES
• Fear Subterranean Swarm
They Came From Below…: All units in this Formation must be placed in Reserve. Make a single Reserve Roll for the entire Formation. When the Formation arrives from Reserve, deploy the Trygon Prime first, by Deep Strike, using its Subterranean Assault special rule. Once the Trygon Prime’s final position has been established, the Formation’s three Ravener Broods immediately enter play. Place the Ravener units so that all of their models are wholly within 6" of the Trygon Prime’s base and in unit coherency. These models cannot be placed within 1" of enemy models or within impassable terrain; if any models cannot be placed, these excess models are removed as casualties. The Formation’s Ravener Broods cannot move in the Movement phase or charge on the same turn they arrive, but can shoot or Run. The Formation’s Trygon and Mawloc enter play via Deep Strike as usual. Tyrant Node
![]() The unit of Tyrant Guard must include three models. The Hive Tyrant cannot be equipped with Wings. ![]() Wrecker Node
![]() The Tyranid Warrior Brood in this Formation cannot take items from the Basic Bio-cannons list. Carnifex models in this Formation cannot take options from the Monstrous Bio-cannons list. ![]() SPECIAL RULES
Rampage of Destruction: Carnifexes in this Formation inflict D3+1 Hammer of Wrath hits instead of the usual D3. In addition, models in this Formation that are within 12" of this Formation’s Tyranid Warrior Brood can re-roll failed To Wound rolls of 1 in the Assault phase. Apocalypse FormationsCarnifex Crusher BroodTYPE
• Battle Formation SPECIAL RULES • It Will Not Die
Endless SwarmTYPE
• Battle Formation SPECIAL RULES Bodies Over Bullets: If an enemy unit targets a unit in this formation with a shooting attack, roll a D3. If the result is less than the turn number, the enemy unit can only fire Snap Shots. Living Fortress![]() None. ![]() TYPE
• High Command SPECIAL RULES • Feel No Pain Subterranean Swarm![]() None. ![]() TYPE
• Battle Formation SPECIAL RULES Coordinated Attack: All units in this formation must be placed in Strategic Reserve and enter play by Deep Strike. The Trygon Prime must deploy first. Once this is done, the rest of the units from the Subterranean Swarm may be placed anywhere within 12" of the Trygon Prime - do not roll for scatter. |