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Wargear List
• Melee Weapons
• Ranged Weapons
• Mek Weapons
• Runts & Squigs
• Orky Know-wots
• Gifts of Gork and Mork
• Ork Vehicle Equipment
• Big Mek
• Boss Zagstruk
• Kaptin Badrukk
• Mad Dok Grotsnik
• Mek
• Painboy
• Warboss
• Weirdboy
Zhadsnark ‘Da Rippa’
Grukk Face-rippa
• Boyz
• Gretchin
Rustgob’s Runts
• Boss Skinrot
• Burna Boyz
• Kommandos
• Meganobz
• Nobz
• Tankbustas
Grot Tank Mob
Mekboy Junka
Skrak’s Skull-Nobz
Fast Attack
• Blitza-bommer
• Burna-bommer
• Dakkajet
• Deffkoptas
• Stormboyz
• Trukk
• Warbikers
• Warbuggies
Wazbom Blastajets
Attak Fighta
Grot Mega-tank
Warkopta Skwadron
Heavy Support
• Battlewagon
• Deff Dread
• Flash Gitz
• Gorkanaut
• Killa Kans
• Lootas
• Mek Gunz
• Morkanaut
Flakk Trakk
Flakk Trukk
Big Squiggoth
Looted Wagon
Krumpa’s Killa Kanz
Lords of War
• Ghazghkull Thraka
• Stompa
Big Mek Stompa
Gargantuan Squiggoth
Flakk Battle Fortress
‘Kustom’ Battle Fortress
Kill Blasta
Kill Bursta
Kill Krusha
Kill Team
Snagrod’s Burna Boyz
The Orks army list is split into following sections: Elites, Fast Attack, Heavy Support, HQ, Kill Team, Lords of War and Troops. All of the squads, vehicles and characters in the army are placed into one of these categories depending upon their role on the battlefield. Each model is also given a points value, which varies depending on how effective that model is in battle.

Before you choose an army, you will need to agree with your opponent upon the type of game you are going to play and the maximum total number of points each of you will spend. Then you can proceed to pick your army following the guidelines given in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Wargear List

These lists detail the points values of various items of wargear available to units in your army. Many unit entries in the army list that follows may include wargear options from one or more of these lists - in each instance, the army list entry will tell you (in bold) exactly which of these lists you may use.

Melee Weapons

A model may replace its melee weapon with one of the following:

Big choppa 5 pts
Power klaw 25 pts

Ranged Weapons

A model may replace its ranged weapon with one of the following:

Shoota free
Twin-linked shoota 3 pts
Kombi-weapon with rokkit launcha 5 pts
Kombi-weapon with skorcha 10 pts

Mek Weapons

A model can replace its ranged weapon with one of the following:

Kombi-weapon with rokkit launcha 5 pts
Kustom mega-blasta 5 pts
Rokkit launcha 5 pts
Kombi-weapon with skorcha 10 pts
Kustom mega-slugga 10 pts

Runts & Squigs

A model can take any combination of the following:

0-3 Ammo runts 3 pts each
0-3 Grot oilers1 5 pts each
0-1 Grot orderly2 5 pts
0-1 Attack squig 15 pts
1 Meks and Big Meks only.
2 Painboyz only.

Orky Know-wots

A model can take up to one of each of the following:

Bosspole 5 pts
Cybork body 5 pts
Gitfinda 5 pts
Warbike1 25 pts
1 Cannot be taken by a model with mega armour.

Gifts of Gork and Mork

Only one of each of the following may be taken per army. A model can take one of the following:

Da Dead Shiny Shoota 5 pts
Da Finkin’ Kap1 10 pts
Da Fixer Upperz2 15 pts
Headwoppa’s Killchoppa 20 pts
Da Lucky Stikk 25 pts
Warboss Gazbag’s Blitzbike3 35 pts
1 Can only be taken by your Warlord.
2 Meks and Big Meks only.
3 Cannot be taken by a model with mega armour.

Ork Vehicle Equipment

A model can take up to one of each of the following:

Red paint job 5 pts
Reinforced ram1 5 pts
Stikkbomb chukka 5 pts
Extra armour 10 pts
Grot riggers 10 pts
Wreckin’ ball 10 pts
Boarding plank 15 pts
1 Cannot be taken by a vehicle with a deff rolla.


Big Mek


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Big Mek 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 8 6+ Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1 Big Mek
 • Slugga
 • Choppa
 • Mek’s tools
 • Stikkbombs

Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge
 • Independent Character
 • Mob Rule
 • A Big Mek may take ’eavy armour4 pts
 • A Big Mek may replace his slugga with one of the following:
  - Kustom force field50 pts
  - Shokk attack gun50 pts
 • A Big Mek may replace his choppa with a killsaw30 pts
 • A Big Mek may take items from the Mek Weapons, Melee Weapons, Runts & Squigs, Orky Know-wots and/or Gifts of Gork and Mork lists.
 • A Big Mek may replace his slugga and choppa with mega armour, kustom mega-blasta and power klaw40 pts
 • A Big Mek with mega armour may take items from the Ranged Weapons, Runts & Squigs, Orky Know-wots and/or Gifts of Gork and Mork lists.
 • A Big Mek with mega armour can replace his kustom mega-blasta with a killsaw10 pts
 • A Big Mek with mega armour can take one of the following:
  - Tellyport blasta25 pts
  - Kustom force field50 pts

Boss Zagstruk


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Boss Zagstruk 5 2 5 4 2 3 4 8 4+ Jump Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)
 • Slugga
 • Choppa
 • ’Eavy armour
 • Stikkbombs
 • Cybork body
 • Rokkit pack
Gifts of Gork and Mork:
 • Da Vulcha’s Klaws

Warlord Traits:
 • Bellowing Tyrant
Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge
 • Independent Character
 • Mob Rule

Kaptin Badrukk


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Kaptin Badrukk 5 2 4 4 2 3 4 9 3+ Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)
 • Slugga
 • Choppa
 • Stikkbombs
 • Bosspole
 • Gitfinda

