This section details army special rules including Orks Special Rules, Tactical Objectives, Warlord Traits and Wing Leaders.
Orks Special Rules’Ere We Go!
Mob Rule
Special RulesAmbushIf Boss Snikrot joins a unit of Kommandos that are held in Reserves, and no other Independent Characters join the unit, then Snikrot’s unit can move on from any table edge when they arrive from Reserves. No dice roll is required to determine where they enter from; the Ork player chooses. In addition, Boss Snikrot and his unit have their Stealth special rule replaced with the Shrouded special rule on the turn they deploy or arrive from Reserves, until the start of their next turn.Boss of the Red Skull KommandosBoss Snikrot can only join units of Kommandos. If Boss Snikrot is included in a Detachment that includes at least one unit of Kommandos, Boss Snikrot does not take up a slot on the Force Organisation Chart.Cowardly Grots!If a unit of Killa Kans suffers 25% or more casualties during any one phase, the unit must roll a D6 at the end of that phase. Add +1 to the dice roll if there are three or more Killa Kans in the unit, and a further +1 if there are one or more Deff Dreads within 6" of the unit. On a result of 3+ the test is passed and nothing happens. On a result of 1-2 the test is failed and every model in the unit immediately suffers a Crew Shaken result. Note that no models lose a Hull Point as a result of a failed Cowardly Grots! test.Decapitating StrikeAny To Wound roll of a 6 made with Headwoppa’s Killchoppa has the Instant Death special rule.EffigyAll friendly units with the Orks Faction that are within 6" of a Stompa have the Fearless special rule.Glory HogsIn a mission that has the First Blood Secondary Objective, the Ork player receives double the normal number of Victory Points from that objective if the first casualty to be removed is an enemy vehicle that was destroyed by an attack made by one or more units of Tankbustas.Grot Gunner
High VoltageWhen the wielder makes its close combat Attacks, it can instead choose to make a single High Voltage Attack. If it does so, roll To Hit as normal, but resolve the Attack at double the wielder’s Strength (to a maximum of 10) for the purposes of that Attack.MekaniaksFor each HQ choice in a Detachment (not including other Meks) you may include a single Mek chosen from this datasheet. These selections do not use up Force Organisation slots. Before the battle, immediately after determining Warlord Traits, any Mek that is not already part of another unit must, if possible, be assigned to any unit with the Infantry or Artillery type in their Detachment; a Mek cannot leave his unit and is treated as part of it for the entire battle for all rules purposes.One Scalpel Short of a MedpackDok Grotsnik and any unit he joins have the Fearless and Rampage special rules. Once Dok Grotsnik has joined a unit, he may not leave it unless he is the last remaining member of that unit.Prophet of Gork and MorkIf Ghazghkull is your Warlord, he gains a 2+ Invulnerable save on any turn he calls a Waaagh! This invulnerable save lasts until the start of his next turn. In addition, Ghazghkull and all other models in his unit can Run on a turn he calls a Waaagh! despite having the Slow and Purposeful special rule.Psycho-Dakka-Blasta!The supa-gatler makes three shooting attacks with the profile above each time it fires. Completely resolve each shooting attack before moving onto the next. A new target may be chosen for each attack.RamshackleRoll a D6 each time a Trukk suffers a penetrating hit. On the roll of a 6, the Trukk only suffers a glancing hit instead.Scuttle Scuttle Blam!Bomb squigs always hit the target on a To Hit roll of 2 or more.Skreamin’ DescentRoll 2D6 and refer to the table below when making a Bombing Run attack with a Boom Bomb. The roll is made after the Blast marker is placed but before it scatters.
