This section details army special rules including Chaos Space Marines Special Rules, Mark of Chaos, Lords of War Special Rules, Tactical Objectives, Warlord Traits and Wing Leaders.
Chaos Space Marines Special RulesChampion of Chaos
So, if you roll a 3 on the first dice and a 5 on the second, you would get a D66 roll of 35 - your champion would now benefit from the Mechanoid Chaos Boon. This boon lasts for the rest of the game; make a note of it on your army roster next to that character’s entry. If a boon is rolled that tile character already has, the roll has no effect. If an enemy character dies as a result of multiple Wounds being allocated to it simultaneously, and one or more o f those Wounds were caused by the champion, that champion still rolls on the Chaos Boon table. Note that destroying models in a Sweeping Advance does not confer a roll on the Chaos Boon table. Chaos Boon Table
Daemon Weapon
Veterans of the Long War
Mark of ChaosA model or unit may only purchase on Mark of Chaos. An indepened character with Mark of Chaos may not join a unit with a different Mark of Chaos. When Mark of Chaos is listed in a unit special rules, its effects will have already been taken into account in its profile, where applicable.Mark of Khorne
Mark of Nurgle
Mark of Slaanesh
Mark of Tzeentch
For example, Thousand Sons have an aura of dark glory (5+ invulnerable save) and the Mark of Tzeentch, so have a total invulnerable save of 4+. Special RulesBessech the Dark GodsCharacters in a Dark Apostle’s unit (including Dark Apostle) may re-roll Chaos Boon rolls.Blessing of the Blood GodKhârn and his unit always pass their Deny the Witch test on a 2+. In addition, if Khârn suffers an unsaved Wound from Force weapon, that weapon cannot inflict Instant Death upon him.BlindedThe Axe of Blind Fury's bearer has -1 Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill, and has Rage Special rule.CorrosionDo not roll for armour penetration against vehicles touched by the template. Instead, they suffer a glancing hit on a D6 roll of a 4+.CrazedEach glancing and penetrating hits give the Helbrute a crazed marker. Roll a D3 if the model has 1+ crazed markers next to it at the start of its Movement phase.
CursedIf model suffers an unsaved Wound from the Black Mace it must take a Toughness test. If the test is failed, remove the model as a casualty with no saves of any kind allowed. In addition, at the end of phase in wich the Black Mace causes one or more unsaved Wounds, all non-vehicle enemy model within 3" of the bearer, which haven't suffered an unsaved Wounds from Black Mace this phase, must take Toughness test. Any model that fail the test suffer a Wound with no saves of any kind allowed.DaemonforgeFor one Shooting or Assault phase per game, the model may re-roll all failed To Wound roll and all failed armor penetration rolls. At the end of that phase, roll D6 lose a Hull Point (no saves) if you roll a 1.Dark ApotheosisThe champion is transformed into a Daemon Prince equipped with power armour. This follows the rules for Spawnhood with the following exceptions:
DemagogueFriendly units from this codex within 6'' must use Dark Apostles’ Leadership instead of their own.DetonateIf a Doombolt hits a vehicle and causes an Explodes! result, roll 2D6 to determine the range of the explosion.Duelist PrideWhile Lucius is in a challenge, his Attacks characteristic is equal to Weapon Skill of his opponent.Enhanced WarriorsOne Chaos Space Marine unit in the same army as Fabius Bile can be nominated as Enhanced Warriors. That unit has the Fearless special rule and +1 Strenght for the entire game. Of course, what fate befalls them after the battle is anyone's guess...Firing CalibrationThis weapon may not be fired if the model carrying it has moved in the same turn, regardless of the Relentless rule or if the carrying model is a vehicle, etc.FlailIf one or more enemy models are in base contact with a model with a Flail weapon at the beginning of the Fight sub-phase, roll D3 and subtract the result from the Weapon Skill of those models (to a minimum 1) for the dutation of that phase.Fuelled by HateFor every Hull Point the Infernal Relic Achilles has lost, the Strength and AP values of the quad mortar improve by +1 and the Shell Shock penalty suffers a further -1.For example, if the vehicle has lost two Hull Points, the quad mortar's Strength is 7 and its AP is 3, and Pinning tests are taken. GnawSuccessful saving throws against this weapon must be re-rolled.ImpalerUsing the Impaler counts as a shooting attack, which hits on a 4+. If the harpoon strikes a successful penetrating hit against a vehicle, or an unsaved wounding hit against a Monstrous Creature which survives its attack, then the daemonically empowered chain snaps back and the victim is abruptly dragged toward the Blood Slaughterer. Measure a straight line between the Blood Slaughterer and its target, and move the target model 2D6" towards the Blood Slaughterer If the target model