Gifts of Gork and Mork:
 • Goldtoof Armour
 • Da Rippa
 • Take up to 3 ammo runts3 pts each

Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge
 • Independent Character
 • Mob Rule
Warlord Traits:
 • Kunnin’ but Brutal

Mad Dok Grotsnik


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Mad Dok Grotsnik 5 2 4 5 3 3 4 9 4+ Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)
 • Slugga
 • Power klaw
 • Dok’s tools
 • ’Urty syringe
 • Cybork body
Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge
 • Independent Character
 • Mob Rule
 • One Scalpel Short of a Medpack
Warlord Traits:
 • Brutal but Kunnin’



WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Mek 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1 Mek
 • Slugga
 • Choppa
 • Mek’s tools
 • Stikkbombs

Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge
 • Mob Rule
 • Mekaniaks
 • Any Mek may replace his choppa with a killsaw30 pts
 • Any Mek may be accompanied by a grot oiler5 pts
 • Any Mek may take items from the Mek Weapons list.



WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Painboy 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+ Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1 Painboy
 • ’Urty syringe
 • Dok’s tools
 • A Painboy may take items from the Orky Know-wots and/or Runts & Squigs lists.

Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge
 • Independent Character
 • Mob Rule



WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Warboss 5 2 5 5 3 4 4 9 6+ Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1 Warboss
 • Slugga
 • Choppa
 • Stikkbombs

Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge
 • Independent Character
 • Mob Rule
 • Waaagh!
 • May take ’eavy armour4 pts
 • May replace slugga and choppa with mega armour, twin-linked shoota and power klaw40 pts
 • May take items from the Ranged Weapons, Melee Weapons, Runts & Squigs, Orky Know-wots and/or Gifts of Gork and Mork lists.



WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Weirdboy 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+ Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1 Weirdboy
 • Weirdboy staff

Weirdboyz generate their powers from the Power of the Waaagh! and Daemonology disciplines.
 • May be upgraded to Psyker (Mastery Level 2)25 pts

Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge
 • Independent Character
 • Mob Rule
 • Psyker (Mastery Level 1)
 • Waaagh! Energy

Zhadsnark ‘Da Rippa’


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Zhadsnark 5 2 5 6 3 4 4 9 6+ Bike
Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)
 • Twin-linked big shoota
 • Slugga
 • Stikkbombs

Gifts of Gork and Mork:
 • Da Rippa
Special Rules:
 • Independent Character
 • Furious Charge
 • Mob Rule
 • Waaagh!
 • Exhaust Cloud
 • Da Beast
 • Skilled Rider
Warlord Traits:
 • Biker Boss

Grukk Face-rippa


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Grukk Face-rippa 5 2 5 5 3 4 4 9 4+ Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)
 • ’Eavy Armour
 • Kombi-weapon with rokkit launcha
 • Attack squig
 • Bosspole
 • Stikkbombs
Gifts of Gork and Mork:
 • Git-rippa

Warlord Traits:
 • Bellowing Tyrant
Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Feel No Pain
 • Furious Charge
 • Independent Character
 • Mob Rule
 • Waaagh!




WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Ork Boy 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ Infantry
Boss Nob 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+ Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 10 Ork Boyz
 • Slugga
 • Choppa
 • Stikkbombs

Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge
 • Mob Rule
 • May include up to twenty additional Ork Boyz6 pts/model
 • The entire mob may replace their sluggas with shootas1 pt/model
 • The entire mob may take ’eavy armour4 pts/model
 • For every ten models in the unit, one Ork Boy may replace their ranged weapon with one of the following:
  - Big shoota5 pts
  - Rokkit launcha5 pts
 • One other model may be upgraded to a Boss Nob10 pts
 • The Boss Nob may take items from the Ranged Weapons and/or Melee Weapons lists.
 • The Boss Nob may take a bosspole5 pts
 • The unit may select a Trukk as a Dedicated Transport.



WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Gretchin 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 5 - Infantry
Runtherd 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 10 Gretchin, 1 Runtherd
Wargear (Gretchin):
 • Grot blasta

Wargear (Runtherd):
 • Grabba stikk
 • Slugga
 • Stikkbombs

Special Rules (Runtherd):
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge
 • May include up to twenty additional Gretchin3 pts/model
 • Must take one additional Runtherd for every 10 additional Gretchin in the unit10 pts/model
 • Any Runtherd may replace their grabba stikk with a grot-prod5 pts/model
 • Any Runtherd may take a squig hound5 pts/model

Rustgob’s Runts


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Gretchin 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 5 - Infantry
Rustgob 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 10 Gretchin, 1 Rustgob (Unique)
 • Rustgob has a slugga, grabba stikk, stikkbombs and squig hound.
 • Every Gretchin has a grot blasta.
Special Rules (Rustgob):
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge


Boss Skinrot


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Boss Skinrot 5 2 5 4 2 3 4 8 6+ Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)
 • Stikkbombs

Gifts of Gork and Mork:
 • Mork’s Teeth
Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Fear
 • Furious Charge
 • Independent Character
 • Infiltrate
 • Mob Rule
 • Move Through Cover
 • Stealth
 • Ambush
 • Boss of the Red Skull Kommandos

Burna Boyz


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Burna Boy 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ Infantry
Mek 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 5 Burna Boyz
 • Burna
 • Stikkbombs

Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge
 • Mob Rule
 • May include up to ten additional Burna Boyz16 pts/model
 • Up to three models may be upgraded to Meks, replacing their burnas with Mek’s tools, slugga and choppafree
 • Any Mek may be accompanied by a grot oiler5 pts/model
 • Any Mek may replace his choppa with a killsaw20 pts/model
 • Any Mek can take items from the Mek Weapons list.
 • The unit may select a Trukk as a Dedicated Transport.



WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Kommando 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ Infantry
Boss Nob 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+ Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 5 Kommandos
 • Slugga
 • Choppa
 • Stikkbombs

Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge
 • Infiltrate
 • Mob Rule
 • Move Through Cover
 • Stealth
 • May include up to ten additional Kommandos10 pts/model
 • Up to two Kommandos may replace their sluggas with one of the following:
  - Rokkit launcha5 pts/model
  - Big shoota5 pts/model
  - Burna15 pts/model
 • One model may be upgraded to a Boss Nob10 pts
 • The Boss Nob may take items from the Melee Weapons list.
 • The Boss Nob may take a bosspole5 pts



WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Meganob 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 2+ Infantry
Boss Meganob 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 2+ Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 2 Meganobz, 1 Boss Meganob
 • Twin-linked shoota
 • Power klaw
 • Mega armour
 • Stikkbombs

Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge
 • Mob Rule
 • May include up to seven additional Meganobz40 pts/model
 • Any model may replace their twin-linked shoota and power klaw with two killsaws10 pts/model
 • Any model may replace their twin-linked shoota with one of the following:
  - Kombi-weapon with rokkit launcha5 pts/model
  - Kombi-weapon with skorcha5 pts/model
 • Any model may take a bosspole5 pts/model
 • The unit may select a Trukk or Battlewagon as a Dedicated Transport.



WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Nob 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+ Infantry
Nob Boss 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+ Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 2 Nobz, 1 Boss Nob
 • Slugga
 • Choppa
 • Stikkbombs

Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge
 • Mob Rule
 • May include up to seven additional Nobz18 pts/model
 • Any model may take items from the Ranged Weapons and/or Melee Weapons lists.
 • One Nob may take a Waaagh! banner20 pts
 • Any model may take an ammo runt3 pts/model
 • Any model may take a bosspole5 pts/model
 • The entire mob may take ’eavy armour4 pts/model
 • The entire mob may take warbikes27 pts/model
 • If the unit does not take warbikes, it may select a Trukk or Battlewagon as a Dedicated Transport.



WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Tankbusta 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ Infantry
Boss Nob 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+ Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 5 Tankbustas
 • Choppa (Boss Nob only)
 • Rokkit launcha
 • Stikkbombs
 • Tankbusta bombs

Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge
 • Mob Rule
 • Tank Hunters
 • Glory Hogs
 • May include up to ten additional Tankbustas13 pts/model
 • May include up to three bomb squigs5 pts/model
 • Up to two Tankbustas may replace their rokkit launchas with tankhammers15 pts/model
 • One model may be upgraded to a Boss Nob10 pts
 • The Boss Nob may take items from the Melee Weapons list.
 • The Boss Nob may take a bosspole5 pts
 • The unit may select a Trukk as a Dedicated Transport.

Grot Tank Mob

A Grot Tank Mob may also be included in a standard Codex: Orks army as an Elites choice as long as the army also includes at least one Big Mek.

BS F S R HP Unit Type
Grot Tank 3 10 10 10 2 Vehicle (Tank)
Unit Composition: 3 Grot Tanks
Special Rules:
 • Full Speed Ahead!
 • Rolling Scrap Pile
 • The mob may include up to an additional three Grot Tanks30 pts/model
 • Each Grot Tank in the mob must take one of the following primary weapons:
  - Big shoota5 pts/model
  - Skorcha5 pts/model
  - Grotzooka10 pts/model
  - Rokkit launcha15 pts/model
  - Kustom mega-blasta20 pts/model
 • Any Grot Tank may also have the pintle-mounted shoota5 pts
 • The entire mob may be upgraded with red paint jobs5 pts/model
 • One Grot Tank may be upgraded to have the Kommanda special rule15 pts

Mekboy Junka


BS F S R HP Unit Type
Mekboy Junka 2 11 11 10 3 Vehicle (Tank, Open-topped, Transport)
Unit Composition: 1 Mekboy Junka
 • Three big shootas
 • Grot riggers
 • Turbo-charga
 • The Junka must take one of the following upgrades:
  - Reinforced ramfree
  - Deff rollafree
  - Wreckin’ ballfree
  - Grabbin’ klawfree
 • The Junka may choose to take the following option:
  - ’Ard case15 pts
  - ’Eavy plates20 pts
 • The Junka may exchange any of its big shootas for one of the following:
  - Skorchafree
  - Rokkit launcha5 pts each
  - Twin-linked big shoota10 pts each
  - Twin-linked rokkit launcha15 pts each
  - Kustom mega-blasta15 pts each
 • The Junka may take any one of the following upgrades (if one is taken, its Transport Capacity drops to 6):
  - Supa-skorcha20 pts
  - Big zzappa30 pts
  - Two grot bomms30 pts
  - Boom gun70 pts
  - Junka force field generator75 pts
  - Junka shokk attack gun100 pts

 Transport Capacity: A Mekboy Junka has a Transport Capacity of 10 models.
 Fire Points: A Junka with ’Ard Case has two Fire Points.
 Access Points: A Junka with ’Ard Case has three Access Points: two side doors and rear door.

Skrak’s Skull-Nobz


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Nob 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 4+ Infantry
Skrak Head-smasha 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 4+ Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 4 Nobz, 1 Skrak Head-smasha (Unique)
 • All models in the unit have ’eavy armour, slugga and stikkbombs.
 • Skrak Head-smasha has a choppa and a bosspole.
 • 1 Nob has a choppa.
 • 1 Nob has a kombi-weapon with skorcha and an ammo runt.
 • 2 Nobz each have a power klaw and bosspole.
Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge
 • Hammer of Wrath (Skrak Head-smasha only)
 • Mob Rule

Fast Attack



BS F S R HP Unit Type
Blitza-bommer 2 10 10 10 3 Vehicle (Flyer)
Unit Composition: 1 Blitza-bommer
 • Big shoota
 • Twin-linked supa shoota
 • Two boom bombs
 • May take a red paint job5 pts

Special Rules:
 • Grot Gunner
 • Supersonic
 • Waaagh! Plane



BS F S R HP Unit Type
Burna-bommer 2 10 10 10 3 Vehicle (Flyer)
Unit Composition: 1 Burna-bommer
 • Twin-linked big shoota
 • Twin-linked supa shoota
 • Two burna bombs