Stray ShotRoll a D6 each time da Dead Shiny Shoota fails To Hit its target (after re-rolls). For each roll of 1, a friendly unit within 6" of the target, chosen by your opponent, suffers a single Strength 4 AP6 hit as if it were just shot by the wielder of da Dead Shiny Shoota. The wielder of da Dead Shiny Shoota, and his unit, cannot be chosen as the targets for a Stray Shot.TellyportedAny To Wound roll of a 6 made with this weapon has the Instant Death special rule. If this weapon rolls a 6 for armour penetration, it causes a penetrating hit, regardless of whether the armour penetration result was higher than the target’s armour value or not.ThrottleWhen the wielder is fighting in a challenge, his opponent reduces their Attacks characteristic by 1 (to a minimum of 1).TrakkedThe vehicle re-rolls failed Dangerous Terrain tests.TraktorThis weapon automatically causes an Immobilised result in addition to any other effects when it scores a glancing or penetrating hit against a Zooming Flyer. If a Swooping Flying Monstrous Creature suffers one or more Wounds from this weapon it suffers a -3 penalty to its Grounded test that turn.Waaagh!Once per game, at the start of any of your turns after the first, a model with this special rule can, if he is your Warlord, call a Waaagh! On the turn he does so, all friendly units made up entirely of models with the ’Ere We Go! special rule may charge in the Assault phase even if they made a Run move in the same turn.Waaagh! EnergyA Weirdboy generates a bonus +1 Warp Charge point if, at the start of your Psychic phase, there are ten or more models with the ’Ere We Go! special rule within 12" of him. If a Weirdboy generates a bonus Warp Charge point in this manner, he must pass at least one Psychic test during that phase or suffer a single Strength 2 hit at the end of that Psychic phase with no saves allowed. This special rule does not apply if the Weirdboy is embarked inside a Transport or Building.Waaagh! Plane
Whirrrr Click-clickIf a double is rolled when determining the number of shots for any of the supa-gatler’s shooting attacks, then it runs out of ammunition after that attack has been resolved, and cannot shoot again for the rest of the battle. This rule does not apply to the very first shooting attack a supa-gatler makes in a battle (so it will fire a minimum of two times before running out of ammunition).ZzapEach time a Zzap gun is fired, roll 2D6 to determine its Strength, after the target unit has been chosen. If the roll is above 10, the shot is resolved at Strength 10 and the weapon Gets Hot on any To Hit roll of 1, 2 or 3. If a Zzap gun Gets Hot, the Wound is resolved against the crew. Zzap guns automatically cause a Crew Shaken result in addition to any other effects when they score a glancing or penetrating hit.Lifta-droppa
Choose an enemy vehicle which began the game with up to 4 Hull Points. If the target is hit, is it seized by the weapon's traktor beam, lifted up and smashed into the ground. The Stompa's controlling player moves the target to anywhere within 2D6" of its starting location that is not within 1" of another model, where it immediately suffers an Explodes! result from the Vehicle Damage table.
Power Fields
Big Mek Stompas are protected by a number of power fields. Roll a D6 when the Big Mek Stompa is deployed to see how many power fields it starts with. Each hit scored against a Big Mek Stompa will instead hit a power field (whilst they remain). Close combat attacks come from inside the field and therefore are not stopped. Power fields have an Armour Value of 12. A glancing or penetrating hit (or any hit from a Destroyer weapon) scored against a power field causes it to collapse. After all the power fields have collapsed, further hits strike the Stompa instead. Power fields that have collapsed cannot be repaired.
When the Squiggoth charges, its charge bonus is +2 Attacks rather than +1.
Gitbusta Turret
Weapons in the gitbusta turret have the Interceptor special rule.
Rokkit Boostaz
Once per game, at the start of a Dogfight phase or your Movement phase, a Wazbom Blastajets can trigger its Rokkit Boostaz. When it does, it has a Pursuit value of 6 and an Agility value of 1 until the end of the turn or Dogfight.
Go, go, go!
When a Flakk Trukk or Flakk Trakk has an enemy aircraft in its sights the driver will floor the accelerator and engage the squig-fuel injectors In an attempt to keep up with the target aircraft's strafing run. A vehicle can move flat out and still fire its Flakka gunz provided their target is a Flyer.
When resolving hits from a Grot-guided weapon you may re-roll the dice used to determine where on the Apocalyptic Barrage template weapon has struck.
Only 1 Burna Bomm may be dropped per turn.
If a Trukk suffers a an Explodes! result, roll on the Ramshackle table below and apply the result instead of the usual effects. If the Trukk suffers more than one Explodes! result, roll one D6 per result on the Ramshackle table, but only apply the lowest dice roll.
Crushing Weight
A Super-heavy vehicle with this special rule adds +1 to all rolls on the Thunderblitz table when making a Ram or Tank Shock attack.
Engine Damage
When this Super-heavy vehicle suffers an Explodes! result on the Vehicle Damage table, roll a D6. On the score of a 4+, it is Immobilised (as per the entry on the Vehicle Damage table) as well as suffering the effects of any other damage inflicted upon it, this ignores a Super-heavy vehicle's normal immunity to such damage.
Loader Gubbins
While the krusha kannon's Grot-served auto-loader gubbins are a miracle of Orky design, they don't always work as they should. Every time the kannon is fired, declare which kind of shell you are trying to use and roll a D6. If you roll a 1, then roll again on the following table:
Monstrous Transport
A model with this special rule counts as an Open-topped Transport vehicle, with a Transport capacity of 15 models, for the purposes of allowing Infantry models to embark and disembark from it. It follows all the usual rules for a Transport vehicle when embarking or disembarking Infantry models. This rule does not affect the model's attacks or movement, and does not bestow the ability to Tank Shock or Ram, or to use any other part of the Vehicle rules.
