The Daemons of Tzeentch are inherently magical creatures, even more so than the other daemons of chaos; they appear ephemeral, transparent or as if made of light. Their very presence can alter the rules of reality, and they can leave trails of multi-coloured fire and mist behind them as they move.
How This Supplement Works
This page details background and rules that describe the forces used by the Daemons of Tzeentch. Used in conjunction with Codex:
Chaos Daemons, it enables you to forge your collection of Tzeentch Daemon miniatures into an army ready to enact the great plan of the Changer of the Ways in your games of Warhammer 40,000.
Book | Kind | Edition | Version | Last update |
► War Zone Fenris: Wrath of Magnus | Campaign | 7 | 1.0 | December 2016 |
War Zone Fenris: Curse of the Wulfen | Campaign | 7 | 1.0 | January 2017 |
War Zone Fenris: Wrath of Magnus
Q: | Do the units that are created count as Objective Secured if the Pink Horrors that spawned them had that rule? Are they a part of the Detachment that spawns them and therefore subject to all the rules of the Detachment? |
A: | No to both questions. |
Q: | Should the player pay points for the extra units formed when Pink or Blue Horrors split? |
A: | No. |
Q: | Does the entire spawned unit have to be within 6" or just 1 model in it? Could I string a unit of Blue Horrors or Brimstone Horrors across the table, with just 1 model within 6" of the Pink Horrors? It is not clear. |
A: | The entire squad needs to be within 6". |
Q: | It seems that the only thing that stops them from Splitting is if they roll a Daemonic Instability test result that causes the entire unit to be taken off of the table. Is this correct? |
A: | Yes. |
Q: | What do you do if a unit of Blue Horrors or Brimstone Horrors cannot be placed because there are enemy models that prohibit this? I assume they are destroyed, or those that cannot be placed are destroyed, but it does not say. |
A: | |
Q: | If the entire unit of Pink Horrors is destroyed, do you place the Blue Horrors immediately? The Split special rule indicates that you only immediately place the Blue Horrors if a ‘rule’ causes the entire unit of Pink Horrors to be wiped out (which wounds like it is indicating something like Perils of the Warp, etc.) but what about simple attrition? If I shoot and destroy 10 of 10 Pink Horrors, how do I place a unit of 20 or 40 Blue Horrors within 6" of the Pink Horrors if they are no longer there? Or, was the Split rule that talks about them being removed all at once due to a rule meant to indicate simply any time they are wiped out? It’s a bit ambiguous. |
A: | If a unit is wiped out, place the new unit immediately before removing the last model as a casualty. |
War Zone Fenris: Curse of the Wulfen
Q: | Can a unit without the Objective Secured rule cleanse an objective that is controlled by Daemonic Corruption if there are no enemy units within 3"? |
A: | Yes. Any scoring unit can cleanse an objective so long as the Daemon player doesn’t have a unit within 3". |
Q: | Does Shared Power from the Infernal Tetrad treat each Daemon Prince as if it were the Warlord, or do Warlord Traits with wordings like ‘your Warlord receives X’ only affect the actual Warlord? Do these effects stack? |
A: | When using Shared Power, the other models in the Infernal Tetrad have the same Warlord Trait that you generate for your Warlord. This affects each of the Daemon Princes as if they were your Warlord, and they each benefit individually from the rule. For example, if you generated the Savage Hedonist Warlord Trait, you would add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of each of the models, not 4 to the Attacks characteristic of your Warlord. The effects are never cumulative – a unit within 7" of two or more models with the Miasma of Pestilence Warlord Trait would only suffer D6 additional Strength 1 hits with the Poisoned special rule at the end of the phase, not 2D6 or more. For another example, if the models in the Infernal Tetrad have the Strategic Genius Warlord Trait, you would only add 1 to your roll to Seize the Initiative, not 4. |
Q: | Does the ‘flip’ from the Paradox artefact count as a re-roll for the purposes of the rule allowing any dice to only be re-rolled once? |
A: | No. You could use a re-roll on the dice you have ‘flipped’ or use the ‘flip’ on re-rolled dice. |
Q: | The Lord of Skulls isn’t mentioned in the update for Daemons in War Zone Fenris: Curse of the Wulfen. Was this a deliberate omission? |
A: | Yes. |
Daemons of Tzeentch Detachments
Detachments in your army that are comprised entirely of models with the
Daemon of Tzeentch special rule can be Daemons of Tzeentch Detachments. Any Daemons of Tzeentch Detachments can include
Chaos Daemons units from this book as well as those featured in
War Zone Fenris: Curse of the Wulfen and those presented in Codex:
Chaos Daemons.