Special Rules:
 • Supersonic
 • Waaagh! Plane
 • Grot Gunner
 • May take up to six skorcha missiles10 pts each
 • May take a red paint job5 pts



BS F S R HP Unit Type
Dakkajet 2 10 10 10 3 Vehicle (Flyer)
Unit Composition: 1 Dakkajet
 • Two twin-linked supa shootas

Special Rules:
 • Strafing Run
 • Supersonic
 • Waaagh! Plane
 • May take a red paint job5 pts
 • May take an additional twin-linked supa shoota20 pts
 • May take a flyboss15 pts



WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Deffkopta 4 2 3 5 2 2 2 7 4+ Jetbike
Unit Composition: 1 Deffkopta
 • Twin-linked big shoota
 • Choppa

Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge
 • Hit & Run
 • Mob Rule
 • Scout
 • May include up to four additional Deffkoptas30 pts/model
 • Any Deffkopta may replace their twin-linked big shoota with one of the following:
  - Twin-linked rokkit launchafree
  - Kustom mega-blastafree
 • Any Deffkopta may be equipped with:
  - Bigbomm15 pts/model
  - Buzzsaw25 pts/model



WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Stormboy 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ Jump Infantry
Boss Nob 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+ Jump Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 5 Stormboyz
 • Slugga
 • Choppa
 • Stikkbombs
 • Rokkit pack

Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge
 • Mob Rule
 • May include up to twenty-five additional Stormboyz9 pts/model
 • One model may be upgraded to a Boss Nob10 pts
 • The Boss Nob may take items from the Melee Weapons list.
 • The Boss Nob may take a bosspole5 pts



BS F S R HP Unit Type
Trukk 2 10 10 10 3 Vehicle (Fast, Open-topped, Transport)
Unit Composition: 1 Trukk
 • Big shoota

Special Rules:
 • Ramshackle
 • May replace big shoota with rokkit launchafree
 • Trukks may take items from the Ork Vehicle Equipment list.

 Transport Capacity: Twelve models.



WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Warbiker 4 2 3 5 1 2 2 7 4+ Bike
Boss Nob 4 2 4 5 2 3 3 7 4+ Bike (Character)
Unit Composition: 3 Warbikers
 • Slugga
 • Choppa
 • Warbike

Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge
 • Mob Rule
 • May include up to twelve additional Warbikers18 pts/model
 • One model may be upgraded to a Boss Nob10 pts
 • The Boss Nob may take items from the Melee Weapons list.
 • The Boss Nob may take a bosspole5 pts



BS F S R HP Unit Type
Warbuggy 2 10 10 10 2 Vehicle (Fast, Open-topped)
Skorcha 2 10 10 10 2 Vehicle (Fast, Open-topped)
Wartrakk 2 10 10 10 2 Vehicle (Fast, Open-topped)
Unit Composition: 1 Warbuggy
Wargear (Skorcha):
 • Skorcha

Wargear (Warbuggy):
 • Twin-linked big shoota

Wargear (Wartrakk):
 • Twin-linked big shoota

Special Rules:
 • Outflank
 • Trakked (Skorcha and Wartrakk only)
 • May include up to four additional Warbuggies25 pts/model
 • Any Warbuggy may be upgraded to a Wartrakk5 pts/model
 • Any Warbuggy may be upgraded to a Skorcha10 pts/model
 • Any Warbuggy or Wartrakk may replace its twin-linked big shoota with a twin-linked rokkit launchafree
 • Any model take any of the following:
  - Red paint job5 pts/model
  - Extra armour10 pts/model
  - Grot riggers10 pts/model



BS F S R HP Unit Type Combat Role Pursuit Agility
Blitza-bommer 2 10 10 10 3 Vehicle (Flyer) Bomber 3 2
Unit Composition: 1 Blitza-bommer
 • Big shoota
 • Twin-linked supa shoota
 • Two boom bombs

Special Rules:
 • Grot Gunner
 • Supersonic
 • Waaagh! Plane
 • May be upgraded to a Flyer Wing with up to three additional Blitza-bommers135 pts
 • Any model may take a red paint job5 pts



BS F S R HP Unit Type Combat Role Pursuit Agility
Burna-bommer 2 10 10 10 3 Vehicle (Flyer) Bomber 3 2
Unit Composition: 1 Burna-bommer
 • Twin-linked big shoota
 • Twin-linked supa shoota
 • Two burna bombs

Special Rules:
 • Supersonic
 • Waaagh! Plane
 • Grot Gunner
 • May be upgraded to a Flyer Wing with up to three additional Burna-bommers115 pts
 • Any model may take up to six skorcha missiles10 pts each
 • Any model may take a red paint job5 pts



BS F S R HP Unit Type Combat Role Pursuit Agility
Dakkajet 2 10 10 10 3 Vehicle (Flyer) Fighter 4 2
Unit Composition: 1 Dakkajet
 • Two twin-linked supa shootas

Special Rules:
 • Strafing Run
 • Supersonic
 • Waaagh! Plane
 • May be upgraded to a Flyer Wing with up to three additional Dakkajets110 pts
 • Any model may take a red paint job5 pts
 • Any model may take an additional twin-linked supa shoota20 pts
 • One model may be upgraded to a Flyboss. In a Flyer Wing, this model must be the Wing Leader15 pts

Wazbom Blastajets


BS F S R HP Unit Type Combat Role Pursuit Agility
Wazbom Blastajet 2 10 10 10 3 Vehicle (Flyer) Attack Flyer 4 3
Unit Composition: 1 Dakkajet
 • Twin-linked kustom mega-kannon
 • Smasha gun
 • Stikkbomb flinga