moves in to base contact with the Blood Slaughterer, the Blood Slaughterer then counts as having charged it.InfernoFor each model that is removed as a casualty as a result of Tzeentch’s Firestorm, the remainder of the unit immediately takes a further D3 Strength 3 AP- hits. These extra hits do not themselves generate more hits.LifedrainEach time this power is used, remove up to 3 of the War Coven from play. The number of Sorcerers removed determines the value of 'X' and therefore the number of blast markers that are used for the attack.Mark of Chaos AscendantIf Abaddon is included in your primary detachment, he must be the Warlord. He also has all four Marks of Chaos. Note that, due to the Mark of Tzeentch, the invulnerable save provided by Abaddon's Terminator armour is increased to 4+. If Abaddon rolls Spawnhood or Dark Apotheosis on the Chaos Boon Table, re-roll this result (and any further results of the same). The Despoiler is not meant for Daemonhood just yet!Master of MechanismsUnless Gone to Ground or Falling Back, instead of firing in your Shooting phase, choose to:a) Repair a friendly vehicle or b) Curse a single enemy vehicle. Repair: Must be in base contract or embarked upon target. Roll a D6 (+1 with mechatendrils). On a 5+, either restore a Hull Point, repair Weapon Destroyed or repair Immobilised. Curse: Must be within 18" of target. Roll To Hit. If it hits, the targets weapons have Gets Hot until the end of its next turn. Meteoric DescentHeldrakes have the Vector Strike special rule. However, as they are a vehicle, they can perform a Vector Strike whilst Zooming instead of whilst Swooping. Furthermore, hits caused by a Heldrake’s Vector Strike are resolved at Strength 7.Meteoric Descent
MurderImmediately before the start of the first turn you must nominate one enemy character to be the target of the bearer of the Murder Sword (this can even be one in reserve; remember to tell your opponent which character you have nominated). Whilst the bearer is base contact with the nominated character, the Murder Sword's Strength become x2, its AP become 1, and it has the Instant Death special rule.Mutated Beyond ReasonEach unit locked in combat roll a D3 at the start of the Fight sub-phase.
Mutilator WeaponsChoose what weapon the units will fire each turn from the following list:
Obliterator WeaponsChoose what weapon the units will fire each turn from the following list:
Plague ZombiesOnce any Chaos Cultist units in the same army as Typhus can be nominated as Plague Zombies. Plague Zombies are Chaos Cultists that have the Fearless, Feel No Pain and Slow and Purposeful special rules, and cannot purchase options other than to add additional models to he unit. They are armed with a single close combat weapon - any guns are used strictly for the purposes of clubbing their victims to death!Random AttacksAt the beginning of each Fight sub-phase, roll a D6 for each friendly Chaos Spawn unit that is locked in combat. The result is the number of Attacks (before modifiers) that all Chaos Spawn in the unit have this turn.Rapid TrackingTargets may not take Jink saves against damage from this weapon.RepairImmobilised Rhinos may attempt to repair instead of shooting. Roll a D6 in the Shooting phase; it is no longer Immobilised if you roll a 6.Shatter DefencesAfter deployment, before Scout redeployments and Infiltrate moves, one piece of terrain in your opponent’s deployment zone has its cover save decreased by one.Shell ShockDue to the repeated impact of the quad launcher's shells Pinning tests taken because of its attacks are made at a -1 Leadership penalty.Siege CrawlerMove as Beasts; +1 to armour penetration rolls against buildings in close combat.SmashWhen a building or transport takes a penetrating hit from a Decimator's Smash attack, any units inside suffer D6 heavy flamer hits for each heavy flamer the Decimator has, in addition to any other damage inflicted. The Decimator can only benefit from the Smash rule as long as it has at least a single siege claw.SpawnhoodThe champion is transformed into a Chaos Spawn. Place a spare Chaos Spawn model, on full Wounds, within 3" of the champion (or the vehicle in which he is embarked) and more than 1" from enemy models. Then, remove the champion model from play. If the Chaos Spawn cannot be placed, just remove the champion. The champion only counts as killed once this Chaos Spawn is removed as a casualty, or if it cannot be placed on the board. The champion is now a separate, unengaged, non-scoring unit that retains none of the champion’s special rules or wargear. It does, however, retain the same Mark of Chaos (if it had one). If the champion was your Warlord, this Chaos Spawn remains your Warlord but loses his Warlord Trait.The BetrayerWhen rolling To Hit with Khârn melee attacks, any unmodified rolls of a 1 are not discarded. Instead, they automatically hit a friendly model (but not Khârn) locked in the same combat. Randomly determine (for each roll of a 1) which