Orkish War Beast
As long as the Big Squiggoth is transporting at least five friendly models chosen from Codex: Orks, or is within 3" of a unit composed of at least five friendly models chosen from Codex: Orks, it gains the Fearless special rule.
A Super-heavy vehicle with this special rule may move up to an additional 6" when it chooses to move Flat Out in the Shooting phase.
Snakebite Combat Drugs
A model with this must roll on the following table after deployment, but before the first turn has begun:
Tank Riders
A vehicle with this special rule counts as Open-topped for the purposes of embarking and disembarking Infantry models, but not for resolving damage or any other situation.
When a model with this special rule charges, it inflicts D3+1 Hammer of Wrath attacks instead of one.
Wild Rampage
After a model with this special rule has lost at least one wound, it gains an additional D6 attacks at the start of any Fight sub-phase in which it is locked in combat with an enemy unit that contains more models than the number of friendly models involved in the same combat.
All Aboard
At the start of the Shooting phase roll a D6. On the roll of a 1, none of the vehicle’s weapons may fire this turn as a fight breaks out inside the tank. On a 2+, the Mega-tank may fire its weapons as normal, selecting a different target for each weapon if it wishes!
Buzzgob’s Kustom Stompa
In games of Warhammer 40,000: Apocalypse, or other large scale battles, Buzzgob may be exchanged for a Big Mek Stompa for +300 points. Buzzgob’s Big Mek Stompa uses all of the rules for a Big Mek Stompa and may select any of the options available to one for the same points cost. When this option is selected, Buzzgob counts as a Lords of War choice and an army that includes him may not select another Lords of War choice.In addition, Buzzgob is considered to be on board the Stompa and the controlling player may use Buzzgob’s Mek’s tools and Grot Oilers to attempt repairs on Buzzgob’s Big Mek Stompa, and the Stompa retains the use of his Warlord trait. Should Buzzgob’s Big Mek Stompa be destroyed then roll a D6. On a score of 5+ place Buzzgob, Nitnuckle & Lunk within 6" of the remains of the Stompa’s wreck. Buzzgob then acts as normal but has only one Wound remaining (note that if either Nitnuckle or Lunk has already been ‘used’, as per the Grot Oiler rule, they remain ‘used’ and do not reappear with Buzzgob). If the Stompa is destroyed in a fashion that does not leave a wreck then Buzzgob may not be placed on the table and is considered destroyed. Da Beast
When Turbo Boosting, Zhadsnark may move up to 24" rather than the usual 12". In addition, at the beginning of any Turbo Boost move he may declare that he will Tank Shock. When making a Tank Shock move Zhadsnark is treated as though he was a vehicle with the Tank type and the Tank Shock is carried out normally, however he must move at least 12". If an enemy model declares a Death or Glory attack on Zhadsnark whilst he is Tank Shocking then it inflicts a single automatic hit with one weapon (either shooting or close combat). Resolve this hit normally. If Zhadsnark is wounded (whether or not he makes a save), he becomes locked in combat with the unit and is placed in base contact with the model that inflicted the wound, and the Tank Shock ends. If the hit fails to wound Zhadsnark then the model that attempted the Death or Glory attack is removed as a casualty (regardless of wounds or saves of any kind) and Zhadsnark continues to move.
Da Dreadheadz
If Mek Boss Buzzgob is included in an Ork Dread Mob army he must be the army’s Warlord, regardless of Leadership values.
Dok’s ’Speriments
At the start of the game, before deployment, the Ork Dread Mob player must roll on the table below for each of the Cybork Slasha mobs in his army:
Exhaust Cloud
The cloud of exhaust fumes from Da Beast grant Zhadsnark the Jink special rule.
Full Speed Ahead!
Grot Mega-tanks move 2D6" per turn as opposed to the standard rules for vehicles, but can always fire their weapons when they do so. Alternatively, they can opt to go Flat Out and roll 3D6" instead and fire no weapons.
Full Speed Ahead!
Grot Tanks move 2D6" per turn as opposed to the standard rules for vehicle movement, but may still fire all of their weapons without penalty. If a squadron of Grot Tanks opts to move Flat Out, it moves D6". Note that all Grot Tank movement ignores the effects of difficult terrain, but is affected by dangerous terrain as normal. When operating in squadrons, roll once for the movement of the entire squadron in each turn – not once for each Grot Tank in the squadron. If a double 1 is rolled for a squadron’s movement, one Grot Tank (chosen by the Ork player) suffers a Penetrating hit.
Grot Gunner
2D6 are rolled each time the rattler kannon is fired to determine the number of shots fired. If this roll results in a double 1, the weapon is treated as though it had been affected by a Weapon Destroyed result on the Vehicle Damage table, but suffers no loss of Hull Points. Note that a Mek may attempt to repair this damage as normal.