Special Rules:
 • Supersonic
 • Waaagh! Plane
 • Gitbusta Turret
 • Rokkit Boostaz
 • May be upgraded to a Flyer Wing with up to three additional Wazbom Blastajets140 pts
 • Any model may replace its twin-linked kustom mega-kannon with twin-linked tellyport mega-blasta5 pts
 • Any model may take a gitbusta turret with twin-linked supa shoota20 pts
 • Any model may replace its stikkbomb flinga with a kustom force field25 pts
 • Any model may take a red paint job5 pts

Attak Fighta


BS F S R HP Unit Type
Attak Fighta 2 10 10 10 2 Vehicle (Flyer)
Unit Composition: 1 Attak Fighta
 • One nose-mounted twin-linked big shoota
 • One wing-mounted twin-linked big shoota
 • Two bomms

Special Rules:
 • Deep Strike
 • Supersonic
 • May include up to two additional Attak Fightas95 pts/model
 • Any Attak Fighta may replace both of its bomms with two rokkitsfree



BS F S R HP Unit Type
Fighta-bommer 2 11 10 10 3 Vehicle (Flyer)
Unit Composition: 1 Fighta-bommer
 • Four hull-mounted twin-linked big shootas
 • One turret-mounted twin-linked big shoota
 • Six rokkits

Special Rules:
 • Deep Strike
 • Supersonic
 • May replace any number of rokkits with following:
  - Bommsfree
  - Grot Bomms15 pts each
 • In an Apocalypse game the Fighta-bommer may replace all of its rokkits with one of the following payloads:
  - Burna Bomms25 pts each
  - Apocalypse Bomms25 pts each

Grot Mega-tank

A Grot Mega-tank may also be included in a standard Codex: Orks army as a Fast Attack choice as long as the army also includes at least one Grot Tank Mob.

BS F S R HP Unit Type
Grot Mega-tank 3 12 11 10 3 Vehicle (Tank)
Unit Composition: 1 Grot Mega-tank
 • Doza blade
 • Grot riggers

Special Rules:
 • All Aboard
 • Full Speed Ahead!
 • Rolling Scrap Pile
 • Each Grot Mega-tank has two heavy turrets, which must each select one weapon from the following:
  - Twin-linked big shoota10 pts each
  - Twin-linked skorcha10 pts each
  - Twin-linked grotzooka20 pts each
  - Twin-linked rokkit launcha20 pts each
  - Twin-linked kustom mega-blasta30 pts each
 • Each Grot Mega-tank has three light turrets, which must each select one weapon from the following:
  - Big shoota5 pts each
  - Skorcha5 pts each
  - Grotzooka10 pts each
  - Rokkit launcha10 pts each
  - Kustom mega-blasta20 pts each
 • The Grot Mega-tank may also have pintle-mounted shoota5 pts
 • A Grot Mega-tank may have up to two boom kannisters10 pts each
 • The Grot Mega-tank may have any of the following:
  - Red paint job5 pts
  - Wreckin’ ball10 pts

Warkopta Skwadron


BS F S R HP Unit Type
Warkopta 2 10 10 10 2 Vehicle (Fast, Open-topped, Skimmer, Transport)
Unit Composition: 1 Warkopta
 • Twin-linked deffgun
 • Big shoota
 • The Mob may include up to two additional Warkoptas, forming a vehicle squadron65 pts/model
 • Any Warkopta may replace its big shoota with one of the following:
  - Skorchafree
  - Rokkit launcha10 pts/model
  - Kustom mega-blasta15 pts/model
 • Any Warkopta may replace its twin-linked deffgun with twin-linked rattler kannon10 pts/model
 • Any Warkopta may take any of the following:
  - Red paint job5 pts/model
  - Stikkbomb chukkas5 pts/model
  - Up to two bigbommz15 pts/model

 Transport Capacity: A Warkopta has a Transport Capacity of 10 models. A Warkopta may not carry models equipped with mega armour.

Heavy Support



BS F S R HP Unit Type
Battlewagon 2 14 12 10 4 Vehicle (Tank, Open-topped, Transport)
Unit Composition: 1 Battlewagon
 • May take a killkannon30 pts
 • May take one of the following weapons:
  - Kannon10 pts
  - Lobba10 pts
  - Zzap gun10 pts
 • May take up to four of the following weapons in any combination:
  - Big shoota5 pts each
  - Rokkit launcha5 pts each
 • May take any of the following:
  - Deff rolla10 pts
  - ’Ard case15 pts
  - Grabbin’ klaw5 pts
 • Battlewagons may take items from the Ork Vehicle Equipment list.

 Transport Capacity: Twenty models. If the Battlewagon mounts a killkannon it may only carry twelve models.
 Fire Points: If a Battlewagon has the ’ard case upgrade it has five Fire Points, two on either side of the hull and one at the rear.
 Access Points: If a Battlewagon has the ’ard case upgrade it has three Access Points, one on either side of the hull and one at the rear.

Deff Dread


WS BS S F S R I A HP Unit Type
Deff Dread 4 2 5 12 12 10 2 3 3 Vehicle (Walker)
Unit Composition: 1 Deff Dread
 • Two big shootas
 • Two power klaws
 • May replace any of its big shootas with one of the following:
  - Rokkit launchafree
  - Kustom mega-blasta5 pts
  - Skorcha5 pts
  - Power klaw10 pts
 • May take any of the following:
  - Grot riggers10 pts
  - Extra armour10 pts

Flash Gitz


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Flash Gitz 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+ Infantry
Kaptin 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+ Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 4 Flash Gitz, 1 Kaptin
 • Snazzgun
 • Stikkbombs
 • Bosspole
 • Gitfinda

Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge
 • Mob Rule
 • May include up to five additional Flash Gitz22 pts/model
 • Any model may take an ammo runt3 pts/model
 • The unit may select a Trukk or Battlewagon as a Dedicated Transport.