Later in this section you will find rules for a
Pandemoniad of Tzeentch, a large and powerful Detachment comprised of deadly
Formations that represent Tzeentch’s daemonic legions on the battlefield, providing an example of how you can field an entire army of the Great Conspirator’s immortal servants.
Warp Storm of Tzeentch
If your
Warlord has the
Daemon of Tzeentch special rule, and your
Primary Detachment is chosen either from Codex:
Chaos Daemons,
War Zone Fenris: Curse of the Wulfen or
this book, you can choose to use the
Tzeentchian Warp Storm table for the duration of the battle instead of the
Warp Storm table found in Codex: Chaos Daemons.
Special Rules
Tzeentchian Warp Storm
If your choice of
Warlord and
Primary Detachment makes your army
eligible to use the Tzeentchian Warp Storm table, roll 2D6 at the start of each of your
Shooting phases and resolve the corresponding effect immediately.
2D6 | Result | 2 | Boundless Mutation: The Architect of Fate’s transformative blessings are rained in lethal measure upon those who catch his eye. Randomly select a character (friend or foe) on the table, excluding any models with the Daemon special rule. That model suffers D3 Wounds with no saves of any kind allowed. If this causes the model to lose its last Wound, place a new Chaos Spawn model under the control of the current player anywhere within 6" of that character, then remove the character as a casualty. | 3 | Warp Flux: The stuff of the Warp roils as if stirred by a godly hand, rendering its use incredibly unstable. Any unit attempting to manifest a psychic power suffers Perils of the Warp if their Psychic test includes two or more dice rolls of the same number. This effect lasts until you or your opponent next roll on the Tzeentchian Warp Storm table. | 4 | Mirror Step: Those who call the Warp their home are reflections of mortal emotions – some can be reflected in their turn to pass swiftly through reality’s folding veil. Randomly select a unit (friend or foe) on the table that has the Daemon of Tzeentch special rule and remove it from play. The unit’s controlling player then immediately returns it to play via Deep Strike. | 5 | Gale of Change: The winds of change blow strong, empowering the magic of those who can harness them. All Psyker units on the board harness Warp Charge points on a result of 3+ (unless they would otherwise harness them on a 2+). This effect lasts until you or your opponent next roll on the Tzeentchian Warp Storm table. | 6 | Mutagenic Fire: Those warriors that make flame their weapon find their fires blessed by the power of change. All flamer weapons on the battlefield (as defined in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules) gain the Warpflame special rule. | 7 | Visions from Beyond the Veil: Friend and foe alike convulse as they see strange visions of realities to come. Each player gains D3 re-rolls (roll separately for each player). Each re-roll allows that player to re-roll any single dice once during the turn. At the end of the turn, any unused re-rolls are lost. | 8 | Warp Surge: The air crackles with invisible power as the stuff of the Warp becomes plentiful – and dangerous. The Warp Charge cost of all psychic powers is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1). However, if a Psyker fails their Psychic test when attempting to manifest a psychic power, they suffer Perils of the Warp. This effect lasts until you or your opponent next roll on the Tzeentchian Warp Storm table. | 9 | Storm of Fire: Tzeentch’s magical storm rages, swathing fate’s playthings in killing fire. Roll a D6 for every non-vehicle unit on the battlefield. On a roll of 1 or 2, the unit being rolled for suffers D6 Strength 4 AP4 hits with the Warpflame special rule. | 10 | Brimstone Rain: Tiny meteors hurtle from the sky – at each impact site, Brimstone Horrors burst into fiery life. Set up a unit of 10 Brimstone Horrors under the control of the current player. This unit arrives on the battlefield via Deep Strike. | 11 | Herald’s Possession: The eldritch machinations of Tzeentch can see good men turn into fiendish Daemons. Randomly select a character (friend or foe) on the table, but exclude any models with the Daemon special rule. That model must immediately take a Leadership test. If the test is passed, nothing happens; if the test is failed, the model is possessed! Place a new Herald of Tzeentch model under the control of the current player anywhere within 6" of the possessed character model, then remove the character as a casualty. | 12 | Avatar of Change: The air itself screams as a Greater Daemon tears its way into reality. The player whose turn it is selects a character on the table with the Daemon of Tzeentch special rule. That character must immediately take a Leadership test. If the test is failed, that model is immediately removed as a casualty. If the test is passed, place a Lord of Change model under the control of the current player anywhere within 6" of that character, then remove the character as a casualty.
