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This page details military structure of Dark Angels forces including Detachments, Formations and Apocalypse Formations.


Lion’s Blade Strike Force

The Lion’s Blade Strike Force allows you to represent the typical structure of a Dark Angels army on the Warhammer 40,000 battlefield. Whether you wish to field a full Battle Company with support elements to cleanse an entire star system of foes, or a force assembled to tackle a specific threat, the choices below offer a great way to pick your army.

The Lion’s Blade Strike Force is a special type of Detachment that can be included in any Battle-forged army. Unlike the Detachments shown in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules, it has a Force Organisation Chart whose slots are a combination of specific Formations and Army List Entries instead of Battlefield Roles. However, it still has compulsory and optional elements, as well as Restrictions and Command Benefits, just like any other Detachment.

Although units cannot normally belong to more than one Detachment, units from a Formation that is part of a Lion’s Blade Strike Force are an exception. They count as part of both their Formation and the Detachment, and have all associated Command Benefits and special rules. If your Warlord is part of a Formation or an Army List Entry that makes up part of a Lion’s Blade Strike Force, that entire Strike Force is your Primary Detachment.

Command per Core


 • 1 model chosen from the following list:
  - Belial
  - Company Master
  - Interrogator-Chaplain
 • -Librarian
 • 2-5 Deathwing Terminator Squads
 • 0-1 Deathwing Command Squad
 • 0-1 units of Deathwing Knights
 • 0-1 units of Venerable Dreadnoughts

 • 1-5 units of Scouts

 • 1 Techmarine
 • 1 unit chosen from the following list:
  - Land Raider
  - Land Raider Crusader
  - Land Raider Redeemer
 • 1 unit chosen from the following list:
  - Predators
  - Whirlwinds
  - Vindicators

This Detachment must include a minimum of one Core choice and one Auxiliary choice. It can optionally include any number of additional Core or Auxiliary choices, in any combination, and up to one Command choice for each Core choice. Only the datasheets listed above can be included in this Detachment, and all units in the Detachment must have the Dark Angels Faction.

Company Support: If a Lion’s Blade Strike Force includes two Battle Demi-companies, one including a Company Master and the other including a Chaplain, then together they form a Battle Company. Any unit from the Battle Company that has the option to take a Rhino, Razorback or Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport may take one at no points cost (though they must pay for any additional upgrades and options as normal).

Supreme Fire Discipline: Unless Jinking, all models in this Formation that have the Grim Resolve special rule fire Overwatch using their normal Ballistic Skill characteristic.

Deathwing Strike Force

Codex: Dark Angels details two further Detachments, the first of which is based upon the mighty 1st Company of the Dark Angels – the Deathwing – which specialises in devastating teleportation strikes into the heart of the enemy army. This Detachment follows all of the rules for Detachments as presented in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules.

All units in this Detachment must have the Deathwing special rule or be Dedicated Transports. Units of Venerable Dreadnoughts in this Formation may only include one model, which must be given a Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport.

First Knight of Caliban: If this Detachment is your Primary Detachment, you can re-roll the result when rolling on the Dark Angels Warlord Traits table.

Summoned to War: All units in this Detachment that can do so must begin the game in Deep Strike Reserve (this includes any Venerable Dreadnoughts which must be in their Drop Pods). All other units must begin the game in Reserves. If your army includes a Ravenwing Attack Squadron or a Ravenwing Strike Force, you can choose to automatically pass or fail any Reserve Rolls you make for units in this Detachment; there is no need to roll.

Take the Fight to the Enemy: Units from this Detachment can either shoot and then Run, or Run and then shoot, in the Shooting phase of the turn they arrive by Deep Strike.

Ravenwing Strike Force

The final Detachment in Codex: Dark Angels focusses on the 2nd Company – the Ravenwing – and their highly mobile style of warfare. As the eyes and ears of the Chapter, it is the Ravenwing who are tasked with running the Fallen to ground. This Detachment follows all of the rules for Detachments as presented in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules.