WS BS S F S R I A HP Unit Type
Gorkanaut 4 2 8 13 13 12 2 4 5 Vehicle (Walker, Transport)
Unit Composition: 1 Gorkanuat
 • Deffstorm mega-shoota
 • Two twin-linked big shootas
 • Two rokkit launchas
 • Skorcha
 • Klaw of Gork (or possibly Mork)

Special Rules:
 • Rampage
 • May take any of the following:
  - Extra armour10 pts
  - Grot riggers20 pts

 Transport Capacity: Six models.
 Fire Points: None.
 Access Points: A Gorkanaut has one Access Point at the front.

Killa Kans


WS BS S F S R I A HP Unit Type
Killa Kans 2 3 5 11 11 10 2 2 2 Vehicle (Walker)
Unit Composition: 1 Killa Kan
 • Big shoota
 • Kan klaw

Special Rules:
 • Cowardly Grots!
 • May include up to five additional Killa Kans50 pts/model
 • Any Killa Kan can replace their big shoota with one of the following:
  - Rokkit launchafree
  - Grotzooka5 pts/model
  - Kustom mega-blasta5 pts/model
  - Skorcha5 pts/model
 • Any Killa Kan can take any of the following:
  - Grot riggers5 pts/model
  - Extra armour10 pts/model



WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Loota 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ Infantry
Mek 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 5 Lootas
 • Deffgun
 • Stikkbombs

Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge
 • Mob Rule
 • May include up to ten additional Lootas14 pts/model
 • Up to three models may be upgraded to Meks, replacing their deffgun with Mek’s tools, slugga and choppafree
 • Any Mek may be accompanied by a grot oiler5 pts/model
 • Any Mek may replace his choppa with a killsaw20 pts/model
 • Any Mek may take items from the Mek Weapons list.
 • The unit may select a Trukk as a Dedicated Transport.

Mek Gunz


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Mek Gun - - - 7 2 - - - 3+ Artillery
Gretchin 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 5 - Artillery
Unit Composition: 1 Mek Gun, 2 Gretchin
Wargear (Gretchin):
 • Close combat weapon

Wargear (Mek Gun):
 • Kannon
 • May include up to four additional Mek Gunz (each including two Gretchin)18 pts/model
 • Each Mek Gun can include up to two additional Gretchin3 pts/model
 • Each Mek Gun can include one ammo runt3 pts/model
 • Any Mek Gun can replace its kannon with one of the following:
  - Lobbafree
  - Zzap gun5 pts/model
  - Bubblechukka12 pts/model
  - Kustom mega-kannon12 pts/model
  - Smasha gun12 pts/model
  - Traktor kannon12 pts/model



WS BS S F S R I A HP Unit Type
Morkanaut 4 2 8 13 13 12 2 4 5 Vehicle (Walker, Transport)
Unit Composition: 1 Morkanaut
 • Two twin-linked big shootas
 • Kustom mega-blasta
 • Kustom mega-kannon
 • Two rokkit launchas
 • Klaw of Gork (or possibly Mork)
 • May take a kustom force field50 pts
 • May take any of the following:
  - Extra armour10 pts
  - Grot riggers20 pts

 Transport Capacity: Six models.
 Fire Points: None.
 Access Points: A Morkanaut has one Access Point at the front.

Flakk Trakk


BS F S R HP Unit Type
Flakk Trakk 2 12 11 10 3 Vehicle (Tank, Open-topped, Transport)
Unit Composition: 1 Flakk Trakk
 • Flakka gunz
 • Two big shootas

Special Rules:
 • Go, go, go!
 • Rumbler
 • The Flakk Trakk may exchange either of its big shootas for one of the following:
  - Skorchas5 pts each
  - Rokkit launchas10 pts each
 • The Flakk Trakk can also have up to two additional pintle-mounted weapons:
  - Big shootas5 pts each
  - Skorchas10 pts each
  - Rokkit launchas15 pts each
 • The Flakk Trakkk may also take any of the following upgrades:
  - Boarding plank5 pts
  - Grot riggers5 pts
  - Red paint job5 pts
  - Stikkbomb chukka5 pts
  - ’Ard case10 pts
 • The Flakk Trakk may also have one of the following:
  - Deff rolla10 pts
  - Grabbin’ klaw10 pts
  - Reinforced ram10 pts
  - Wreckin’ ball10 pts
 • The Flakk Trakk may also have up to two grot sponsons5 pts each

 Transport Capacity: The Flakk Trakk has a transport capacity of 6.
 Fire Points: If given an ’Ard case the Flakk Trakk has two fire points on each side.
 Access Points: If given an ’Ard case the Flakk Trakk has a rear access door.

Flakk Trukk


BS F S R HP Unit Type
Flakk Trukk 2 10 10 10 3 Vehicle (Fast, Open-topped)
Unit Composition: 1 Flakk Trukk
 • Flakka gunz
 • Big shoota

Special Rules:
 • Go, go, go!
 • Ramshackle
 • May include up to two additional Flakk Trukks75 pts/model
 • Any Gun Trukk may take any of the following:
  - Grot riggers5 pts
  - Red paint job5 pts
  - Reinforced ram5 pts
  - Stikkbomb chukka5 pts
  - Wreckin’ ball10 pts
 • Any Gun Trukk may replace its big shoota with rokkit launcha5 pts

Big Squiggoth


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Big Squiggoth 2 2 6 7 6 1 2 5 3+ Monstrous Creature
Unit Composition: 1 Big Squiggoth
Special Rules:
 • Trample
 • Wild Rampage
 • Monstrous Transport
 • Orkish War Beast
 • The Big Squiggoth may be given one of the following weapons:
  - Kannon20 pts
  - Lobba25 pts
  - Zzap gun30 pts
 • The Big Squiggoth may be upgraded to have the Snakebite Combat Drugs special rule15 pts



WS BS S F S R I A HP Unit Type
Mega-dread 4 2 10 13 13 11 2 3 3 Vehicle (Walker)
Unit Composition: 1 Mega-dread
 • Killkannon
 • Rippa klaw or kill saw
 • Two big shootas
 • Extra armour