Jury-rigged Lifta-droppa
To fire this weapon, select an enemy vehicle which began the game with no more than 4 Hull Points and roll To Hit. If the target is hit, roll a D6.
A Grot Tank with this special rule may mount a second weapon, chosen from the Grot Tank Primary Weapons choices and paid for at the listed cost. Whilst a model with this special rule is part of the Grot Tank Battle mob, it may re-roll the distance it moves (see the Full Speed Ahead! special rule), but must accept the second result, even if it is worse. This re-roll can be used to negate any damage caused by rolling a double 1 for the squadron’s movement, as long as the second roll is not also a double 1.
Out of Ammo
After it has been fired, roll a D6. On a 1-2 the weapon is out of ammunition and may not fire again during this game.
Ramshackle Monster
The Meka-dread and Mega-dread has a 5+ invulnerable save.
Rolling Scrap Pile
Grot Tanks have a 5+ invulnerable save against all attacks, except those of weapons with the Ordnance, Destroyer or Armourbane special rules or types.
Rolling Scrap Pile
Grot Mega-tanks have a 5+ invulnerable save against all attacks, except those of weapons with the Ordnance or Destroyer types.
A vehicle may re-roll failed Difficult and Dangerous Terrain tests as long as it is moving at combat speed.
This weapon may re-roll any failed Armour Penetration rolls it makes.
The Dok is in!
For each Pain Boss included in the army, the controlling player may select a single friendly Spanna Boyz unit selected from this army list. The selected unit may be upgraded to have Cybork bodies for +3 points per model.
Don’t Press Dat
Roll 1D6 for each Looted Wagon at the start of their Shooting phase. On a roll of 1, the Looted Wagon must move Flat Out, even if it performed a Tank Shock earlier in the turn.
Power-mad Bully
Krumpa counts as a Deff Dread for the purposes of Cowardly Grots! tests.
Tactical Objectives
Codex: Orks describes six Tactical Objectives to use in your games that are exclusive to greenskin players and help to reflect their brutal yet kunnin’ method of war. If your Warlord has the Orks Faction, these Tactical Objectives replace the Capture & Control Tactical Objectives (numbers 11-16).If a Warhammer 40,000 mission has the Tactical Objectives special rule, players use the normal rules for using Tactical Objectives with the following exception: when an Ork player generates a Capture & Control objective (numbers 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16), generate the corresponding Orks Tactical Objective instead, as shown in the table below. Other Tactical Objectives (numbers 21-66) are generated normally. MORE DAKKA! Da only thing better than loads of dakka is even more dakka. 11 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least one enemy unit was completely destroyed during your Shooting phase. Type: ORKS GET ’EM, BOSS! You call dat fightin’ you runty wimp? I’ll show yer how it’s done! 12 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if your Warlord killed an opponent in a challenge during your turn. If your Warlord killed the enemy’s Warlord in a challenge during your turn, score D3 Victory points instead. Type: ORKS STOMP ’EM, BOYZ! What are you lot waiting fer? Get stuck in and bash some heads! 13 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least one enemy unit was completely destroyed during your Assault phase. If 3 to 5 enemy units were completely destroyed during your Assault phase, score D3 Victory Points instead. If 6 or more enemy units were completely destroyed during your Assault phase, score D3+3 Victory Points instead. Type: ORKS MORE SPEED, GO FASTA! Hurry up! Get a move on you’ll miss da best of the fightin’. 14 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least three Ork units Turbo-boosted, went Flat Out or Ran 6" or more during your turn. Type: ORKS GRAB DA LOOT! There’s loads of gubbinz to loot, but if you don’t get it soon some other thievin’ git will nick it. 15 Roll a D6 when this Tactical Objective is generated. Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if you control the Objective Marker whose number corresponds to the D6 result. Type: ORKS ’ERE WE GO! WAAAGH! Time to show this cowardly bunch of pansies that Orks is da best. Waaagh! 16 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if, during that turn, you successfully charged an enemy unit with an Ork unit and the dice rolled for its charge distance was 10 or more (before modifiers). If, during your turn, 3 or more Ork units did this, score D3 Victory Points instead. Note that the Ork units do not need to move the full distance rolled to score this Tactical Objective. Type: ORKS
Warlord TraitsWhen generating his Warlord Trait, an Orks Warlord can either roll on one of the Warlord Traits tables in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules, or roll on the table below.
Biker Boss
An army led by Zhadsnark may include Warbikers (if available in the army list) as Troops choices, but the army may not include any Deff Dreads, Killa Kans or Mek Gunz. In addition, if Zhadsnark begins the game as part of a Warbikers unit then he gains the Scout special rule.
Wing Leaders
Mekboss Wing Leaders
Flyboss Wing Leaders