model is hit, from those within 6" of Khârn. If there are no viable targets in range, these attacks are discarded.The Destroyer HiveOnce per game, in any Assault phase, Typhus can unleash the Destroyer Hive instead of attacking. At the start of Typhus' Initiative Step, place a large balst marker with the hole centred over Typhus (this does not scatter). All units (friend and foe) suffer a number of hits equal to the number of model from their unit that are at least partially under the larger blast marker. These hits are resolved at Strength 4 AP2 and have the Ignores Cover special rule. Do not count Typhus when working out how many hits are caused. Wounds from this attack cannot be allocated to Typhus.UnguidedThis weapon is always treated as if it was fired as a Snap Shot.Vessels of ChaosEach unit locked in combat roll a D3 at the start of the Fight sub-phase:
Warpflame StrikeWhen Warp Talons arrive by Deep Strike, all enemy units within 6" count as having been hit by a weapon with Blind special rule.Daemon of Khorne
Daemons of Khorne have the Daemon, Furious Charge and Hatred (Daemons of Slaanesh) special rules.
Favoured Scions
When a model from a Chaos Warband earns a roll on the Chaos Boon table as a result of the Champion of Chaos special rule, roll twice on the table and choose either one or both of the results.
Whilst this unit includes three Chaos Predators, all Predators in the unit have the Monster Hunter and Tank Hunters special rules.
Lethal Discharge
After this attack has been resolved against the target, roll a dice for every other enemy unit within 6" of the target. On the roll of a 4 or more, that unit suffers D6 Strength 5 AP4 hits that are Randomly Allocated.
Linebreaker Bombardment
If this unit contains three Chaos Vindicators that can all fire their demolisher cannons, the squadron can fire a single Linebreaker Bombardment instead of firing normally. To do so, nominate one model in the squadron as the firer; the firer’s demolisher cannon changes its type from Large Blast to Apocalyptic Blast and gains the Ignores Cover special rule.
Khârn’s melee attacks always hit on a 2+ (even if they would otherwise hit automatically).
At Any Cost
The following additional objectives must be used in missions that include both Cypher and Dark Angels models:
Blazing Weapons
Cypher can shoot both of his pistols twice each in his Shooting phase, or can fire them once each either before or after making a Run move. When taking Overwatch shots, Cypher uses his full Ballistic Skill. In the Assault phase, half of Cypher’s close combat attacks (rounding up) are Strength 4 and AP5, and all remaining attacks are Strength 7 and AP2.
Divine Protection
If there is an enemy model within D6" of Cypher when he loses his last Wound or is otherwise removed as a casualty, then Cypher is assumed to have been captured alive. If there are no enemy models within this range when Cypher is removed as a casualty, then he has made a miraculous escape. If Cypher escapes, then he is not considered to be a casualty for the purposes of awarding Victory Points. If he is captured, then Victory Points are awarded normally.
Never Forgive
In missions that include both Cypher and Dark Angels models, all Dark Angels models with the Deathwing (renamed from Inner Circle 6th edition Dark Angels rule) special rule also receive the Zealot special rule.
Shadowy Herald of Strife
Cypher cannot be selected as the Warlord of an army. In addition, the Leadership characteristic of the Warlord of an army that includes Cypher suffers a -1 penalty.
Aerial Strike
Ark of Unnameable Horror
This rule does not apply to units that are firing without line of sight to the target (such as those firing a Barrage type weapon), vehicles. Fearless units, or any model without a Leadership characteristic. Baleful Aberration
Blind Fury
The Blood Slaughterer's hunger for lives is insatiable. In its Movement phase it must always move as fast as possible towards the closest visible enemy, and must consolidate towards the closest visible enemy after an assault. In the Shooting phase, it is free to either Run or not, but if it does, it must be towards the closest visible enemy. If there is no enemy visible to the Blood Slaughterer, this rule does not apply.A note on dragging models: Models may not be dragged through impassable terrain, Monstrous Creatures, vehicles or gaps they can not fit through - in these cases the dragged target stops 1" away from the obstruction. Other terrain factors and infantry models in the way are ignored. Infantry models can be repositioned if needs be once the dragged target comes to rest by their controlling player to allow room for the Slaughterer, with the proviso that units which are already locked in combat must stay locked in combat. Buildings, Super-heavy vehicles or Gargantuan Creatures cannot be dragged about by the Impaler! Crushing Weight
Daemonic Resilience
The Ferrum Infernus ignores Crew Shaken and Crew Stunned results on a 2+.