If the chosen character was your Warlord and passed its Leadership test, your opponent does not earn the Slay the Warlord Secondary Objective until the newly summoned model is removed as a casualty. Furthermore, the Lord of Change will retain any Warlord Trait your Warlord had. |
Tactical Objectives
D6 | Result | 11 | Empowered by the Warp | 12 | Shifting Agenda | 13 | Warp Locus | 14 | Warp Breach | 15 | Cycle of Change | 16 | Unleash the Warp |
Below are six Tactical Objectives to use in your games of Warhammer 40,000 that are exclusive to Daemons of Tzeentch players, and help to reflect their unfathomable goals and the endless cycle of change.
If your
Warlord is from a
Daemons of Tzeentch Detachment or Formation, you may replace the
Capture & Control Tactical Objectives (numbers 11-16) described in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules with the Tactical Objectives on this page.
If a Warhammer 40,000 mission has the
Tactical Objectives special rule, players use the normal rules for
using Tactical Objectives with the following exception: when a Daemons of Tzeentch player using these Tactical Objectives
generates a
Capture & Control objective (numbers 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16), they instead generate the corresponding Daemons of Tzeentch Tactical Objective instead, as shown in the table to the right. Other Tactical Objectives (numbers 21-66) are generated normally.
Magnify the Great Conspirator’s influence on the physical plane by harnessing the energies of the Warp to bolster your minions.
Oftentimes, the lords of flux will change their tactics and goals purely for the challenge of doing so.
A tornado of invisible energy rages around a Daemon of surpassing power – ensure his survival for the glory of Tzeentch.
Open a portal to the unquiet tides of the Warp, and the barrier between realspace and the aether will be rent asunder.
To further the riotous sequence of destruction, change and renewal is to entertain the gods themselves.
Score D3
Victory Points at the end of your turn if your opponent controlled more
Objective Markers than you at the start of your turn, but you ended your turn in control of more Objective Markers than your opponent.
A profusion of psychic pyrotechnics is as pleasing a sight as any Tzeentch Daemon could hope to witness. Let the fireworks begin!
Score 1
Victory Point at the end of your turn if you
manifested 1 or 2
psychic powers during your turn. Score D3 Victory Points instead if you manifested between 3 and 8 psychic powers, or D3+3 Victory Points if you manifested 9 or more psychic powers during your turn.
Warlord Traits
Tzeentch Warlord Traits

If your
Warlord has the
Daemon of Tzeentch special rule, it can roll on the table below instead of
those found in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules or Codex:
Chaos Daemons.
D6 | Warlord Traits |
1 | Born of SorceryTapping into the infinite power of the Warp comes as easily to this Daemon as breathing air does to a mortal. | Your Warlord harnesses Warp Charge points on the result of 3+. |
2 | Incorporeal FormThis Daemon’s body flickers in and out of reality, making it difficult for adversaries to land a telling blow. | Enemy models must reduce their Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill characteristics by 1 (to a minimum of 1) when targeting your Warlord or his unit. |
3 | Warp TetherThis Daemon is blessed with an iron grip on the mortal world, sustaining those in its presence with the power of the Warp. | Add 1 to the invulnerable save of your Warlord and all friendly units with the Daemon of Tzeentch special rule within 9" of him. |
4 | Lorekeeper of TzeentchThe Changer of the Ways has gifted this Daemon with stewardship of the Hidden Library within the Impossible Fortress. Intimate knowledge of the mystical lore that lies inside is his reward for performing such a duty. | Add 1 to your Warlord’s Mastery Level. If your Warlord is not a Psyker, he instead has the Psyker (Mastery Level 1) special rule and generates his powers from the Discipline of Change. |
5 | Tyrant of the WarpThe invasive attentions of Warp-spawned horrors - so often fatal to mortal psykers - are as nothing to this Daemon, for they cower in fear before his psychic might. | Your Warlord ignores the first Perils of the Warp he suffers during each Psychic phase. |
6 | DaemonsparkThis Daemon bears the mark of the Daemonspark, causing nearby Tzeentchian Daemons to blaze with deadly flames. | The close combat attacks of your Warlord, and all friendly units with the Daemon of Tzeentch special rule whilst they are within 9" of him, gain the Soul Blaze special rule. |
Pandemoniad of Tzeentch
The Pandemoniad of Tzeentch allows you to represent the typical structure of an army of Tzeentch Daemons on the battlefield. Whether you wish to unleash your daemonic hordes to drown worlds beneath a sea of mutagenic flames, or field a smaller host tasked with a more mercurial purpose, the choices below offer a great way to pick your army.
