The Night Lords were the eighth Legion formed during the First Founding. Their Primarch, Konrad Curze – later to be known as Night Haunter – grew up on the mining planet known as Nostromo, a world shielded from its sun by a huge moon, and which consequently rested in almost perpetual blackness. The days on Nostromo, such as they were, were only slightly lighter than the pitch-black nights, and the people of the planet grew up with a deathly grey pallor. Suicide and depression were facts of life on such a world, and were it not for the huge deposits of adamantium formed beneath the planet’s surface, it is doubtful the world would have been inhabited at all.
How This Supplement WorksOn this page, you will find special rules unique to armies from the Night Lords that reflect their tactics on the battlefield. You will also find Warlord Traits, Chaos Artefacts and Tactical Objectives that you can use when fielding your Night Lords army in games of Warhammer 40,000, and an exclusive Detachment – the Murder Talon.
FAQTraitor Legions
Night Lords Special RulesAny Detachment with the Chaos Space Marines Faction can be from one of the nine Traitor Legions. A Night Lords Detachment retains the Chaos Space Marines Faction and is treated in all ways as a Chaos Space Marines Detachment, with the following modifications:
In Midnight CladUnits that have the Veterans of the Long War special rule have the Fear, Night Vision and Stealth special rules.Skyborne HorrorUnits of Raptors are Troops choices instead of Fast Attack choices.Terror TacticsEnemy units that are locked in combat with any units from a Night Lords Detachment or Formation must subtract 2 from their Leadership when taking Fear tests.Tactical Objectives
Presented below are six Tactical Objectives to use in your games of Warhammer 40,000, which are exclusive to Night Lords players and reflect their murderous style of warfare. If your Warlord is from a Night Lords Detachment or Formation, you may replace the Capture & Control Tactical Objectives (numbers 11-16) described in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules with the Tactical Objectives on this page.If a Warhammer 40,000 mission has the Tactical Objectives special rule, players use the normal rules for using Tactical Objectives with the following exception: when a Night Lords player using these Tactical Objectives generates a Capture & Control objective (numbers 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16), they instead generate the corresponding Night Lords Tactical Objective, as shown in the table to the right. Other Tactical Objectives (numbers 21-66) are generated normally. HUNTER, PREY The Night Lords prey upon the weakling champions of lesser foes with a cruel pleasure. 11 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if you killed any enemy characters in a challenge during your turn. Type: NIGHT LORDS GENOCIDAL TENDENCIES The Night Lords can often be seen giving into their baser instincts and hurling themselves at the foe to indiscriminately murder and slay. 12 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least one unit made a successful charge during your turn. Type: NIGHT LORDS STRIKE AS IF FROM NOWHERE A favoured strategy of the Night Lords is to launch sudden and hard-hitting strikes, be they from the skies, concealed positions or the enemy flanks. 13 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if you completely destroyed an enemy unit with a unit that was either in cover or that arrived from Deep Strike Reserves during your turn. Type: NIGHT LORDS MURDER ON THE MIND The Night Lords never pass up an opportunity for a gory display of brutality. 14 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if you completely destroyed one enemy unit during the Assault phase of your turn. Score D3 Victory Points instead if you completely destroyed three or more enemy units during the Assault phase of your turn. Type: NIGHT LORDS EXCESSIVE FORCE Since the days of the Great Crusade, the Night Lords have borne a reputation for the merciless execution of those standing in their way. 15 Score D3 Victory Points at the end of your turn if you completely destroyed at least two enemy units that were controlling Objective Markers at the start of your turn. Type: NIGHT LORDS BRINGERS OF TERROR Honouring the ways of their Primarch’s reign of terror on ancient Nostramo, the Night Lords use fear as a weapon as much as bolter and blade. 16 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if your opponent failed a Morale, Pinning or Fear test during your turn. If your opponent failed 3 or more Morale, Pinning or Fear tests, score D3 Victory Points instead, and if they failed 6 or more, score D3+3 Victory Points. Type: NIGHT LORDS Warlord TraitsWhen generating his Warlord Traits, a Warlord from an Iron Warriors Detachment or Formation may choose to roll on the table below instead of those found in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules or Codex: Chaos Space Marines.
DetachmentsNight Lords Murder TalonThe Murder Talon allows you to represent the typical structure of a Night Lords army on the battlefield. Whether you wish to bring death and destruction with the full might of a Chaos invasion force, or field an elite warband tasked with some dark purpose, the choices below offer a great way to pick your army. A Murder Talon is a special type of Detachment that can be included in any Battle-forged army. Unlike the Detachments shown in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules, it has a Force Organisation Chart whose slots are a combination of specific Formations and Army List Entries instead of Battlefield Roles. However, it still has compulsory and optional elements, as well as Restrictions and Command Benefits, just like any other Detachment.Although units cannot normally belong to more than one Detachment, units from a Formation that is part of a Murder Talon are an exception. They count as part of both their Formation and the Detachment, and have all associated Command Benefits and special rules. If your Warlord is part of a Formation or an Army List Entry that makes up part of a Murder Talon, the entire Murder Talon is your Primary Detachment. ![]() Command
0-4 ![]() Core
1+ ![]() Auxiliary
This Detachment must include at least one Core choice and one Auxiliary choice. It may include up to four Command choices and any number of additional Core or Auxiliary choices, in any combination. Only the datasheets listed here can be included in this Detachment and all units must have the Chaos Space Marines Faction. COMMAND BENEFITS Nocturnal Warfare: If the Night Lords player wishes the Night Fighting rules to take effect, they are automatically successful; there is no need to roll. Whilst the Night Fighting rules are in effect, all non-vehicle units in this Detachment add 1 to their cover saves. The most favoured champions within Night Lords Legion wield powerful and deadly relics designed with a simple but cruel purpose in mind – murder. Only one of each of the following items may be chosen per army, and only one may be chosen per model. Units in an Night Lords Detachment or Formation that can normally take Chaos Artefacts in Codex: Chaos Space Marines can choose to take items from the Chaos Artefacts of the Night Lords list below at the points cost shown instead.
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