Dedicated to Slaanesh
The Sonic Dreadnought counts as being equipped with both assault and defensive grenades.
Dedication to Chaos
Dedication to Khorne: Gains the Rage and Rampage special rules.Dedication to Nurgle: Gains the It Will Not Die special. Dedication to Slaanesh: Counts as being equipped with both assault and defensive grenades. Dedication to Tzeentch: Has a 6+ invulnerable save and any heavy flamers it is equipped with gain the Soul Blaze special rule. Dedications of Chaos (Chaos Decimator)
Dedication of Khorne: Gains the Rampage special rule.Dedication of Nurgle: Gains the It Will Not Die special rule. Dedication of Slaanesh: Counts as being equipped with both assault and defensive grenades. Dedication of Tzeentch: May re-roll all To Hit rolls of 1 with its shooting attacks, and its heavy flamers (if It has any) gain the Soul Blaze special rule. Doomsday Reactor
The Greater Brass Scorpion suffers a +2 modifier when rolling on the Catastrophic Damage table.
Drop Pod Assault
A Chaos Dreadclaw (Kharybdis), and any unit it transports, must always be held in reserve and always enters play using the Deep Strike rules, and counts as a Drop Pod for the wider use of the Drop Pod Assault rule for the army. At the beginning of the controlling player’s first player turn, they must choose half of their Drop Pod units (rounding up) to make a Drop Pod Assault. These units arrive on their controlling player’s first player turn. The arrival of the remaining Drop Pods in the player’s force is rolled for as usual for the mission. A unit who Deep Strikes via Drop Pod may not assault in the turn it arrives. In the case of the Kharybdis, unlike other Drop Pods it is not immobile, however, after it has landed it is treated as a Flyer with Hover mode (which starts off as hovering after it has arrived via Deep Strike).
Explosion of Pus
When a Blight Drone is destroyed, it invariably detonates in a shower of bile and pus. When the Blight Drone loses its last Hull Point, it always explodes as per the Explodes! Vehicle Damage table result rather than becoming Wrecked.
Fury of Khorne
Consumed by battle lust, a Blood Slaughterer is a whirling frenzy of death, smashing in to enemy lines When charging in to an assault, it gains an additional +D3 attacks instead of the usual +1 (plus any it gains from the Rampage special rule).
Heat Blast
Heat Blast (Deep Strike) Immediately after the model lands, measure a radius of 3"+D3" horizontally outwards from its main hull (do not count any landing struts, etc). All models caught in the blast suffer a Str 6 AP 5 hit with no cover saves. Vehicles are struck on their weakest Armour value. This is counted as a flamer-based attack. Heat Blast (Fire Sweep) If the controlling player wishes, any unit the model passes directly over (i.e., falls directly under its hull during its Movement phase) suffers D6 Str 5 AP 5 hits with no cover saves. Vehicles are struck on their weakest Armour value. This is counted as a flamer-based attack. Hits from this attack are distributed across a unit as the player suffering the attack wishes. Roll a D6 each time this attack is inflicted. On a result of a 1, the Drop Pod itself suffers a penetrating hit. Hellfire Reactor
If a Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought suffers an Explodes! result on the Vehicle Damage table, add +D3 to the explosion radius and treat the explosion as though it had the Soul Blaze special rule. Hellish Demise
Independent Machine Spirits
Kharybdis may target different enemy units with each of their weapons.
Independent Turret Fire
Inertial Guidance System
Should a Kharybdis scatter on top of impassable terrain or another model, then reduce the scatter distance by the minimum required to avoid the obstacle if desired.
Infernal Relic
One Infernal Relic vehicle of any type may be taken in a Chaos Space Marine army's Primary Detachment, within the usual provisions of the army list. However, of more that model with this rule is taken in the Primary Detachment, it must also include a Technomancer purchased as a HQ choice. This character must be Abaddon the Despoiler, a Warpsmith, or a Sorcerer with the Malefic Daemonology psychic discipline.Allied Detachment may also take Infernal Relic, within the usual army list provisions. In this case the Technomancer must be the Allied Detachment compulsory HQ choice. This HQ character must be one of the types mentioned above. If a Technomancer and/or their unit embarks on a vehicle consumer a member of the unit, unless the player wishes to do so. If they do, the controlling player may choose which is consumed rather than rolling to determine. Multi-legged Terror
When making a Stomp attack, a Greater Brass Scorpion makes D3+2 Stomps.