The Pandemoniad of Tzeentch is a special type of Detachment that can be included in any
Battle-forged army. Unlike the
Detachments shown in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules, it has a
Force Organisation Chart whose slots are a combination of specific
Formations and
Army List Entries instead of
Battlefield Roles. However, it still has compulsory and optional elements, as well as
Restrictions and
Command Benefits, just like any other Detachment.
Although units cannot normally belong to more than one Detachment, units from a Formation that is part of a Pandemoniad of Tzeentch are an exception. They count as part of both their Formation and the Detachment, and have all associated Command Benefits and special rules. If your
Warlord is part of a Formation or an Army List Entry that makes up part of a Pandemoniad of Tzeentch, that entire Pandemoniad of Tzeentch is your
Primary Detachment.
Detachment must include at least one Core choice and one Auxiliary choice. It may include up to three Command choices and any number of additional Core or Auxiliary choices, in any combination. Every model in this Detachment must have the
Daemon of Tzeentch special rule, and only the datasheets listed here can be included in this Detachment.
COMMAND BENEFITSEphemeral Form: Models from this
Detachment add 1 to their
invulnerable saves (to a maximum invulnerable save of 3+) instead of re-rolling save rolls of 1.
Master of Fate: If this
Detachment is your
Primary Detachment, you can re-roll the result when rolling on the
Tzeentch Warlord Traits table and can re-roll the result when rolling on the
Tzeentchian Warp Storm table.
Daemonic Loci of Tzeentch
Daemonic Heralds are as much physical manifestations of their dark patron’s will as they are beings in their own right. Heralds of Tzeentch often embody one aspect of their master’s multifaceted personality, and can empower their lesser daemonic brethren with a measure of this unnatural power by virtue of their presence alone.
Heralds of Tzeentch can act as focus points for the Changer of the Ways by purchasing locus upgrades. The three tiers of locus, rising from weakest to strongest, are: lesser, greater and exalted. If a unit contains two or more loci, only the strongest takes effect – the rules for the others are ignored whilst there is a stronger locus in the unit. If the model with the strongest locus is slain, the next strongest locus in the unit immediately comes into effect. If there are two loci of the same tier, you choose which applies. Any Herald of Tzeentch may take one of the following loci at the points cost indicated.
Lesser Locus of Transmogrification
To puncture the skin of the creatures around this Daemon is to be struck by a gout of mutagenic liquid that sizzles and sparks as it turns everything it touches to formless confusion. |
Each time a
Pink Horror in this model’s unit is slain in close combat, the unit that inflicted the unsaved wound immediately suffers a Strength 3 AP- hit. Each time a
Blue Horror in this model’s unit is slain in close combat, the unit that inflicted the unsaved wound immediately suffers a Strength 2 AP- hit. Each time a
Brimstone Horror in this model’s unit suffers an unsaved wound in close combat, the unit that inflicted the unsaved wound immediately suffers a Strength 1 AP- hit.
Lesser Locus of Metamorphosis
To wound this creature is merely to trigger a new mutation. Open gashes sprout teeth and chuckle in glee as new mouths, while bullet holes turn inside out into grasping, strangling tentacles. |
This model, and all models in its unit, have the
It Will Not Die special rule.
