Some Chariots are personal war machines for characters that prefer to lead their forces to battle from a suitably grandiose perch; others are brutal constructions designed for little purpose other than to crush their enemies beneath wickedly spiked wheels. A Chariot is an unusual unit with a dual profile – a non-vehicle profile for the rider of the Chariot (see below), and a vehicle profile for the Chariot itself. However, a Chariot is always treated as a single model. For the purposes of characteristics tests, always use the rider’s profile. Furthermore, any characteristics modifiers that affect a Chariot model apply to both rider and Chariot.Shown here is an example:
A character mounted on a Chariot is referred to as the rider. A rider cannot disembark from his Chariot, nor can he be targeted separately from his Chariot. If either the rider is reduced to 0 Wounds or his Chariot is destroyed, then the entire model is removed from play as a casualty. If the rider has a special rule that returns it to play after it has been removed as a casualty, such as a Necron’s Ever-living special rule, that model’s Chariot is also returned to play with a single Hull Point. Chariots move normally for a vehicle of their type. When determining the required To Hit roll for any weapons fired by a Chariot model, use the Ballistic Skill on the Chariot’s profile for any weapons mounted on the Chariot itself, and the Ballistic Skill on the rider’s profile for any weapons wielded by the rider. In addition to the Chariot’s weapons shooting, the rider can shoot any shooting weapon he himself is equipped with, counting as stationary even if the Chariot moved in the previous Movement phase – the Chariot and rider must target the same unit though. When shooting at a Chariot unit, total up the number of successful hits that have been caused. Keep the dice that have scored hits and create a ‘pool’, where each dice represents a hit. If there are hits with different Strengths, AP values or special rules that affect saving throws or any Wounds they inflict, split them into several pools of hits. All hits with exactly the same Strength, AP value and special rules must go into the same pool. If all the hits are the same, there will be only one hit pool. The player controlling the Chariot unit then allocates each hit pool either to the rider or the Chariot of the closest model in the unit. If several pools of hits need to be allocated, the player making the attacks must decide in which order they are resolved. All hits from a single pool must be allocated and resolved before moving on to the next pool of hits. Hit pools from Blast and Template weapons are always resolved against the Chariot. If the Chariot model is hit by a Precision Shot, that hit is allocated by the firer, not the owning player. When resolving successful hits that have been assigned to a Chariot, work out which of its Armour Values to use as you would for any other vehicle, based on the position of the model compared to the model firing at it. Unlike other vehicles, Chariots can make charge moves and can be locked in combat. Chariots can only declare a charge in the Assault phase if they did not move Flat Out in the Shooting phase. Chariots charge like Bikes. Chariots that charge through difficult terrain must take a Dangerous Terrain test (unless they are Skimmers). Chariots that are Skimmers must take a Dangerous Terrain test if they begin or end their charge move in difficult terrain. A Chariot that fails a Dangerous Terrain test suffers a glancing hit. As long as the charge range is sufficient to bring the hull (or base) into contact with the target unit, the charge is successful. In either case, always roll To Hit against the rider’s Weapon Skill, then resolve any damage against the nominated target as normal. Grenades can only be used to attack the Chariot, so cannot be used by models that choose to target the rider. Any hits assigned to the Chariot roll for armour penetration against its front armour. This is because, unlike with other vehicles, the Chariot’s rider can defend it. Similarly, damage results that do not destroy a Chariot do not affect the way its rider fights in close combat. In addition to the rider, some Chariots have crew or are pulled into battle by beasts. Any crew or beasts that pull a Chariot are ignored and can never be targeted separately from the vehicle. Furthermore, a Chariot’s crew or beasts cannot attack unless otherwise stated in the Chariot’s profile or special rules. Very occasionally a Chariot will not have a rider. In this case, all attacks that hit the model must be allocated to the Chariot itself. In close combat, a riderless Chariot will make its Hammer of Wrath hits as normal, but will not make any further attacks and is hit by enemy models as for other vehicles (i.e. it is treated as having Weapon Skill 1). Chariots count Immobilised results from the Vehicle Damage table as a Crew Stunned result instead. A Chariot will still need to take a Dangerous Terrain test if it moves through difficult terrain. However, if this test is failed, the Chariot is not Immobilised – instead, it suffers a glancing hit. A Chariot has the Hammer of Wrath special rule, but gains D6 attacks rather than one, resolved at Strength 6 AP-, unless otherwise stated. A Chariot can re-roll one or more of the dice when determining its charge range. A rider has the Fearless and Relentless special rules. A rider can fire Overwatch if its Chariot is charged, but it cannot shoot any of the weapons mounted on the Chariot itself. |