Overdriven Sonic Weaponry
The model's sonic weaponry (ie, blastmaster, sonic blaster and doom siren) may be fired in Overdriven mode, in which case all eligible weapons must be fired in this manner. This confers the Rending and Gets Hot special rules on these attacks.
Runes of the Blood God
Any Psyker who targets the Greater Brass Scorpion with a psychic power automatically suffers a Perils of the Warp attack, regardless of whether or not they pass their psychic power.
Unholy Vigour
Whenever the Decimator suffers a Weapon Destroyed or Immobilised result, this can be ignored on a D6 roll of 5+.In addition, if the Decimator is Wrecked (but does not suffer an Explodes! result on the Vehicle Damage table when destroyed), place it on its back or side or leave a marker on the table to represent its position. At the start of its controlling player’s subsequent turns, before models are moved, roll a D6. On the result of a 6, the Decimator returns to play (place it as close to its original position as possible, but more than 1" away from any enemy models) just as if it had successfully arrived via Deep Strike, with its weapons and mobility restored and D3 Hull Points. On the result of a 1, the marker is removed and the Decimator is permanently Wrecked, On a result of 2-5, the Decimator remains Wrecked, but its controlling player may attempt to roll again for Unholy Vigour on their next turn. Unnatural Predator
If a unit is hit by Apoplectic Glee, do not roll To Wound as normal. Instead, every non-vehicle model in the target unit takes a hit at its own unmodified Strength.
Mental Anguish
Before resolving this attack, each affected enemy unit must first take a Leadership test. If failed, you can re-roll all failed To Wound rolls made for this attack against that unit.
Lord of the Silver Tower
Once per battle, instead of firing in the Shooting phase, an Exalted Sorcerer can call upon the deadly firepower of his Silver Tower in the form of a Coruscating beam.
Omniscient Eye
Magnus has line of sight to every unit on the battlefield when determining the targets of his psychic powers.
Relic Hunters
Models with this special rule can re-roll all failed To Hit rolls in close combat against enemy models equipped with a relic (or their Faction’s equivalent e.g. Chaos Artefacts).
Any To Wound roll of 6 made by an attack that has this special rule gains the Instant Death special rule. If any models are slain in this manner, then you may immediately place a new Chaos Spawn model under your control as close as possible to where any of the slain models were standing, but more than 1" from any enemy models.
Unearthly Power
Magnus harnesses Warp Charge points on a result of 2+ when attempting to manifest psychic powers.
At the end of each phase, any unit that suffered one or more unsaved Wounds during the phase from an attack with this special rule (or from an attack made by a model with this special rule), must take a Toughness test. If the test is failed, the unit immediately suffers D3 Wounds with no armour or cover saves allowed. If the test is passed, all models in the unit gain the Feel No Pain (6+) special rule for the rest of the game. Any models in the unit that already have the Feel No Pain special rule instead gain +1 to all Feel No Pain rolls for the rest of the game. Chaos is fickle!
Lords of War Special RulesFuelled by RageFor every Hull Point the Khorne Lord of Skulls has lost, it gains an additional Attack, even if that Hull Point is later regained (keep a note on your roster). Note that its Attacks characteristic cannot exceed 10.Tracked BehemothA Khorne Lord of Skulls can Tank Shock or Ram using the Thunderblitz table, in the same manner as a Super-heavy vehicle, but it may not make Stomp attacks.Agile
In the Shooting phase, this model can choose to either:Daemon Titan of Khorne
A model with this special rule gains the Daemon and Hatred (Daemons of Slaanesh) special rules. In addition, it may re-roll the dice to determine the number of Stomps it makes as part of a Stomp attack, and it also gains +D3 attacks on any turn in which it successfully charges an enemy unit A Daemon Titan of Khorne counts as being a Daemon aligned with Khorne.
Daemon Titan of Nurgle
A model with this special rule gains the Daemon, Hatred (Daemons of Tzeentch) and It Will Not Die special rules. In addition, it counts as being a Daemon aligned with Nurgle.