The physicality of this Daemon is in constant flux – one moment it is as long-limbed and gangling as a spider, the next it is so muscular and heavy it could snap an Ogryn in two with its bare hands. |
At the beginning of each turn, roll a D6; this model and all models in its unit substitute their Strength for the result this turn.
Greater Locus of Trickery
This Daemon surrounds itself in layer upon layer of mind-traps and illusions, each mirage shifting into the next. The result utterly confounds and confuses those who would do him harm. |
At the beginning of each turn, roll a D6; any
To Hit rolls that target the model, or any models in his unit, that have the same score as the result this turn count as having rolled a 1 instead.
Exalted Locus of Conjuration
This Daemon conjures warpflame from the depths of the Crystal Labyrinth, each crackling bolt blindingly intense in its power. |
This model and all models in its unit add 1 to the Strength of all hits caused by
psychic powers they manifest.
Exalted Locus of Creation
In Tzeentch’s province, even the laws that govern the shifting forms of Daemons are mutable – around this Herald, those rent in two duplicate once more until four lesser horrors stand in their place. |
Each time a
Pink Horror in this model’s unit is slain, it splits into four
Blue Horrors instead of two. Each time a Blue Horror in this model’s unit is slain, it splits into two pairs of
Brimstone Horrors instead of one.
Hellforged Artefacts of Tzeentch
Daemons of Tzeentch that have the option to take
Daemonic Rewards can also take a
Hellforged Artefact of Tzeentch, paying the points shown below. These don’t count tow ards the points spent on Daemonic Rewards, but a model can’t have more than one Hellforged Artefact (of any type). Only one of each of these items may be chosen per army.
1 Daemon Prince of Tzeentch or Herald of Tzeentch only.
2 Lord of Change or Herald of Tzeentch only.
3 Lord of Change, Daemon Prince of Tzeentch or Herald of Tzeentch only.
4 Herald of Tzeentch only.
To gaze upon this staff is to be overcome by conflicting visions. The eyes may see an elegant stave of impeccable craftsmanship, its haft glowing with runes of power. In the mind’s eye, it appears as a baleful ebon rod, wreathed with dark flame and steeped in magic. The staffs wielder can draw upon its contradictory nature to reverse the unstable tides of the Warp’s energies into a more reliable stream, tricking the untamed power of Chaos into helping him unleash his fell sorceries. |
This incorporeal blade inflicts no harm upon its victim s physical body, instead carving its way through the stuff of his very soul. So ephemeral and unreal is this strange weapon that it is impossible to cross blades with Soul Bane, for its ghostly edge will pass straight through any guard - in evasion lies the only chance of survival. Those struck by Soul Bane collapse in agony, writhing and screaming as their lacerated souls slowly bleed away into the aether from out of their unmarked flesh and undamaged armour. |
With in the pages of this magical tome lie the secrets of every cantrip, incantation and spell ever conceived by Tzeentch. Though the bearer of th is grimoire has access to the infinite knowledge bound with in, only the Changer of the Ways himself could hope to master the full scope of its power. |
If your
Warlord generates all his powers from the
Discipline of Change, he knows all of its powers.
This staff blazes with vibrant warpflame. As soon as its master takes up this staff, he too is wreathed in the same daemonic fire, though no harm befalls him. From within this magenta inferno, the Everstave’s daemonic bearer can hurl searing gouts of Tzeentch’s Pink Fire, turning armour to ash and immolating or irrevocably mutating the flesh beneath with coruscating empyric flames. |
The wearer of this robe exists between several realities at once. Thus can a daemonic commander potentially control Tzeentch’s interests in multiple times and places at once to further several aspects of the Great Plan. This effect makes it hard for foes to truly harm the wearer, who flickers in and out of reality in an unpredictable fashion. However, the robe is capricious, and has been known to rip its wearer out of reality altogether should he lose control of its powers. |
The Impossible Robe confers a 3+
invulnerable save. However, each time the wearer suffers an unsaved Wound, he must pass a
Leadership test or fade from reality and be removed from play.