All units in this Detachment must have the Ravenwing special rule or be a Dark Angels Character equipped with a Space Marine bike.

First Huntsman: If this Detachment is your Primary Detachment, you can re-roll the result when rolling on the Dark Angels Warlord Traits table.

Speed of the Raven: During your first turn (or your second turn if the units in this Detachment were placed in Reserve – see below), any units from this Detachment that Turbo-boost or move Flat Out count as Jinking until your next turn. However, units from this Detachment that do so can still fire their guns normally in your next turn; they do not have to fire Snap Shots.

Strike as One: All of the units in this Detachment must either be placed in Reserve or deployed as normal. If placed in Reserve, all units in this Detachment automatically arrive at the start of your second turn.


Battle Demi-company

 • 1 Company Master or Chaplain
 • 0-1 Command Squad
 • 0-1 Company Veterans Squad
 • 3 Tactical Squads
 • 1 Assault Squad
 • 1 Devastator Squad
 • 0-1 unit of Dreadnoughts
Fire Discipline: Unless Jinking, all models in this Formation that have the Grim Resolve special rule count their Ballistic Skill as 3 instead of 2 when firing Overwatch.

Objective Secured: A unit with this special rule controls Objective Markers even if an enemy scoring unit is within range of the Objective Marker, unless the enemy unit also has this special rule.

Deathwing Redemption Force

 • 1 model chosen from the following list:
  - Belial
  - Company Master
  - Interrogator-Chaplain
 • -Librarian
 • 2-5 Deathwing Terminator Squads
 • 0-1 Deathwing Command Squad
 • 0-1 units of Deathwing Knights
 • 0-1 units of Venerable Dreadnoughts
If it is taken, the unit of Venerable Dreadnoughts in this Formation may only include one model, which must be given a Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport. All Independent Characters in this Formation must have Terminator armour.
 • Preferred Enemy (Chaos Space Marines)

Deathwing Assault: All units in this Formation that can do so must begin the game in Deep Strike Reserve (this includes any Venerable Dreadnoughts which must be in their Drop Pods). All other units must begin the game in Reserves. Immediately after determining Warlord Traits, make a secret note of which of your turns you would like each Deathwing Redemption Force in your army to arrive: your turn 2, 3 or 4. All units in this Formation in Deep Strike Reserve automatically arrive by Deep Strike at the start of the chosen turn. All units in this Formation in Reserve automatically arrive from Reserve at the start of the chosen turn.

If this Formation includes a Venerable Dreadnought embarked in a Drop Pod, the Drop Pod automatically arrives at the start of the chosen turn, and ignores the normal rules that determine when a Drop Pod arrives.

Take the Fight to the Enemy: Units from this Formation can either shoot and then Run, or Run and then shoot, in the Shooting phase of the turn they arrive by Deep Strike.

Ravenwing Attack Squadron

The unit of Ravenwing Land Speeders may only include one model.
 • Scout

Attack Squadron: If the Ravenwing Land Speeder or Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance from this Formation scores one or more hits upon an enemy unit in the Shooting phase, then all models in this Formation’s Ravenwing Bike Squad or Ravenwing Attack Bike Squad add 1 to their Ballistic Skill characteristic when shooting at the same target for the rest of the phase.

Summon the Deathwing: Friendly units composed entirely of models with the Deathwing special rule do not scatter when they Deep Strike, so long as the first model is placed within 12" of a model from this Formation. For this to work, the model from this Formation must have been on the battlefield at the start of the turn.

Ravenwing Silence Squadron

Capture Run: When making a Bombing Run with the stasis bomb of this Formation’s Ravenwing Dark Talon, do not roll for scatter; the stasis bomb hits automatically. Furthermore, enemy models that suffer an unsaved Wound from the stasis bomb must roll two dice and pick the highest result when taking their Initiative tests to see if they are removed as casualties.