Daemon Titan of Slaanesh
A model with this special rule gains the Daemon and Hatred (Daemons of Khorne) special rule. In addition, all models with a Leadership value that are in combat with this Daemon Titan at the start of the Fight sub-phase must pass a Leadership test with a -2 modifier or reduce their Initiative value to 1 for the duration of that Fight sub-phase It also counts as being a Daemon aligned with Slaanesh.
Daemon Titan of Tzeentch
A model with this special rule gains the Daemon and Hatred (Daemons o f Nurgle) special rules. In addition, the Daemon Titan may re-roll all To Hit rolls of 1 and any inferno cannon mounted on it gains the Soul Blaze special rule. It also counts as being a Daemon aligned with Tzeentch.
Daemonic Transport
A model with this special rule gains the Daemon special rule In addition, roll a D6 each time a unit embarks or disembarks from a vehicle with this special rule. On the roll of a 1, the Daemon devours D3 models from the unit - randomly determine which models are removed. They are removed as casualties and may make no saves of any kind. The vehicle then restores a number of Hull Points equal to the number of models removed.
Fenzied Charge
When rolling for charge distance, roll 3D6 and add the result together to find the total charge distance.
Reactor Meltdown
If a model with this special rule suffers a Titanic Explosion! result on the Catastrophic Damage table, its plasma reactor goes critical! All hits from this Titanic Explosion! are resolved as being from a Destroyer weapon.
Unstoppable Slaughter
The Kytan’s lust for slaughter is insatiable and unstoppable. If the Kytan destroys a target in its Shooting phase with its attacks, it may charge a different target in the Assault phase.
Tactical Objectives![]()
Black Crusade: Traitor’s Hate describes six Tactical Objectives to use in your games that are exclusive to Chaos Space Marines players and reflect the murderous intentions and unholy goals of the Traitor Legions during their invasions. If your Warlord has the Chaos Space Marines Faction, these Tactical Objectives replace the Capture & Control Tactical Objectives (numbers 11-16) described in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules.If a Warhammer 40,000 mission has the Tactical Objectives special rule, players use the normal rules for using Tactical Objectives with the following exception: when a Chaos Space Marines player generates a Capture & Control objective (numbers 11,12, 13, 14, 15 or 16), the Chaos Space Marines player instead generates the corresponding Chaos Space Marines Tactical Objective, as shown in the table (right). Other Tactical Objectives (numbers 21-66) are generated normally. GLORIOUS CARNAGE Though they may differ in how they choose to deliver it, all of the Chaos Gods are united in their love of wanton slaughter. 11 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if an enemy unit was completely destroyed during your turn. Type: CHAOS SPACE MARINES THE WARP IS YOUR ALLY The Warp has ever been both a sanctuary and a source of terrible strength for the servants of Chaos. 12 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if you successfully manifested a psychic power during your turn. Type: CHAOS SPACE MARINES THE WILL OF CHAOS Though the bidding of the Chaos Gods can at times seem whimsical in nature, rich reward awaits for those with the wit to take advantage of their ephemeral desires. 13 Immediately after this Tactical Objective is generated, and at the start of each of your turns thereafter, roll a dice. Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if you control the Objective Marker that matches the number you rolled at the start of that turn. Type: CHAOS SPACE MARINES THE GAZE OF THE GODS If the deeds of their champions are worthy, the gaze of the Dark Gods will be drawn to the battlefield and the actions of their mortal vassals greatly rewarded. 14 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if one of your models rolled on the Chaos Boon table during your turn. If 3 or more of your models rolled on the Chaos Boon table during your turn, score D3 Victory Points instead. Type: CHAOS SPACE MARINES CLAIM AND DESPOIL When the Chaos Space Marines launch their raids from the Eye of Terror, they often do so with the goal of despoiling that which their enemies hold sacred or dear out of cruel spite. 15 Score D3 Victory Points at the end of your turn if you control an Objective Marker that was under the control of your opponent at the start of the turn. Type: CHAOS SPACE MARINES RISE TO GLORY Immortality is the ultimate goal for every champion of Chaos. 16 Score 1 Victory Point at the end of the turn if your Warlord rolled either the Unworthy Offering or Spawnhood result on the Chaos Boon table during your turn. If your Warlord rolled the Dark Apotheosis result during your turn, score D3+3 Victory Points instead. If your Warlord rolled any other result on the Chaos Boon table during your turn, score D3 Victory Points at the end of your turn. Type: CHAOS SPACE MARINES Warlord TraitsWhen generating his Warlord Traits, a Chaos Warlord may either roll on one of the Warlord Traits tables in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, or roll on the table below.
Wing LeadersHeldrake Wing Leaders
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