Though Discs of Tzeentch display an infinite variety of form and colour; they are all bound to the same purpose - bearing their master upon the tides of sorcery according to his whim. In addition to their role as steeds, some of these weird Daemons are imbued with further powers, gifts such as those of the Oracular Dais. As soon as its master sets foot upon the Dais, his mind is all but overwhelmed by a tide of clairvoyant information. With focus, the Daemon can channel the Oracular Dais’ prescient outpouring into valuable, knowledge that can direct the outcome of a battle. |
The Oracular Dais is a
Disc of Tzeentch. At the start of each of your turns, you can choose one friendly unit with the
Chaos Daemons Faction that is in
Reserve to automatically pass its
Reserve Roll (there is no need to roll).
Altar of War: Daemons of Tzeentch
This page includes three
Altar of War missions for the Daemons of Tzeentch which illustrate the mysterious strategies used by this army and provide new tests of your tactical ability.
If either you or your opponent wish to use an Altar of War mission,
roll-off at the start of
The Mission step of
Preparing for Battle in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules.
The winner of the roll-off can either choose to roll on the
Eternal War or Maelstrom of War mission tables, or agree with their opponent to select an Altar of War mission from this page that they wish to fight. Picking missions is a great way to try out a particular mission you haven’t fought before or to hone your skills at missions you have fought previously.
The Ritual
The daemonic legions of Tzeentch often seek to perform arcane rituals that will enact some unknowable plan. Their enemies will soon find themselves fighting desperately to thwart the machinations of the Daemons even though they cannot hope to fathom their true purpose, nor the extent of their own damnation should they fail.
THE ARMIESChoose armies as described in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules.
The Daemons of Tzeentch player’s
Warlord must have the
Chaos Daemons Faction and the
Daemon of Tzeentch special rule.
THE BATTLEFIELDSet up terrain using the deployment map included in this mission.
Objective MarkersAfter terrain has been set up, the Daemons of Tzeentch player places 6 Objective Markers on the battlefield (each representing a conflux of psychic ley lines essential to Tzeentch’s plans), in the locations shown on the deployment map. Though they should be placed as close as possible to the locations indicated on the map, a degree of common sense will be needed to take into account intervening terrain or any other obstacles. In any case, each Objective Marker should be more than 6" from any battlefield edge and more than 12" from any other Objective Marker.
DEPLOYMENTPlayers must deploy using the
Standard Deployment Method.
FIRST TURNThe player that deployed first has the first turn unless their opponent can
Seize the Initiative.
GAME LENGTHThe mission uses
Variable Game Length. However, if the Daemons of Tzeentch player successfully completes the ritual (see
Mission Special Rules), the game ends immediately.
VICTORY CONDITIONSIf the Daemons of Tzeentch player successfully completes the ritual (see
Mission Special Rules), they are the winner. If the game ends before this happens, their opponent wins instead.
MISSION SPECIAL RULESNight Fighting, Reserves.
Performing the Ritual: At the end of each of their turns, the Daemons of Tzeentch player removes any
Objective Markers controlled by their units from the battlefield. This represents the Daemons having successfully performed the necessary arcane rites at those locations. Should the last Objective Marker be removed in this manner, the Daemons of Tzeentch player has successfully completed the ritual.
Psychic Stormclouds Gather: When
generating Warp Charge in the
Psychic phase, each player generates an additional number of Warp Charge points equal to the number of
Objective Markers that have been removed from the battlefield earlier in the game (see above).
The Schemes of Tzeentch
Such is the indiscernible nature of the Changer of the Ways that even his mightiest daemonic servants often know little of their master’s plans until he finally deigns to reveal them. Even the most gifted seer could not hope to predict the battlefield strategy of Tzeentch’s Daemons, making their plans all but impossible to thwart.
THE ARMIESChoose armies as described in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules.
The Daemons of Tzeentch player’s
Warlord must have the
Chaos Daemons Faction and the
Daemon of Tzeentch special rule.
THE BATTLEFIELDSet up terrain using the deployment map included in this mission.
Objective MarkersAfter terrain has been set up, but before determining table halves, the players must place 6 Objective Markers that are individually numbered 1 through 6 on the battlefield, using the rules for
Placing Objective Markers as described in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules.
DEPLOYMENTPlayers deploy using the
Standard Deployment Method using the deployment map included in this mission.
FIRST TURNThe player that
deployed first has the first turn unless their opponent can
Seize the Initiative.
Tactical ObjectivesThe Daemons of Tzeentch player does not
generate Tactical Objectives at the start of their first turn (see
Mission Special Rules). Their opponent generates 3 Tactical Objectives at the start of their first turn.
