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Super-heavy Flyers

Super-heavy Flyers such as the Thunderhawk Gunship are huge flying vehicles armed with a terrifying array of weapons and bombs. They are often capable of transporting large numbers of troops and even heavily armoured vehicles. They dominate the skies above the battlefield, and are extremely hard for ground defences to bring down.

Super-heavy Flyers are Flyers that have the additional rules and exceptions given below.


Super-heavy Flyers are Super-heavy vehicles and use the Super-heavy vehicle rules for Shooting, Vehicle Damage, Catastrophic Damage and Transports.

Catastrophic Damage

Do not use the Crash and Burn! rules for Super-heavy Flyers. Instead, a Super-heavy Flyer suffers Catastrophic Damage when it loses its last Hull Point. Resolve the Catastrophic Damage on the Super-heavy Flyer and any units it is transporting in exactly the same manner as for a Super-heavy vehicle.

Special Rules

All Super-heavy Flyers have the following special rules: Fear, Invincible Behemoth.


Super-heavy Vehicles

 Q: Can Super-heavy Walkers (e.g. Imperial Knights) disengage from combat?
 Q: Do units embarked on a Super-heavy vehicle fire Snap Shots if it moves more than 6"?
 Q: Can a Super-heavy Flyer that has a Hover mode Thunderblitz?
 Q: Do you have to select all targets before any dice are rolled for the weapons mounted on a Super-heavy vehicle? If that is the case, are One Use Only/One Shot Only weapons used up if a previous weapon destroyed the target that the One Use Only/One Shot Only weapon was going to shoot?
Yes, to both questions.
 Q: Can Super-heavy Walkers Thunderblitz?
 Q: Do Super-heavy Walkers shoot at targets from where their weapon is modeled or from the base?
Ranges are measured from the weapon itself. Unless modelled otherwise, assume all weapons have a 45° facing from the front of the model.
 Q: Are Super-heavy Walkers limited, like normal Walkers, to a 45° arc of fire from the facing of the model’s weapon?
Yes – they follow all the normal rules for Walkers, except when explicitly stated otherwise.
 Q: Can Super-heavy Flyers Jink?