Special Rules:
 • Ramshackle Monster
 • The Mega-dread may take any of the following upgrades:
  - Grot riggers5 pts
  - One additional big shoota10 pts
  - Mega-charga15 pts
 • The Mega-dread may replace its killkannon with one of the following:
  - Supa-skorchafree
  - Additional rippa klaw or kill saw (+1 Attack)free
 • The Mega-dread may replace its rippa klaw or kill saw with one of the following:
  - Supa-skorchafree
  - Additional killkannon (-1 Attack)35 pts
 • The Mega-dread may replace any of its big shootas with one of the following:
  - Skorchasfree
  - Rokkit launchas5 pts each
  - Kustom mega-blasta10 pts each

Looted Wagon


BS F S R HP Unit Type
Looted Wagon 2 11 11 10 3 Vehicle (Tank, Open-topped, Transport)
Unit Composition: 1 Looted Wagon
Special Rules:
 • Don’t Press Dat
 • May take killkannon30 pts
 • May take up to three of the following:
  - Big shoota5 pts each
  - Rokkit launcha5 pts each
  - Skorcha5 pts each
 • May take any of the following:
  - Grabbin’ klaw5 pts
  - Deff rolla10 pts
  - ’Ard case15 pts
 • May take items from the Ork Vehicle Equipment list.

 Transport Capacity: Twelve models.
 Fire Points: If a Looted Wagon has the ’ard case upgrade it has three fire points, one on either side of the hull and one at the rear.
 Access Points: If a Looted Wagon has the ’ard case upgrade it has one access point at the rear.

Krumpa’s Killa Kanz


WS BS S F S R I A HP Unit Type
Killa Kans 2 3 5 11 11 10 2 2 2 Vehicle (Walker)
Krumpa 2 3 5 11 11 10 2 2 2 Vehicle (Walker, Character)
Unit Composition: 2 Killa Kanz, 1 Krumpa (Unique)
 • Аll models in the unit have a kan klaw.
 • Krumpa has a grotzooka.
 • 1 Killa Kan has a big shoota.
 • 1 Killa Kan has a rokkit launcha.
Special Rules:
 • Power-mad Bully
 • Cowardly Grots!

Lords of War

Ghazghkull Thraka


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Ghazghkull Thraka 6 2 5 5 4 4 5 9 2+ Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)
 • Cybork body
 • Mega armour
 • Big shoota
 • Power klaw
 • Bosspole
 • Stikkbombs

Warlord Traits:
 • Prophet of the Waaagh!
 • Ghazghkull Thraka may take items from the Runts & Squigs list.

Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Eternal Warrior
 • Furious Charge
 • Independent Character
 • Mob Rule
 • Waaagh!
 • Prophet of Gork and Mork



WS BS S F S R I A HP Unit Type
Stompa 4 2 10 13 13 12 1 4 12 Super-heavy Walker (Transport)
Unit Composition: 1 Stompa
 • Three big shootas
 • Deff kannon
 • Skorcha
 • Supa-gatler
 • Three supa rokkits
 • Twin-linked big shoota
 • Mega-choppa
 • May take up to two additional supa-rokkits20 pts each
 • May take grot riggers30 pts

Special Rules:
 • Effigy

 Transport Capacity: Twenty models.
 Fire Points: Four; three in its belly, one in its head.
 Access Points: A Stompa has one Access Point at the rear.

Big Mek Stompa


WS BS S F S R I A HP Unit Type
Big Mek Stompa 4 2 10 13 13 12 1 4 12 Super-heavy Walker
Unit Composition: 1 Big Mek Stompa
 • Three big shootas
 • Gaze of mork
 • Lifta-droppa
 • Mega-klaw

Special Rules:
 • Effigy
 • Power Fields
 • May take up to 3 supa-rokkits20 pts each
 • May replace mega-klaw with deff kannon50 pts
 • May take one belly mounted deff kannon100 pts

 Transport Capacity: 20 models.
 Fire Points: A total of 10 models may fire from the Big Mek Stompa’s firing hatches.
 Access Points: A Big Mek Stompa has one Access Point at the rear.

Gargantuan Squiggoth


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Gargantuan Squiggoth 2 2 10 8 8 1 5 7 4+ Gargantuan Creature
Unit Composition: 1 Gargantuan Squiggoth
 • Two supa-lobbas
 • Two twin-linked big shootas

Special Rules:
 • Tusked
 • May take up to four extra big shootas (must be fired by an embarked Ork)5 pts each

 Transport Capacity: 20 models. A Gargantuan Squiggoth is treated as an Open-topped Super-heavy vehicle for the purposes of Transport.

Flakk Battle Fortress


BS F S R HP Unit Type
Flakk Battle Fortress 2 14 13 11 9 Super-heavy Vehicle (Open-topped)
Unit Composition: 1 Flakk Battle Fortress
 • Deff Rolla or Reinforced Ram
 • Three turret-mounted Flakka Gunz

Special Rules:
 • Crushing Weight
 • The Battle Fortress may take any of the following upgrades:
  - Up to four Grot Sponsons5 pts each
  - Grot Riggers10 pts
  - Boarding plank10 pts
  - ’Ard Case25 pts
 • The Battle Fortress may also take Grabbin’ Klaw or Wreckin’ Ball15 pts
 • The Battle Fortress may be given up to a total of four extra pintle-mounted weapons chosen from the following list:
  - Big shoota5 pts each
  - Skorcha5 pts each
  - Rokkit launcha10 pts each
  - Twin-linked big shoota15 pts each
  - Twin-linked rokkit launcha20 pts each

 Transport Capacity: The Flakk Battle Fortress has a Transport Capacity of 30.
 Fire Points: If the Flakk Battle Fortress has the ’Ard case upgrade, then two transported Ork models may fire from each side and two from the rear.
 Access Points: If the Flakk Battle Fortress has an ’Ard case, it has three access points: left side doors, right side doors and a top hatch.