GAME LENGTHThe mission uses
Variable Game Length.
VICTORY CONDITIONSAt the end of the game, the player who has scored the most
Victory Points is the winner. If both players have scored the same number of Victory Points, the game is a draw.
Primary ObjectiveAchieve as many Tactical Objectives as possible. If, at the start of their turn, the enemy player has fewer than 3 Active Tactical Objectives, they must generate new Tactical Objectives until they have 3.
Secondary ObjectivesFirst Blood,
Slay the Warlord.
MISSION SPECIAL RULESMysterious Objectives, Night Fighting, Reserves, Tactical Objectives.
Indiscernible Agenda: Instead of generating
Tactical Objectives at the start of each of their turns like their opponent, the Daemons of Tzeentch player instead generates 9 Tactical Objectives at the end of each of their turns. These immediately become Active Tactical Objectives, so the Daemons of Tzeentch player should check to see if they achieved any of them during their turn (or earlier in the game as appropriate).
The Daemons of Tzeentch player can only achieve a maximum of 3 Tactical Objectives in this manner each turn; if they have achieved any more than this, they must choose 3 from those that they have achieved to count this turn. This decision must be made before any rolls are made to determine the random
Victory Point scores of certain Tactical Objectives (for example,
Warp Breach, which offers D3 Victory Points if it is successfully achieved). After scoring Victory Points in this manner, the Daemons of Tzeentch player then discards all
their Tactical Objectives.
Psychic Equinox
In an empire as vast as the Imperium, there are countless opportunities for cosmic alignments, Warp storms and myriad other esoteric anomalies to thin the veil of reality. When such events occur, Tzeentch is often the first to send forth his daemonic legions to wreak havoc, their powers augmented by such psychically attuned phenomena.
THE ARMIESChoose armies as described in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules.
The Daemons of Tzeentch player’s
Warlord must have the
Chaos Daemons Faction and the
Daemon of Tzeentch special rule.
Designer’s Note: For a truly epic confrontation, and with so many Victory Points on offer, we recommend that each player includes as many Psykers in their army as possible!
THE BATTLEFIELDSet up terrain using the deployment map included in this mission. The centre point of the battlefield represents a Warp Breach (see map).
DEPLOYMENTThe Daemons of Tzeentch player
deploys first, setting up all of their models that are not being held in
Reserve within 9" of the Warp Breach at the centre of the battlefield. Their opponent deploys second, setting up all their units not held in Reserve anywhere in their
deployment zone (see map).
FIRST TURNThe Daemons of Tzeentch player has the first turn.
GAME LENGTHThe mission uses
Variable Game Length.
VICTORY CONDITIONSAt the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory Points is the winner. If both players have scored the same number of Victory Points, the game is a draw.
Primary ObjectivesPlayers earn 1 Victory Point each time they successfully
manifest a psychic power.
The Daemons of Tzeentch player earns 1 additional Victory Point each time they successfully manifest a
conjuration. The enemy player earns 1 Victory Point each time they completely destroy a unit belonging to the Daemons of Tzeentch player.
Secondary ObjectivesFirst Blood,
Slay the Warlord.
MISSION SPECIAL RULESNight Fighting, Reserves.
Fuelled by the Warp: The Daemons of Tzeentch player’s units have the
Fearless special rule instead of the
Daemonic Instability special rule.
Lines of Retreat: Units belonging to the enemy player
Fall Back towards the nearest table edge.
The Veil is Thinned: All
Psykers belonging to the Daemons of Tzeentch player know the following
conjuration powers from the
Daemonology (Malefic) and
Change disciplines in addition to any other powers they know:
Possession and
Boon of Flame. However, these powers can only be used to create units with the
Daemon of Tzeentch special rule.
If a Psyker belonging to the Daemon of Tzeentch player is removed as a casualty as a result of successfully manifesting the Possession power, their opponent does not earn a Victory Point for a unit being destroyed.
Warp Maelstrom: When
generating Warp Charge at the start of each
Psychic phase, the player whose turn it is rolls 2D6 instead of D6. Players then add the
Mastery Levels of all the
Psyker units they currently have on the table to their
Warp Charge pool as normal.