In missions that use Victory Points to determine the winner, the Slay the Warlord Secondary Objective is worth D3 additional Victory Points to the controlling player at the end of the game if the enemy Warlord was removed as a casualty as a result of a Capture Run.

Fighter Escort: When making Reserve Rolls, make a single roll for this entire Formation, which you can choose to re-roll. On a successful Reserve Roll, all of the units in this Formation arrive from Reserve.

Ravenwing Support Squadron

The unit of Ravenwing Land Speeders must include at least 3 models.
 • Grim Resolve
 • Interceptor

 • Strafing Run

Ravenshield: When an enemy unit declares a charge against a friendly unit with the Ravenwing special rule, models from this Formation within 24" of that friendly unit can choose to fire Overwatch against the charging unit (even though vehicles cannot normally fire Overwatch). Template weapons can only use the Wall of Death special rule if they are within 6" of the friendly unit. Remember that a unit can still only fire Overwatch once per turn.

Support Squadron: All vehicles in this Formation must form a single Vehicle Squadron. However, this Vehicle Squadron counts as two units for the purposes of calculating Victory Points if it is completely destroyed.

The Hammer of Caliban

 • 1 Techmarine
 • 1 unit chosen from the following list:
  - Land Raider
  - Land Raider Crusader
  - Land Raider Redeemer
 • 1 unit chosen from the following list:
  - Predators
  - Whirlwinds
  - Vindicators
This Formation’s unit of Predators, Whirlwinds or Vindicators must include three models.
 • Monster Hunter
 • Tank Hunters

Hammer of Heretics: This Formation’s Techmarine must begin the game embarked upon this Formation’s Land Raider, Land Raider Crusader or Land Raider Redeemer. Whilst the Techmarine from this Formation is embarked upon the Transport vehicle from this Formation, that vehicle’s Ballistic Skill is increased to 5.

Might of the Lion: All vehicles in this Formation must form a single Vehicle Squadron. However, this Vehicle Squadron counts as 2 units for the purposes of calculating Victory Points if it is completely destroyed.

Ravenwing Abductor Squadron

 • 1 Flyer Wing consisting of:
  - 2 Nephilim Jetfighters
  - 1 Dark Talon
The Dark Talon must be the Wing Leader.
Dedicated Escorts: This formation’s Wing Leader receives the special rules for the Vigilance Attack Pattern if the Wing is in any type of Attack Pattern, not just the Vigilance Attack Pattern. The Vigilance special rule is received in addition to the normal special rule for the Attack Pattern.

Apocalypse Formations

Deathwing Redemption Force

 • Belial
 • 6 Deathwing Terminator Squads
 • 4 units of Deathwing Knights
The entire formation must fight on foot; no Dedicated Transports may be taken.
 • Battle Formation

Hidden Agenda: The side with the Deathwing Redemption Force receives 1 Strategic Victory Point for each enemy Warlord killed by a Redemption Force model.

Storm of Wrath: Whilst at least one enemy Warlord is alive, enemy models cannot make Look Out, Sir rolls against Wounds caused by this formation, and all of the formation’s shooting and close combat attacks have the Rending special rule.

Ravenwing Huntmasters

 • 5 Ravenwing Bike Squad
 • 1 unit of Ravenwing Black Knights
 • 1+ Ravenwing Darkshrouds
Each of the Ravenwing Bike Squads in this Battle Formation must be at full strength (6 Ravenwing Bikers, a Land Speeder and an Attack Bike).
 • Battle Formation

Sound the Hunt: Once per game the Dark Angels player may ‘Sound the Hunt’. For the duration of that turn, units within the formation may Turbo-boost and shoot in the same turn.

The Pall of Black Death: The ranges of the Icon of Old Caliban and Shroud of Angels (missed in 7th edition) special rules are doubled for Ravenwing Darkshrouds in this formation.