‘Kustom’ Battle Fortress


BS F S R HP Unit Type
Battle Fortress 2 14 13 11 9 Super-heavy Vehicle (Open-topped)
Unit Composition: 1 Battle Fortress
 • One turret-mounted kannon
 • Two turret-mounted Zzap guns

Special Rules:
 • Crushing Weight
 • The Battle Fortress may take any of the following upgrades:
  - Up to four Grot Sponsons5 pts each
  - Boarding plank10 pts
  - ’Ard Case25 pts
 • The Battle Fortress may also take Grabbin’ Klaw or Wreckin’ Ball15 pts
 • The Battle Fortress may take any of the following:
  - Three Grot Bomms20 pts each
  - or three Supa-Rokkits15 pts each
 • The Battle Fortress may replace any of its kannon or Zzap guns with a lobba, kannon or another Zzap gun
(This means it may have three big gunz in any combination at no extra cost)
 • The Battle Fortress may be given up to a total of four extra pintle-mounted weapons chosen from the following list:
  - Big shoota5 pts each
  - Skorcha5 pts each
  - Rokkit launcha10 pts each
  - Twin-linked big shoota15 pts each
  - Twin-linked rokkit launcha20 pts each
 • Instead of replacing its turret-mounted big gunz for another big gun for free, they may be upgraded to an even bigger gun! Any one of them may be upgraded to one of the following:
  - Big lobba25 pts
  - Big Zzappa30 pts
  - Flakka gunz35 pts
  - Killkannon35 pts
  - Supa-lobba*45 pts
  - Supa-kannon*65 pts
* For each supa-kannon or supa-lobba chosen, the Battle Fortress' Transport Capacity is reduced by ten.

 Transport Capacity: The Battle Fortress has a Transport Capacity of 30.
 Fire Points: If the Battle Fortress has the ’Ard case upgrade, then two transported Ork models may fire from each side and two from the rear.
 Access Points: If the Battle Fortress has an ’Ard case, it has three access points: left side doors, right side doors and a top hatch.

Kill Blasta


BS F S R HP Unit Type
Kill Blasta 2 14 13 10 7 Super-heavy Vehicle
Unit Composition: 1 Kill Blasta
 • Hull-mounted gigashoota
 • Twin-linked big shoota

Special Rules:
 • Crushing Weight
 • Engine Damage
 • Overdrive
 • Tank Riders
 • A Kill Blasta may be given up to two extra weapons chosen from the following:
  - Big shoota5 pts each
  - Skorcha5 pts each
  - Rokkit launcha10 pts each
  - Twin-linked big shoota15 pts each
  - Twin-linked rokkit launcha20 pts each
 • A Kill Blasta may be equipped with up to two grot bomms20 pts each
 • A Kill Blasta may have up to two grot sponsons5 pts each
 • A Kill Blasta may have grot gunners (increasing its BS to 3)25 pts

 Transport Capacity: The Kill Blasta has a transport capacity of 12 models.

Kill Bursta


BS F S R HP Unit Type
Kill Bursta 2 14 13 10 7 Super-heavy Vehicle
Unit Composition: 1 Kill Bursta
 • Hull-mounted belly gun
 • Twin-linked big shoota
 • Grot riggers

Special Rules:
 • Crushing Weight
 • Engine Damage
 • Overdrive
 • Tank Riders
 • A Kill Bursta may be given up to two extra weapons chosen from the following:
  - Big shoota5 pts each
  - Skorcha5 pts each
  - Rokkit launcha10 pts each
  - Twin-linked big shoota15 pts each
  - Twin-linked rokkit launcha20 pts each
 • The Kill Bursta may be equipped with up to two grot bomms20 pts each
 • The Kill Bursta may have up to two grot sponsons5 pts each
 • A Kill Bursta may have grot gunners (increasing its BS to 3)25 pts
 • A Kill Bursta may exchange its belly gun for a bursta kannon50 pts

 Transport Capacity: The Kill Bursta has a transport capacity of 12 models.

Kill Krusha


BS F S R HP Unit Type
Kill Krusha 2 14 12 10 7 Super-heavy Vehicle
Unit Composition: 1 Kill Krusha
 • Turret-mounted krusha kannon

Special Rules:
 • Crushing Weight
 • Engine Damage
 • Overdrive
 • Tank Riders
 • The Kill Krusha may be given up to a total of five extra weapons chosen from the following:
  - Big shoota5 pts each
  - Skorcha5 pts each
  - Rokkit launcha10 pts each
  - Twin-linked big shoota10 pts each
  - Twin-linked rokkit launcha15 pts each
 • The Kill Krusha may be equipped with up to two grot bomms20 pts each
 • The Kill Krusha may have up to two grot sponsons5 pts each

 Transport Capacity: The Kill Krusha has a transport capacity of 12 models.

Kill Team

Snagrod’s Burna Boyz


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Irontoof 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+ Infantry (Character)
Ulkrippa 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+ Infantry
Gitsmoke 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+ Infantry
Mek Skraplug 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ Infantry (Character)
Burna Boyz 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ Infantry

BS F S R HP Unit Type
Trukk 2 10 10 10 3 Vehicle (Fast, Open-topped, Transport)
Unit Composition: 1 Boss Nob Irontoof (Unique), 1 Nob Ulkrippa (Unique), 1 Nob Gitsmoke (Unique), 1 Mek Skraplug (Unique), 4 Burna Boyz, 2 Trukks
 • All Infantry models have stikkbombs
 • Mek Skraplug has a kustom mega-blasta and mek’s tools
 • All Burna Boyz have a burna
 • All Nobz have slugga and choppa
 • Both Trukks are armed with a big shoota
Special Rules:
 • ’Ere We Go!
 • Furious Charge
 • Mob Rule
 • Ramshackle (Trukk)

Leader Trait:
 • Irontoof has the following Leader Trait: Iron Resolve
 • Ulkrippa is a Dirty Fighter specialist and has the following special rule: Exploit Weakness
 • Gitsmoke is a Combat specialist and has the following special rule: Killer Instinct
 • Mekboy Skraplug is a Weapon Specialist and has the following special rule: Master-Craftsman